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Triple Slartifer, Part 3

Mea Tulpa

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118. Power Card v. Infinite Start - "Because you are... IDIOT! Zee! It IS NOT moving!": Forever starting does not mean you are moving.


156. Reflexive and Heady Evasion - After a pleasant chat with the princesses: Cause after saving her she goes and gets caught again without you even knowing. In fact, the princesses was never the princesses in the first place; she's in another castle.


149. Cosmic Containment Unix - The world around us, to an immaterialist: Everything is so...simple and small.


I am way to slow at this.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Wait, I paired two clues. *facepalm*
You're not alone, Dantius. There's been a couple of times where I'm all, "Wait, it makes total sense! These two go together so well... and they're on the same column. Crap."

Originally Posted By: Rowen
I think I see a TF2 reference in there.
Slarty's pulling from a wide pool of references, but he doesn't seem to be the TF2 type (though I agree, "Because you are... IDIOT! Zee! It IS NOT moving!" sounds like something you'd hear on a Payload map).

Re: EarthBound

Nope, haven't actually played it, just read/watched about it. Here's a fun fact and a couple dirty secrets.

Fun fact: I've never owned a console (and never will). I've played a few games at friends' houses (mostly N64, a bit of SuperNES), but that's it.

Dirty secrets: I hardly ever have time for video games anymore, but I still keep up to date by reading/watching reviews. Eventually I got into the nasty habit of watching reviews for classic games as well. Thus, while I may know what contributions the Ultima series made to the development of modern CRPGs, I've never actually played any of them. Dirty secret number two deals with games I have played. With a lot of games, I'm able to play for a while, then drop it for a few months when things get busy, then pick it up again. But not for some genres, like CRPGs. Whenever I return to a CRPG after a few months hiatus, I find it impossible to re-immerse myself. Eventually, I give up and just skim someone else's LP.

Hello. My name is Dintiradan, and I'm a poser.

EDIT: I'm going to try 149. Cosmic Containment Unix -- Marvellous Magus launches C war, for no other reason than that C is the language of Unix.
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132 -- NO


Some general advice for you specifically: in this round, I really tried to make sure the clues all had rock solid connections. Sometimes you may be missing knowledge about a particular thing involved in the connection. However, if the connection is something you know about, once you think of it, it should immediately be clear that that must be it. If you're stringing together a tenuous connection because A is kind of related to B which is kind of related to C... you are more likely just discovering the fact that there are recurring themes in my PDNs, such as the aforementioned psychology, fantasy, and escapism. Wait until you see the next set -- it has the whole string of PDNs from when I was infatuated with a new S.O. Heh.


Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
Fun fact: I've never owned a console (and never will). I've played a few games at friends' houses (mostly N64, a bit of SuperNES), but that's it.
Emulators, hi. Consoles are so mid-90's, at least in my head.


With a lot of games, I'm able to play for a while, then drop it for a few months when things get busy, then pick it up again. But not for some genres, like CRPGs. Whenever I return to a CRPG after a few months hiatus, I find it impossible to re-immerse myself.

I'm the same way, except I don't bother skimming LPs. As I occasionally comment, a lot of people would be surprised to hear that I have not actually reached the ending of a SW game since Geneforge 2.



149 - YES! (That's where the C came from. The rest of it came from _Infinity War_, a Marvel Comics limited series in which a character called Magus attempts to take over the universe by means of the Cosmic Containment Units.)



130 - NO

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Is 146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné paired with The first step is admitting you have a problem? Because Alcoholics Anonymous states that no matter how much you try and change, you're still an alcoholic and you can regress back to being such- you're "chained" to it no matter how much you "change"

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This is tenuous, but judging by the M*A*S*H video, I'm going to try:


130. Kernel Plotter -- Sherman as protagonist


The show had a character named Colonel Sherman T. Potter, the commander of the hospital for a period of time (I've only watched the movie and the final episode of the show).


(And all this time I thought it was a Unix joke. Please tell me the Greps of Wrath is one.)

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142. Displacer Feast is paired with Master, we will build Phlan as you command. The Displacer Beast is a monster in the Forgotten Realms DnD campaign setting, which also contains the city of Phlan.


See, I caught both DnD references, but I couldn't get any connection beyond that, so I didn't post.

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130 - YES! (And it is also a Unix joke, and a reference to kernel sentences. But the different pieces aren't really connected or necessary here.)


Greps of Wrath is definitely about grep, no question about that.


Nikki: it did that to me too.



142 - No. The Displacer Beast reference is correct. Also the Phlan reference is correct. But Displacer Beasts and Phlan are not related at all. Look for other ways to use those references for both items.

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The displacer beast can be found in the core rulebooks; it isn't specific to one setting.


I don't know much about the Forgotten Realms setting. But I do know that Pools of Radiance takes place in the setting (at least the sequel did, assuming the C64 version did too). Therefore:


155. Bloodpoolrad -- Master, we will build Phlan as you command


EDIT: Going to bed soon, so I'll spill what I know for the rest of you:




127. Principia Iridia: a play on Principia Mathematica


148. Greps of Wrath: grep is a Unix program that lets you search a file/files/stream/whatever for a certain string. Grapes of Wrath is a Steinbeck novel set in the Thirties.




Delphi: Could refer to the Greek city (and oracle), or to the programming language. Possibly both.


Reminescent of System's Twilight and Finnegans Wake: Don't know about System's Twilight, but Finnegan's Wake was a friggin' weird book by Joyce.


The first step is admitting you have a problem: Definitely an *A reference.

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142 - No.



155 - YES! ("Poolrad" was the file name for Pool of Radiance, in which you clear the ruins of Old Phlan in the order of your choosing ostensibly so New Phlan can continue to be built over them, and "Bloodpool" was one of the cities you build in the SNES game Actraiser, where you play God and people refer to you as Master when you tell them what direction to build in.)

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I barely made it in time to answer anything so I haven't read anyone else's answers. I hate to rush on good puzzles like these. You get what you get.


138. Swampshedding in Broad Daylight - The first step is admitting you have a problem

Cuz shedding your clothing and such in the swamp is a big problem, especially in the daylight.


146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné - When paradigms fail


Paradigm is a pattern. This pattern has failed.


147. Monied Hexes and Parselmouths - What they did to Harry's wand, e.g.

Hexes are magic, right? And I think I remember something close to parselmouth from the book.


148. Greps of Wrath - Delphi

Was Grep written in Delphi? Hints are leaning towards this


154. Trottoisie - The madwoman in the attic, perhaps

As opposed to the fluffy turtle in the basement


156. Reflexive and Heady Evasion - Alcoholism

Beer has a head and is used to evade reality.


Took out my wild guesses to save face...

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147 - yes



146 - no

147 - no

148 - no

154 - no

156 - yes!

138 before you erased it - yes!

155 - correction: no


EDIT: For the rest, it's probably google time. Although if my video links didn't help, google may fail you also. At least one of my links literally verbalizes the clue and answer almost as written...

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Yeah, I was pretty sure about 138 and put it back in when I noticed it gone.


Round two then? With some research so I'm not completely clueless.


118. Power Card v. Infinite Start - Fools' Recursives


The power card gives you infinate starts. These two relate to themselves.


136. Glitch My Asthma - Amazon Frail


Amazon Trail is a game kinda like Oregon Trail only not nearly as epic. People with Asthma could be considered Frail so... perhaps.


131. Iron Spiralite - To straighten things out is


Spiralite is the brand name of a strong hose. An Iron hose could keep quite straight.


137. Banks of the Hyperspeed Stream - Reminescent of System's Twilight and Finnegans Wake


System's Twilight is a tough logic puzzle game, Finnegan's wake is a difficult to understand book and thus is the ideology of Hyperspeed. Plus a wake is the waves left behind a boat while on a stream.


134. Crise de Signification - "Because you are... IDIOT! Zee! It IS NOT moving!"


Sounds like a significant crisis for someone foreign to me.


Edit: But I matched 155 on Phlan and Bloodpudding having the same consistency... Just a wild guess. Course I wouldn't dream looking the gift horse in the mouth. wink


I have another possibly better guess for 134 already but I don't know if I can have two up at once. Either way I fail.

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154. Trottoisie - To straighten things out is. Based on when a google search found when you were quoted as posting on the forum as this name, it may have had something to do with solving problems. I would guess the name had something to do with the problem / resolution you advocated.

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(Same advice for you, Jewels, as for Dantius)



118 - No

136 - Yes (you got the asthma/frail connection. the other is a reference to the 2009 de-listing controversy in which Amazon.com removed books some people might find objectionable from its search capabilities; this was originally referenced with the tag #amazonfail, and after Amazon released a low credibility statement blaming the problem on a "glitch," the tag was replaced with #glitchmyass.)

131 - No

137 - Yes (you got the spirit of it. Finnegans Wake is most known for its stream of consciousness writing style, and System's Twilight included a similarly described river of random data.)

134 - No


Re 155, I thought your comment was more specific. But now I can't tell because you erased it! Okay, pity point rescinded.



127 - Yes! There's no way around spoilers on this one: Lufia = Erim = Iris. The other reference was to the similarly named Eris, of the Principia Discordia.

134 - No

154 - No. The connections are all in the names themselves, I believe.

148 - No

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146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné - What they did to Harry's wand, e.g.


I think these go together because the clue implies some sort of action, and none of the other PDNs look like they contain actions (though I suppose that could be because I am insufficiently zen to comprehend them). Did Harry's wand get broken and stuck back together (confession: I've only read about half the HP books)?


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118 - YES. "To straighten things up is the power card played against the infinite start." Which actually always makes me think of System's Twilight.

131 - YES.

146 - NO. And you're going to kill yourself when you figure out what they _actually_ did to Harry's wand.

141 - YES. "After a pleasant chat with the princesses, all that remains is a leisurely ride back through those chaotic crags whose frightening fiends have sworn to tear any intruder limb from limb and devour him down to his belt buckle... And, finally, after the long ride back, a triumphal parade (if, of course, there is anything left to parade) followed by hot chocolate and cookies for everyone."

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