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A6 - Corrupted Mushrooms Problem


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I don't seem to be able to collect any of the corrupted mushrooms. I have read all of the posts on this board on the topic and gone to all of the available locations where the mushrooms are supposed to be (Great Cave, Abyss, etc.). I see the tiles with the corrupted mushrooms on the ground (sort of moldy green looking, right?), but I don't get any special messages or special items when I walk on them, and when I use the get screen, there aren't any mushrooms or items around to pick up. What am I doing wrong? Is there a particular order in which you have to retrieve the mushrooms?


Here is a screenshot, in case I'm somehow not finding the right tiles:




Thanks for any help..

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That looked like one of the two places in the Abyss where you can find the mushrooms, the crypt with the banshees. If that was the place the mushrooms are in the northeast area near the river and look like ordinary mushrooms. When you look at them in inventory they have no value unlike regular mushrooms.


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Originally Posted By: rfulbkf
Answer my newbie question. I just don't want to create an other meaningless thread.
How can I raise my magic and priest spells?
It seemed to me the only way is magic books. Am I right or there are other ways?

Well, you can increase your skills at casting mage and priest spells by levelling up and putting points into the Mage Spells/Priest Spells skills. You can access your skills screen by clicking the ? icon next to the character's portraits.

You can learn new and more powerful spells through spellbooks, special encounters, and people who will train you in the spells. There's a list of all the spell locations under the "AVERNUM 6 STRATEGY CENTRAL" topic in the Avernum 6 forum.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius

Well, you can increase your skills at casting mage and priest spells by levelling up and putting points into the Mage Spells/Priest Spells skills.

There is my problem: I have standard 5 free skillpoints after a new level. For example, I wish to improve bolt ov fire. I access character's spell/taits list and get stuck here. I can't see any active interface buttons. Just a list of spells and that all.
What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible to invest skillpoints directly in spells or not?
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Originally Posted By: rfulbkf
Is it possible to invest skillpoints directly in spells or not?

It is not possible. You get spells through finding spellbooks, or by buying them from trainers. There are only a few cases where buying more than one level of a skill is worth the cost. Additional spell levels don't make a large difference to spell power.

Edit: Dikiyoba was too slow.
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Originally Posted By: rfulbkf

There is my problem: I have standard 5 free skillpoints after a new level. For example, I wish to improve bolt ov fire. I access character's spell/taits list and get stuck here. I can't see any active interface buttons. Just a list of spells and that all.
What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible to invest skillpoints directly in spells or not?

You can improve the power of all of your Mage spells by investing your skill points in Mage Spells or Spellcraft. Increasing Mage Spells lets you do higher level spells (I think the hardest-to-cast spell requires skill of about 17), but is more expensive, so once you can do the spells you've learned, invest in spellcraft until you have higher level spells. I like to keep Mage Spells one or two levels above the highest spell I know (up to 17), so when I get new spells, I can use them right away. But the rest goes into spellcraft (or other skills).

The same is true of Priest spells and Priest Spell skill. Spellcraft works for priests, too.
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