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A6 - Avernum is eating my life


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My art homework is incomplete and over due, i have exams to study for and there's an essay to do tomorrow. Yet i am still sitting here playing Avernum, ive got to sort out my priorities.


But seriously i just bought Avernum 6 and man am i hooked! i played the original trilogy and loved it but number 4 let me down, but good old Jeff's restored my faith with all this plot-based turn-taking isometric goodness, i just can't stop playing!


Even at school there is no escape, i spent my entire religion period drawing a picture of my Nethergate/Avernum warrior character and then wrote his life story in my head, i named him Lauchlan.




the armor turned out well, but he looks as if somebody dislocated all his limbs and he is now doped up on skribane, and i forgot to draw the sword blade, meh all things concidered that was one of the most productive religion periods I've had all week.


does anybody else invent complicated life stories for their characters or is it just me? The Avernum games are just so well-written and lyrical it sort of compells me to give all my own characters a story so that they'll fit in. Its probibly a bit obsessive-compulsive of me but its only written in my head, so nobody else is subjected to it.


ah well, homework can always be done on the bus, Me, Lauchlan and co have got to go save Avernum!


EDIT: doh! i accidently posted this on the wrong board, way to make my grand entrance into the spiderweb forums huh? Could some kind mod please put this on the Avernum 6 board, sorry for the mix-up.

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lol... u maybe talking about Avernum 6, but it cud be relevant for any decent game of this kind.


To answer your question, I think people seek different things from games. Some people I know are obsessed with maximising performance in games, or 'beating the game'. Others play for simple pleasure, though I think that's difficult for a game lacking in graphics like Avernum. I think for me and you, the motivation is more in the escapism, to create a story as you play.


I've kinda based my party on myself and a few friends, and given them roles and skills that I think suit their characters.

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Originally Posted By: Locmaar
Originally Posted By: Heindrich1988
... Others play for simple pleasure, though I think that's difficult for a game lacking in graphics like Avernum.

If your copy is lacking graphics, try downloading a new copy and reinstall.

Lacking in graphics != Missing in graphics.

For instance, this post is lacking in words, but it's not lacking words.

Originally Posted By: Locmaar
BTW - I used to play Pong or Pac-Man for pleasure.

Yeah, my favorite game ever is Rogue, so it's not like graphics are very important to me. That said, the graphics in some of these newer games are pretty impressive.
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My characters are meat to do my bidding. They live and die only to serve me. They have no personalities, let alone life stories. Their only personal characteristic of which I take note is incompetence, a trait for which I berate them regularly. They are the tools with which I attain dominion over all I survey. They are my slaves, and when they die, I do not shed a tear.


Still, I love them in my own special way. Especially when they inflict massive damage on my enemies without making me waste my time tending to their stupid wounds.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Locmaar
Originally Posted By: Heindrich1988
... Others play for simple pleasure, though I think that's difficult for a game lacking in graphics like Avernum.

If your copy is lacking graphics, try downloading a new copy and reinstall.

Lacking in graphics != Missing in graphics.

For instance, this post is lacking in words, but it's not lacking words.

Originally Posted By: Locmaar
BTW - I used to play Pong or Pac-Man for pleasure.

Yeah, my favorite game ever is Rogue, so it's not like graphics are very important to me. That said, the graphics in some of these newer games are pretty impressive.

Gee, my bad, thanks for explaining.

Note to self: Stop posting humorous remarks without using emoticons.
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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Locmaar, this is random, but what language is the statement in your signature, and what does it mean?

Google says it's elvish, and a quote from Galadriel. I don't speak fake languages, though, so the best I can get is a random website's translation:
The world is changed, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.
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I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith


Ee AH-mar PREH-star ine, hahn MAH-thon neh nen, hahn MAH-thon neh high ah hahn NOST-on nehd wee-leeth.


The world is changed, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.



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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Locmaar, this is random, but what language is the statement in your signature, and what does it mean?

It's the opening of the movie 'The Fellowship of the Ring'. The words are originally Treebeard's from the book 'The Return of the King' and have been translated to Elvish by a scholar of the 'fake' language. His name escapes me at the moment.
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Originally Posted By: Locmaar
Originally Posted By: Triumph
Locmaar, this is random, but what language is the statement in your signature, and what does it mean?

It's the opening of the movie 'The Fellowship of the Ring'. The words are originally Treebeard's from the book 'The Return of the King' and have been translated to Elvish by a scholar of the 'fake' language. His name escapes me at the moment.

No, no. It's a fake language. There are quite empathetically no quotation marks.
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Originally Posted By: Locmaar
It's been made up - nobody ever denied this. How is it fake?

It's a synonym? Artificial, fake, counterfeit, etc. It didn't evolve through normal linguistic patterns, so it's fake. There are lots of other fake languages, too- Esperanto for example. Just because people speak it and write it doesn't mean it's not fake.
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Originally Posted By: Locmaar
When you speak of 'normal linguistic patterns' by which languages evolve - what exactly do you mean?

I'll use a tautology here and say that the patters by which languages evolve are the patters how languages evolved- French and Italian and Spanish are descendants of Latin, etc. Like this, for example. Languages evolve just like species, with common ancestors and all. There's whole fields of study on it- historical/comparative linguists, I think it's called. Elvish, on the other hand, was created as opposed to evolving, so it's like a Frankenstein's Monster of linguists, because you can't make sense of it.

But you're really asking the wrong person about this.
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J.R.R. Tolkien created an artificially evolved language where his Elvish had a primitive form, Quenya (High Elvish), Sindarin (Common Elvish), and wild or woods Elvish for those elves that didn't go west. The information can be seen in the footnotes and appendices if you really want to see the relationships between root words and the forms in the different languages.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
J.R.R. Tolkien created an artificially evolved language where his Elvish had a primitive form, Quenya (High Elvish), Sindarin (Common Elvish), and wild or woods Elvish for those elves that didn't go west. The information can be seen in the footnotes and appendices if you really want to see the relationships between root words and the forms in the different languages.

Yes, but that still doesn't mean that it evolved from a human language in the real world. So my point stands.

Although that does mean that Tolkien was fanatically meticulous in his creation of the language, to the point where it's actually kind of bizarre.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Locmaar
When you speak of 'normal linguistic patterns' by which languages evolve - what exactly do you mean?

I'll use a tautology here and say that the patters by which languages evolve are the patters how languages evolved- French and Italian and Spanish are descendants of Latin, etc. Like this, for example. Languages evolve just like species, with common ancestors and all. There's whole fields of study on it- historical/comparative linguists, I think it's called. Elvish, on the other hand, was created as opposed to evolving, so it's like a Frankenstein's Monster of linguists, because you can't make sense of it.

But you're really asking the wrong person about this.

Yeah, you're right on just about all accounts. ^_^

Historical linguistics deals with the evolution of languages and language structures. The Elvish languages are constructed languages and not natural languages. They were closely modeled on natural languages. Similarly, they did not actually evolve over time by means of a mass of speakers, but their constructed evolution was closely modeled on natural language evolution.

The two counts you are wrong on is 1) that "you can't make sense of" a conlang. Far from it -- conlangs are typically simpler than natural languages and easier to make sense of, especially when (as in Tolkien's case) there are copious notes available. Of course, his languages weren't quite complete either, but single-creator conlangs tend not to be. A whole language is a massive endeavor.

2) Languages do not evolve "just like" species. There are some strong similarities, such as the existence of common ancestors. But languages do not reproduce (certainly not sexually), and natural selection does not operate even remotely in the same way for them. Natural selection applies in a certain sense to specific elements of a language, but the criteria that determine what is selected for vary according to factors that lean heavily on other aspects of the language in question, and not at all on the environment.
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Yeah, you're right on just about all accounts. ^_^


2) Languages do not evolve "just like" species. There are some strong similarities, such as the existence of common ancestors. But languages do not reproduce (certainly not sexually), and natural selection does not operate even remotely in the same way for them. Natural selection applies in a certain sense to specific elements of a language, but the criteria that determine what is selected for vary according to factors that lean heavily on other aspects of the language in question, and not at all on the environment.

Well, there's common ancestors, extinctions (like Latin), enviromental factors (which nations speak which languages), language barriers, spread by conquest, mutation, natural selection, etc. So it's certainly very similar to evolution, even though languages aren't alive or have genes or anything like that.
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Originally Posted By: So Much Killing
I believe we can declare Masquerade's thread officially hijacked. I mean that both emphatically and empathetically (though Firefox doesn't like "empathetically" -- stupid Firefox).

Hey, how about that Obama guy? Is he the president, or what?

Tell me about it, i just logged on and BAM! darn you tolken! tongue

So have you Americans heard about the whole Julia Gillard thing? its pretty big here.
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Originally Posted By: Masquerade
The pope is visiting Britan?

He will come to Britain soon. There's an internet protest on the fact that the UK government will foot the bill for what is essentially a religious visit, which violates... something (does Britain have an establishment clause?).

Like all internet petitions, it will do nothing.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Well, there's common ancestors, extinctions (like Latin), enviromental factors (which nations speak which languages), language barriers, spread by conquest, mutation, natural selection, etc. So it's certainly very similar to evolution, even though languages aren't alive or have genes or anything like that.

There's not really natural selection in any way even remotely analogous to species.

—Alorael, who on the other hand can now proudly point to the success of English as hybrid vigor.
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Originally Posted By: Masquerade

I still find it hillarious that we Aussies can have a political coup and all you yanks care about is the popes airfare.

Our news media only report things that reinforce their viewers' preconceived notions about things. Since Americans have no notions of Aussie politics, the media don't report on it.
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Originally Posted By: So Much Killing
Originally Posted By: Masquerade

I still find it hillarious that we Aussies can have a political coup and all you yanks care about is the popes airfare.

Our news media only report things that reinforce their viewers' preconceived notions about things. Since Americans have no notions of Aussie politics, the media don't report on it.

Bah, of course Americans know what we're talking about in Austrian politics. We follow multiple news outlets from Vienna!

Let it never be said that we don't know what we're talking about.
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