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Triple Slartifer, Part 1

Mea Tulpa

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"slartifer! slartifer! slartifer!"


I called out that triad in an attempt to banish the 331, now 332, soon to be 333 names of slartifer back to their many different lands of origin: but standing between me and the haven of my nomenparts was a mirror: a standing reflection that trapped them, and made me stare. I asked for a prism, not a mirror -- but here they all are, trapped before our eyes.


333 would be too much for one sitting, so we will attack this project in phases. Below, you will find a list of 59 PDNs (chronological) and 59 crossword-style clues (alphabetical). These are the first 59 PDN changes, covering the first major period of name-changing, which lasted a little over a year.


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive 1 point per reference correctly identified. Points will accumulate until all 333 names have been banished; and yes, there will be a prize at the end for the highest point totals.


When referencing a PDN, please include its number so it is easier for others (myself included) to find it on the list.


What is a reflection?  A chance to see two?

When there are chances for reflections,

there can always be two--or more.

Only when we are everywhere

will there be just one.

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1. Dame Annals — Murasaki nickname

2. Good-Looks the Playboy — Servant of Enki

3. The Beautiful Green Serpent — Goethe heroine

4. 2600 Hertzballons — Hacker Nena

5. Mathman v. Qwerty — Your mission is to eat only spinning SunSoft mascots

6. $ v. # — Basic variable conflict

7. i v. I — Case conflict

8. Djuran Orb v. Arancaytog — Sacrifice an artifact: gain 2 insults

9. Ornkithopter v. Thurkyl's Recall — Return all flying meat you control

10. Argg v. Ed-Hajjaj — You must gain 1 spam if able

11. His and Her Meaty Appendage — Church official

12. Slartreuse — My color, liqueur, and mountain range

13. The Ingebritsens' Car — Gaarder distraction device

14. 84,000 Stupas — Ashoka legacy

15. Vlishnu — Tentacle preserver

16. Sss-Vlish — Telepathic warlord

17. Anti-Fairy — Magic Powder target

18. Come On Pilgrim: Track 4 — Ed is Dead

19. John Paul v. Jean-Paul — Pontificator versus pontiff. FIGHT!

20. Auroraloraelis — Your Lightliness

21. Slack Pumpkinhead — Tip's lazy son

22. Cake Glaahk — Musical chairs with a stunning prize

23. Rotghroth Challoth — Undead bread

24. Rotdhizon Calzone — Stuffed with acid

25. Frosted Cryodrayks — They're brrrrrrrr-eat!

26. Thahd Lemonade — Shady drink for a hot day

27. Artequila — The aftertaste will kill you

28. Charged Slartile — Volatile servile

29. SlartSoYa — Lunarian alter ego?

30. --Slarty — Mimetic alter ego?

31. Slartel Runeaxe — Legendary alter ego?

32. Everything Remains To Be Done — To devastate the ideas of family, famine and religion

33. Facepalming Hecatonchire — Judgement of Tartarus

34. Rhymes with Slarty — Not much

35. Deprecaticon — Criticism catalogue

36. @ — The player

37. Hashi the Drug-Sniffing Canine — Music for an imaginary film

38. Slartanalycyst — When analysis goes too far

39. Slartyphobia — Cousin to the monster of the Cleft of Dimension

40. 227 Chitrachballons — Adventurer Nena

41. Imban — That's us

42. Hawkwind — Britannian seer

43. Slarty 2.0 — I probably forgot to install this

44. Slartematographer — S:TMP Director

45. Slartypants — Anaximander alter ego?

46. Speaker for the Ed — Orson Scott Canned

47. Polydegmon — Who receives many

48. Degei — Fiji judge

49. Yama — Vedic judge

50. Yama Toman? — Mega judge with a spear

51. Prick Against the Kicks — Saul doppleganger

52. Fernication — Often autogamous

53. Pompopsych — Leads the underworld to you

54. Unhasty — Ents, for one

55. Love Parallelogram — Ménage à quatre

56. Disappearer — Sonic Youth single

57. GVDT — Front 242 hasn't found _____ yet

58. Discontinued — No longer in continuity

59. Indicative v. Performative — The state of letters

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Let's see how many I still can remember. I'll have to come back later when I'm awake.


I was worried that Slarty had been using Aloreal's skribbane since he was a bit green.


1. Dame Annals

2. Good-Looks the Playboy

3. The Beautiful Green Serpent

4. 2600 Hertzballons

5. Mathman v. Qwerty

6. $ v. #

7. i v. I

8. Djuran Orb v. Arancaytog

9. Ornkithopter v. Thurkyl's Recall

10. Argg v. Ed-Hajjaj

11. His and Her Meaty Appendage

12. Slartreuse

13. The Ingebritsens' Car

14. 84,000 Stupas

15. Vlishnu

16. Sss-Vlish

17. Anti-Fairy

18. Come On Pilgrim: Track 4

19. John Paul v. Jean-Paul - Pontificator versus pontiff. FIGHT!

20. Auroraloraelis

21. Slack Pumpkinhead

22. Cake Glaahk

23. Rotghroth Challoth

24. Rotdhizon Calzone - Stuffed with acid

25. Frosted Cryodrayks - They're brrrrrrrr-eat!

26. Thahd Lemonade - Shady drink for a hot day

27. Artequila

28. Charged Slartile

29. SlartSoYa

30. --Slarty

31. Slartel Runeaxe

32. Everything Remains To Be Done

33. Facepalming Hecatonchire

34. Rhymes with Slarty

35. Deprecaticon

36. @

37. Hashi the Drug-Sniffing Canine

38. Slartanalycyst

39. Slartyphobia

40. 227 Chitrachballons

41. Imban

42. Hawkwind

43. Slarty 2.0

44. Slartematographer

45. Slartypants

46. Speaker for the Ed -Orson Scott Canned

47. Polydegmon

48. Degei

49. Yama - Vedic judge

50. Yama Toman?

51. Prick Against the Kicks

52. Fernication

53. Pompopsych

54. Unhasty

55. Love Parallelogram

56. Disappearer

57. GVDT

58. Discontinued

59. Indicative v. Performative

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So far...


Ed is Dead - 46?


Pontificator vs. Pontiff. Fight!!! - 19?


Tentacle preserver - 11?


I probably forgot to install this - 43?


When analysis goes too far - 38?


They're brrrrrrrr-eat! - 25?


Undead bread - 23?


Lunarian alter ego? - 29!


Shady drink for a hot day - 26?


Stuffed with acid - 24?


Magic Powder target - 17! Yay Zelda!


Edit: Erm...nevermind, Randomizer knew them all instantly... shocked

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I knew I started playing Magic for a reason!


Return all flying meat you control is 9. Ornkithopter v. Thurkyl's Recall

Sacrifice an artifact: gain 2 insults is 8. Djuran Orb v. Arancaytog


EDIT: Funny thing is, I'm a Modern-only player, so Ornithopter is the only card I've played with. These guesses should be credited to Gatherer, not me.

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You know, it would also help if you numbered the clues.


Also, are you looking to have people just state which clue goes with which name, or to elaborate on what is meant?


Some of the easy ones:


4. 2600 Hertzballons <=> Hacker Nena

(99 Luftballons is a song by Nena, 2600 Hz was a frequency used by part of AT&T's phone system at one time, which was exploited by phone hackers to make free long distance calls.)


12. Slartreuse <=> My color, liqueur, and mountain range

(Chartreuse is a color and a liquor.)


25. Frosted Cryodrayks <=> They're brrrrrrrr-eat!

('They're grr-r-reat' is a slogan for Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, and I assume that Cryodrayks are cold.)


40. 227 Chitrachballons <=> Adventurer Nena

(Refers to the same Nena song as 4, and chitrach are fought by adventurers.)


46. Speaker for the Ed <=> Orson Scott Canned

('Speaker for the Dead' is a book by Orson Scott Card. Ed was (I assume) Canned, before being Banned.)


55 Love Parallelogram <=> Ménage à quatre

(Four vertices, rather than the three of the love triangle.)


EDIT: Okay, nevermind. My slow typing clearly renders my participation irrelevant.

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Okay, this should be much better. Now everything fits on one page.


Niemand -- I didn't number the clues because they are alphabetized, so they are easy to find by name. Also, looking up two different numbers to check your answers is way more of a hassle than just looking up one, and given the rate at which you all are answering, this is a relevant concern.



Correct -- #4, 12, 40, 55

Too late -- #25, 46

+4 points, total score: 4


Edit 2: All that said, I like your explanations!

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A number of these are shots in the dark...


Case conflict is 7. i v. I (just a pun, right?)


Front 242 hasn't found _____ yet is 57. GVDT


That's us is 41. Imban (?)


Mega judge with a spear is 47. Polydegmon (Polydegmon refers to Hades, and one of his symbols was a spear; other clues could work, though)


EDIT: Bedtime, good luck to the rest of you.

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Some sure bets, some pretty sures, and some wild guesses.


32. Everything Remains To Be Done - To devastate the ideas of family, famine and religion

47. Polydegmon - Mega judge with a spear

58. Discontinued - No longer in continuity

35. Deprecaticon - Criticism catalogue

34. Rhymes with Slarty - Not much

18. Come On Pilgrim: Track 4 - Ed is Dead

10. Argg v. Ed-Hajjaj - You must gain 1 spam if able

56. Disappearer - Mimetic alter ego?

5. Mathman v. Qwerty - Basic variable conflict

6. $ v. # - The state of letters

37. Hashi the Drug-Sniffing Canine - Music for an imaginary film

45. Slartypants - Musical chairs with a stunning prize

39. Slartyphobia - Judgement of Tartarus

51. Prick Against the Kicks - Leads the underworld to you


Fun fact: I have just passed my 7th Spiderweb forum member anniversary. Fun times...

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Correct -- #20

Incorrect -- #35, 48, 18, 45

+1 point, total score: 14



Correct -- #20, 30, 48

Incorrect -- #50

+3 points, total score: 10



Correct -- #32, 58, 35, 34, 18, 10, 37

Incorrect -- #47, 56, 5, 6, 45 (but lol :)), 39, 51

+7 points, total score: 7

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Correct -- #11, 6

Incorrect -- #50

+2, total score: 8



Correct -- #33, 45

Incorrect -- #5, 14

+2, total score: 16


for 33, the hecatonchires were associated with Tartarus, and a facepalm, of course, implies a judgement has been made.


I hope I don't need to explain 45.

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22 - Your mission is to eat only spinning SunSoft mascots?

Cake is food, so perhaps there's a connection


3 - Britannian seer?

Although green is more associated with Ireland than England, taking Britannian in a broad sense might indicate a connection.


50 - Mega judge with a spear?

Yamato Man...or Yama Toman, sounds like someone grand figure wielding a spear.


21 - Musical chairs with a stunning prize?

I have a very vague memory that was a band named Pumpkinhead or Pumpkin-something-or-other, hence a possible musical connection.


39 - Cousin to the monster of the Cleft of Dimension?

...I am at a total loss as what my reasoning was when I connected these two... whistle


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Hmm. At this point, since the list has shrunk substantially, I'd like to ask that guesses come with a reason or explanation. You don't have to be sure about it but I don't want this to become all random guessing and process of elimination.


Triumph, would you care to kick this off for us?

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Correct -- #50, 39

Incorrect -- #22, 3, 21

+2, total score: 18


50 - Yamato Man was one of the eight Robot Masters in Mega Man 6. He has a big spear. That's it. They really ran out of ideas for that game. Yama does indeed provide the judge aspect, however.


39 - Necrophobia was the monster of the Cleft of Dimension. Also, this is the last point I'm handing out without any explanation whatsoever.

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I'll take a stab at this.


#1 is Murasaki nickname, since Murasaki is the author of the Tales of Genji, arguable the first novel, which records the "annals" or tales of life in the imperial court.


I'll also take a WAG and say that #3 is Goethe heroine, since 1) you capitalized the letters implying it's a name, and 2) that sounds like more like a character that would be used in a Goethe allegory or story than any of the others. I'm not sure if that's good enough justification, but whatever.


Yeah, that's enough for now.

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Correct! #1, 3

+2 points, total points: 2


Very close on the explanation: Dame Annals was in fact the nickname of Murasaki herself, who acquired it due to the amount of time she spent reading history and literature.


3 is indeed the heroine, of sorts, of Goethe's aptly-named ensemble-cast story "The Fairy Tale."

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Oh, duh. Ashoka the Great was a Buddhist emperor of India, not a Hindu or Muslim. He's the only person on the list who would have conceivably had anything to do with stupas. No idea about that 84K, but whatever.


So that makes #14 Ashoka's Legacy.


#59 probably has something to do with linguistics, so I'll say that's the State of Letters.


Based solely on the prefix poly-, I'll say that #47 is Who Receives Many.


Gaarder was the writer of Sophie's World, which BTW is a terrible book, and Ingebritsens sounds Scandinavian as well, so let's pair #13 with Gaarder distraction device.


Hmm, it's kind of like a crossword where you're provided with a word bank. Still prefer chess puzzles, though.


EDIT: Wait, what if you're using Britannian Seer in reference to Code Geass? I don't recall any seers other than C.C. and V.V, though, so I'm kind of at a loss there.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Hmm, it's kind of like a crossword where you're provided with a word bank.
Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
crossword-style clues
So, uh, yes.

Correct -- #14, 59, 47, 13
+4 points, total score: 6

47 is indeed a name for Hades, as Triumph (I think?) pointed out.

Also, what do you hate so much about Sophie's World?
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Hey, so Hawkwind were a band, right? Or is that the wrong tree? Take from that what you will. Likewise, Pumpkinhead is probably referring to a pretty terrible horror film about a pumpkin-headed monster. All I remember was there is a witch, and some terrible acting. I don't know about the Slack bit though, and I have no idea which clue they relate to, so maybe somebody else will figure it out.


I am sure that Disappearer (56) is a Sonic Youth song, though, so that one is easy.


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Well, now that Nikki's banged a few more off the list, I'll just try and guess the remaining two.


#5 is "Your goal is to eat spinning SunSoft mascots", based solely of the fact that QWERTY keyboards are often used to control terrible flash games.


#53 is "Britannian Seer", since it's the only one left.

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Incorrect on all counts -- #2, 42



Nearby tree

Wrong forest

And Correct -- #56

+1 point, total points: 1


EDIT: Also, there are now only 5 left, so I'm going to require more direct linkages before I respond. "It's the only one left" will not count, although it is a darn good clue that you should look stuff up. That said, Dantius, since most of those answers were wrong you may want to rethink your guesses anyway.

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Aww, man! Too slow:


Okay - Mathman v. Qwerty (5): Your mission is to eat only spinning SunSoft mascots


Mathman was apparently an educational TV show, set as a parody of Pac-Man - where the character had to run about and eat polygons instead of pips.


Slack Pumpkinhead (21): Leads the underworld to you.


Is this a Nightmare Before Christmas thing? Jack Skellington was the Pumpkin King, and he brought Christmas-time to Halloween Town, before replacing regular Christmas with a Halloweeny-Christmas.

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#42 is wrong. (Also, where did this come from? Isimud is Enki's two-faced (literally) minister. What's the Hawkwind connection?)


#5 goes to Triumph. Sorry, Dantius, I would have given it to you if you had just a piece of the actual connection, but you didn't.


+1 point, total points: 19


Mathman was a fictional, Pac-man-like game on the TV show Square One; each scene began with the phrase "Mathman, your mission is to eat only numbers that are factors of 18" or something like that. Qwerty is obviously a keyboard layout; far more obscurely, it was the name of the colorful, spinning mascot in the typing tutor program that the software arm of Sun Microsystems, then called SunSoft (not to be confused with the Japanese developer Sunsoft, who does indeed make terrible games), produced for the Apple ][.


Nikki: sorry, no, #21 is incorrect, although great guess. I think you guys are overthinking some of these.

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