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Triple Slartifer, Part 5

Mea Tulpa

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Well... the logic of trying to dig up the real reasons isn't working, so...


198. The Infinite and I - This referred to one of Alorael's PDNs, but I forget which

'Cause Alo has an infinite # of PDN's


201. Entailitory - Knee-jerk Protestant boots?

This is what you get in your inheritance. A pair of boots.


202. AUTOEXEG.BAT - Presuppositions coming out the reverse, you might say

presuppositions coming out the reverse would be like post-supositions, right? After I see this PDN, I assume someone doesn't know how to spell... or type.


203. 7 words blow 3 words. - Shift made in recognition of a forum logic puzzle

Because there must be some form of logic behind the PDN even though I cannot decipher the puzzle.


212. Concometant - Titular crossroads

To do with two titles existing at the same time?


216. Putrepope - Suffixes of death

In reality, I can find no suffixes in any of these PDN's for death or words related to death but this pairing has not been guessed yet so...


219. Saropotence - Critique of Vague Reason

Necropotence is a Magic: The gathering card that took away a life in exchange for an additional card. Can't find the meaning or reference of Saro, though... except that it can be something to do with an eclipse. I paired it with the critique because many people debated the usage of the first card.


225. Lists Across America!- Twiggypedia?

You said she was only a guest or rather Twiggypedia is a guest on Lists Across America!? I've read up a little on Twiggy but I don't know what Lists Across America is referencing. There are a lot of *Something* Across America shows.


226. Wisteria Wall-Walker - Steinian cornucopia

Wisteria can be a vine that walks up walls. I do not know which Stein this references but since wisteria is a flower and cornucopia's can have flowers in them... maybe.


229. Disambiguation Cage - Not part of the Meldrew curse

Did they over explain things on "One Foot in the Grave"?


235. Pansupticon Ply - Canine leader

References the Panopticon building where guards could watch the prisoners without them knowing it. Sup means less or under and ply means layer. When I think of Canine leader I think 'underdog' who has super powers and such. So the bad guys don't know that they are being observed since its just a dog. - I think I'm stretching it... many of them actually but none are really clicking.

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Not part of the Meldrew curse - through assiduous use of Google, I think I know what this comes from: a computer game (text-based adventure game, from what I can tell) named Curses. The unflinchingly reliable TV Tropes indicates the curse has to do with not finishing stuff. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find out any more about the game or the curse that would help out in this puzzle. Still, I'm rather proud of what I've discovered. cool


I must guess "203. 7 words blow 3 words." goes with this clue, simply on the basis that it's a text-based adventure game. If that's not it, maybe this intel will help someone else scoop up the points.

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203 - no



219 - YES (+2) - -saro and -potence are both attached to "Necro" as suffixes: Necrosaro (as I hinted at in my Taloon boon example), the evolved version of Saro in DW4, and Necropotence in the infamous MtG card (from Ice Age, I think) that spawned numerous deck archetypes in the 90's.



220 - no - I had to look this up. It is in FF6 Advance, apparently, but not classic FF6



225 - no



198 - no

201 - no

202 - no

203 - no

212 - no

216 - no

219 - no - and argh you found Necropotence, so very close!

225 - YES (+2) - In an episode of Absolutely Fabulous, Edina attempts to convince Twiggy to remain her PR client by signing her up to lead a (fictional) American GLBT rights movement with the slogan "Fists Across America!" And Wikipedia is full of lists. Lists of lists. Even a list of lists of lists. *swoons*

226 - no

229 - no

235 - no



Meldrew curse - YES! The game was indeed called "Curses" and it was by Andrew Plotkin, who also created System's Twilight. Amazing, classic, seminal text adventure. Also I never finished it, so I guess the curse hit me.

203 - no.


Clearly, these have ended up being very hard. I will need to find some way of giving further hints -- although I am a bit surprised that the hints I have given have not been applied in some (to me) fairly obvious ways.

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Augmented Sholai, meet Augmented Clues:


1) If a PDN looks slightly different from a familiar thing, that slight change is not an accident and is probably key to figuring out what it means. For example, if an 8.3 filename is 1 letter off from what you are expecting, that 1 letter is not a random change and is the key to figuring out what is going on. What can you make of the filename?


3) In the PDNs, affixes are your friends! (Well, except maybe for the one with the suffixes of death) Breaking down long words will help. A lot. For example:

* Con-comet-ant / concomitant (combine them, you've already looked them up)

* Pan-sup-(t)-icon Ply / pan-opt-icon / sup-ply / ??????

* En-tail-itory / en-tail-ment / ??????

Originally Posted By: Slarty
and I will hint that there are some word shifts going on à la Masticore Punk.


4) Kant is in here somewhere, yes, the most famous of his quotes, in fact, and so is Plotkin again, a poetically described attribute of his main building, in fact.


5) There's more than one way to parse a clue. Knee-jerk Protestant boots, I'm looking at you now.


6) A number of video game references remain at large. Including, I am afraid, one more Dragon Warrior 3 reference.

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202. AUTOEXEG.BAT - Shift made in recognition of a forum logic puzzle


Originally Posted By: Slarty
) If a PDN looks slightly different from a familiar thing, that slight change is not an accident and is probably key to figuring out what it means. For example, if an 8.3 filename is 1 letter off from what you are expecting, that 1 letter is not a random change and is the key to figuring out what is going on. What can you make of the filename?

It's suppose to be AUTOEXEC.BAT so C is now G

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201. Entailitory - Critique of Vague Reason


Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.

Immanuel Kant


Because the laws will be totalitory and the rest of the world will inherit them.


202. AUTOEXEG.BAT - Knee-jerk Protestant boots?


Automatic: Knee-jerk :: Exegesis: Protestant deciphering of texts:: bat : boots, the gothic kind

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198. The Infinite and I - Not part of the Meldrew curse

You can finish everything if you have infinity to work on it.


203. 7 words blow 3 words. - This referred to one of Alorael's PDNs, but I forget which

This PDN makes no sense so it might be because the clue has been forgotten.


220. Cloudy Heavens - Presuppositions coming out the reverse, you might say

assuming the heavens are cloudy?


226. Wisteria Wall-Walker - Shift made in recognition of a forum logic puzzle

The shift here is actually the capital "W" to honor the logic puzzle that obviously started with that letter. >.>


229. Disambiguation Cage - Titular crossroads

I would say that trying to explain all these PDN's with their crossword like clues is a cage of slarty's design.


235. Pansupicon Ply - Steinian cornucopia

supply and cornucopia go together I suppose. I still don't know which stein is referenced here though.



And I'm going to bed.

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201 - no

202 - YES (+2) - I can't believe no one connected AUTOEXEC.BAT with booting up a computer. It's knee-jerk because it's executed AUTOmatically on bootup, or because that's how EXEGESIS is sometimes practiced. That's what I meant about parsing: everyone assumed "boots" was a noun, but it was in fact a verb.

216 - YES (+3)

212 - YES (+3) - comets are often interpreted as omens of doom

198 - no

203 - YES (+2) - Just jogged my memory: I believed it referred to a sentence made out of 2 consecutive PDN's of Alorael's, where if you inserted "blow" in after the 7th word, it became... well, more interesting.

220 - no

226 - no

229 - YES (+2) - Sad that nobody got this given how quickly people connected the PDN to Wikipedia. What *is* a Disambiguation Page? Why, it's the crossroads of all the page titles that could have identical redirects!

235 - YES (+2) - You can make "supply" and "panoply" out of the PDN, among other things. The words have some prosodic value and some implied meaning from their parts but are not regular words, much like Gertrude Stein used.

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Alas, the clues just aren't doing it for me...maybe I should have used more canisters?


201. Entailitory - Not part of the Meldrew curse? Since the game apparently involves a long family line, there could be inheritance stuff involved.


198. The Infinite and I - This referred to one of Alorael's PDNs, but I forget which. The main the reason I'm guessing at these two is that they both invoke the first-person pronoun.


226. Wisteria Wall-Walker - I think this must be the Plotkin building reference you mentioned above. I just don't know clue goes with it. Perhaps - Presuppositions coming out the reverse, you might say?


220. Cloudy Heavens - Shift made in recognition of a forum logic puzzle. There have been multiple references to the bow in the clouds (and in the clods); perhaps this is a shift to a cloudy sky?


203. 7 words blow 3 words. - Critique of Vague Reason. That leave this pairing. Certainly it's a very vague PDN.

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No x5, I'm afraid.



198 - YES (+2) - this PDN was a shift from the previous one ("The Impossible and I") in reference to a series of logic puzzles on the boards, some of which involved the use of infinities.



201 - YES (+2) - This one mishmashed "entailment" with "suppository." I will refrain from explaining any more details.


Here are the final answers:


220. Cloudy Heavens -- Critique of Vague Reason


I will offer a point or two for the best explanation of the connection on that one.


226. Wisteria Wall-Walker -- Not part of the Meldrew curse


There was a memorable line about "Wisteria climbs the fire escape, and so might you" in Curses. That was all. Okay, probably not my best clue ever.


Tomorrow afternoon I'll award points for 220, post score updates and (hopefully) post the next round.

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Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe -- the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.
- Immanuel Kant

When the heavens are starry Kant can see clearly for pure reason. When the heavens are cloudy than his reasons are more vague. Clouded judgment, as it were.
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+2 Nikki

+1 Dantius

+1 Rowen

+1 Nioca



+26 Jewels

+25 Triumph

+16 Dikiyoba

+15 Dintiradan

+8 Randomizer

+7 Nioca

+4 Dantius

+3 Rowen

+2 Skwish-E

+2 Nikki



87 Triumph

57 Dikiyoba

42 Jewels

36 Dantius

35 Dintiradan

21 Sarachim

20 Randomizer

11 Nikki

10 Rowen

08 Nioca

08 Skwish-E

04 Niemand

03 Darth Ernie

01 The Ratt

01 Excalibur


Point values will continue to inflate and there will be a Final Slartordyesque mechanic at the end: so I should say that your goal is not to beat everyone else, but to reach at least 50% of the top score.


Round 6 (of 7) will happen tomorrow.

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