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If you were a Shaper

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Originally Posted By: Master1
If I were a shaper, there would be no political parties.
This would be a good thing.

As for me, if I were a shaper, I'd make something that would eat one of my next door neighbor's dogs. It barks at anything and everything (and sometimes nothing), and has a very annoying yappy bark.
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I like the idea of making bacon flavored poor people. EVERYTHING should taste like bacon!!!!!


In other news, I would also replace the American soldiers with 200 lifecrafters paired with 2 guardians and 1 agent each. Can you find a war they can't win?


In other other news(and very off topic at that), Hurricane Danielle is either going to hit Halifax or where I am in New England. Or go out to sea. Hope for the third.

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Originally Posted By: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder.
I would forcefully start the inevitable transcendance of man, PURIFY YOUR DNA UNTIL YOU SURPASS HUMANITY!
Let me guess......
You would turn everyone into furries? Time for me to go hang myself.

No offense, furries just creep me out. Along with clowns and mimes.
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Originally Posted By: Master1
Originally Posted By: SamSniped
In other news, I would also replace the American soldiers with 200 lifecrafters paired with 2 guardians and 1 agent each. Can you find a war they can't win?
A nuclear one.


Originally Posted By: Tirien, Master of Bacon
Just noticed that one of my quotes is now a signature. I shall celebrate it by eating bacon!
Or a deep-fried hobo. Tastes the same anyways.

Nah. Hobos taste bad. Go with a fat guy that lost out on the stock market. Nice and tender. tongue

Originally Posted By: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder.
Nope, I would turn everyone into some sort of horrifyingly advanced semiorganic entity that -barely- relied on its flesh at all. Ye Shall Be As Gods! laugh

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ohhh... you could eat still, but there would be no biological function... only pleasure, and you'd never get fat, because you're basically just a super-mind connected to an anchor! um... on second thoughts, I think my transcendent society would quickly degenerate into godlike depravity. tongue

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Originally Posted By: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder.
ohhh... you could eat still, but there would be no biological function... only pleasure, and you'd never get fat, because you're basically just a super-mind connected to an anchor! um... on second thoughts, I think my transcendent society would quickly degenerate into godlike depravity. tongue

So pretty much a servant mind with full shaper powers? Someone tried that in G5, and it didn't end well.
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Originally Posted By: Insanity on a Stick
Thats when they make deathclaws and stuff..
Oh wait, im thinking Fallout 3.

Shame on you! You mean Fallout or Fallout 2, not Futuristic Oblivion.

On topic, they way people are to day, it would only be a matter of time before someone made a ultravirus and wiped us all out.
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Originally Posted By: Fractal
Originally Posted By: Insanity on a Stick
Besides, I never get fat anyways. Stupid hyperactive metabolism.
You might not want to complain about that! It's good! tongue

Unless you're stuck in an island with a very limited amount of food, and with your stupid hyperactive metabolism, you'd burn through your food supply faster.
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Originally Posted By: Fractal
Originally Posted By: Lime Pickle
Then resort to cannabalism. Then eat any wildlife on the island.
The order of these two statements worries me. tongue
It worry's me too. If I dont eat the other guy first, then he might eat MY food! Better resort to cannabalism first, besides, he'll die of starvation after I eat everything even remotely edible on the island. Its more merciful this way. wink
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Originally Posted By: Lime Pickle
Originally Posted By: Fractal
Originally Posted By: Lime Pickle
Then resort to cannabalism. Then eat any wildlife on the island.
The order of these two statements worries me. tongue
It worry's me too. If I dont eat the other guy first, then he might eat MY food! Better resort to cannabalism first, besides, he'll die of starvation after I eat everything even remotely edible on the island. Its more merciful this way. wink

Or you could using his body smarter, and using his body as bait to catch fish.
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Originally Posted By: Lime Pickle
Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu
Or you could using his body smarter, and using his body as bait to catch fish.
Yeah, untill a shark comes and takes the entire body and I end up without a meal. Are you trying to make me starve?! Besides, I hate fish.

Why can't you kill the shark? Make a spear or something and stab the shark in the gills or something while it is feeding on the body. You can just anchor the body to the land anyways.
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If I eat him, does it count as cannabalism? I mean, their basically short, hunchbacked humans with a huge nose...


Now, if it was a drakon instead of a servile, id be screwed.


I could always shape some ornks to eat afterwards.(After eating the servile that is, not the getting eaten by a starving drakon.)


3 am and im the only one who is online! (and registered)

This calls for a crappy movie quote!


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Originally Posted By: Tuldrac
You're on an island with your one loyal servile, who is quite intelligent and has been your friend for years.

You are both starving.

Discuss. xD

Find food on the island, and identify edible plants, and begin planting/farming.

If there is none of the above, I'll shape some plants/food, or if I have no essense at all, I will just rest until I do, or if I'm not a shaper at all, then... I guess we both die.

Or, maybe I'll just eat her ehh?
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Originally Posted By: Fractal
The question is more whether it counts as cruelty! tongue
I wouldnt eat him if it was still alive! Im not that crazy. Er...not that KIND of crazy I mean.
Maybe I would eat it while it was still alive, but I would need some A1 steak sauce...
Or deep-fried. After all, all deserted islands have a deep-fryer hidden somewhere.

Im hungry now...

I just switched the graphics for ornks with the graphics for serviles in G3. They taste delicious.
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