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Unearthed arcana

Mea Tulpa

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I was digging through my hard drive and found these. Quite funny to see them after all these years, particularly the match-ups that have me scratching my head and the tiny handful that still seem to resonate. Also makes you realize how different the forum population is now.





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I think I will do a Mass Effect one, in fact, even if only to prove the vast superiority of Western games to JRPG's in every metric, including their ability to create characters that can semi-accurately describe the members of random Internet forums.


Correction: I will say I am doing this, and then stall and dodge attempts to assign a deadline. Then I'll release it three years later after everyone's forgot and half the members involved in it left.

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For the record, the two above were not announced in advance, were completed over a couple of days, and posted as soon as completed. That is to say, they were posted in the first half of 2006. Randomizer is correct in pointing out that my tardiness was late to the show.


I'm not sure I'm familiar enough with any _current_ TV shows to do this on a current TV show.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Correction: I will say I am doing this, and then stall and dodge attempts to assign a deadline. Then I'll release it three years later after everyone's forgot and half the members involved in it left.

If I didn't know better, I'd say that was a quote from Slarty. But ever since the Retrioactivity, we've at least seen the end of a few things.

Best of luck with your undertaking, nonetheless. You are right about the superiority of western games, by the way; just look at our very own Spiderweb Software as an example!

Also, in the Chrono-Cross group, who am I?
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I did say something very similar to that at one point. Don't remember when though.


You are Pierre:


[They find a man looking at himself in the mirror in Zappa's House.]

Mysterious Swordsman: Swordsmanship is as beautiful as a rose. The rouge ambition hidden

beneath its beauty... Ahh, these words fit moi perfectly... Oh, pardon me monsieur. Moi forgot

to introduce myself. Mon name is Pierre. I am renting this room from Monsieur Zappa. I am on my

way to see this General Viper soon. From what I hear, there is a vacancy among the 4 Devas of

the Acacia Dragoons. Such a position is perfect for such a splendid swordsman as moi... One

graceful flash of mon sword will surely have them saluting moi as the guest of honor... But

I have lost mon precious medal, symbol of heroism... Without it, I will certainly be turned

away at the gate. Sacre bleu! What am I to do?


Boy: I just found something super! Tadaa!!! It's cool, ain't it? A shiny medal on my chest!

It fits me perfectly!

Leena: I know someone who's looking for that...

Boy: Well... I'd be a thief if I didn't return lost items... And I want to be a hero, not a

thief! OK, here you go!

[They see Pierre.]

Pierre: Oui, monsieur! That is my medal! Merci, merci, thank you!!! Ahh la lah, what a darling

you are! Now I can finally head to Viper Manor! I insist you take moi when you call at the

gates of Viper Manor. Alone, of course, moi would have no problems, but you could also be

useful... After all, thorns like you are necessary to add charm to a rose... Now, come with


[Pierre joins.]

Pierre: Now, follow my lead to Viper Manor, mon faithful followers!

[They go to Viper Manor.]

Pierre: Yoo-hoo, there! Monsieur soldier-man! Moi have come here to do you a favor and join

the Dragoons. Open the gates, mon frere. Ta-ta-tah!


It goes on, but you get the idea...

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I noticed that I appeared in both these things, which was nice I guess, but I also remembered that even at the time I had no idea who most of these faces were. At this point, I still recognize Jerry Seinfeld, but that's it. For me, this blast from the past is just a baffling memory of bafflement.


I sort of try to keep up with all you young folks, but I don't have time for watching TV, seeing movies, or playing console games. I realize this is like walking into a bar and asking for a nickel's worth of their best. But that's all I can spare. Terribly sad, I know. But somehow it doesn't bother me.

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