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Geneforge 2 is boring

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Well, after putting a lot of time into Geneforge 2, I've decided that it's the worst of the series...


The bad interface and graphics of the first 2 games aside, I just didn't find this one fun or interesting at all.


I travelled far, making it into many zones, but I find it quite annoying that I just can't seem to get much done in each zone in this game at this early level.


I have lots of red zones behind me, and each one there are a few sections that I just can't pass right now.


The big issue is that several times while playing, I'd realize, I just wasn't having any fun.


I have played and am enjoying the other 4 games in the series...yes even the first one is proving more enjoyable than the second.


Anyone else feel this way? Did anyone else find Geneforge 2 just not worth there time?

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What are you talking about!Geneforge 2 was a great classic and an even greater sequel to Geneforge 1.It had the same old but fun graphics and new spells and creations to make.It was the best at making the geneforge story flow after Geneforge 1 as the other games were just about fighting in the war and not much story.Geneforge 1 and 2 were very deep and REALLY the best to visualize what really happens in the geneforge world,like serviles wanting their freedom,the bad lust of power and arrogance you get after using the geneforge and many other things that were described with so great detail it made me love this game as I love it now.So I say your just a frikkin bad critic! mad

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Originally Posted By: Logan
Anyone else feel this way? Did anyone else find Geneforge 2 just not worth there time?

I rank the games as G1, G4, G2, G5, G3. G1 and G4 were both excellent. G2 is okay. It was never as good as G1, but it was fun enough. I haven't played it in a while, though, and I suspect the interface hasn't aged well. I don't like G3 or G5. Too much of G3 was stuff I'd seen before, and G5 was full of continuity issues.

If you're not having fun, stop playing. That's Dikiyoba's advice.
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I would put G2 right behind G1. It had the geneforge feeling that the next three games lacked, though it still didn't feel the same as G1. Depsite it still having a poor HUD (I was so happy about the inventory spot though), G2 was a very enjoyable game. It may seem a little boring at first, but once you are pummeling eyebeasts and rotting demons, it gets fun.

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Originally Posted By: Seaweed
The main problem with G2 is that G1 is so damn good. G2 feels like a slightly improved G1 with a much less interesting plot. Once you pass through the Secret Tunnel, all sense of mystique is gone.

I agree, the first one IS great, I'm still enjoying it, but G2 seems like a bad expansion pack.

Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba

If you're not having fun, stop playing. That's Dikiyoba's advice.

Good advice, that's why Geneforge 2 is uninstalled smirk
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Originally Posted By: Seaweed
Once you pass through the Secret Tunnel, all sense of mystique is gone.

This is what killed it for me. So the other games made more sence, I played through it, and I do not inted to repeat. The whole waiting to use canisters is what finished it for me. The fact that you could kill an army of NPC Guardians with one Aura of flames whilst the Human guards take longer, really didn't help the gameflow.

Other than that the story was good.

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Wow, I guess people's rankings of the Geneforge games really differ a lot. For me it's always been G1>G5>G2>G4>G3. It's not like I don't like G4 or anything, I just thought it wasn't that great compared to the other games in the series. Same thing with G3.


That aside, I though G2 was really good and a worthy successor to G1. What part of the game are you at? I find that it gets better around the middle.


Also, I sort of agree about the same Geneforge atmosphere being lost in G2. Still, it was really fun, and I'd place it in the middle of my Geneforge ranking.

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I still don't understand why people don't like G3. It was always my favorite because you had to choose your allegiance, the characters were interesting, and the quests were fun. Granted the island system was annoying but aside from that I didn't have any major complaints. Am I missing something that I should hate?

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G3's boat system was really unique...-ly annoying, unlike any other games in the series. I also disliked, relative to the other games (not saying it's bad, mind you) it because it has only two factions to choose from. They both seem like bad factions, and not really all that different from each other. It's a far cry from the faction-flexibility you have in G1, G2, and G5, and even in G4 where you mainly have just two factions, yet there is that third path that if you want. Finally, one criticism I've seen with G3 (not something that bothered me, but apparently affected some people) is that the plot was really not all that different from G1 and G2.

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I've been playing a lot of 3 lately and I am also finding the boat system a bit of a pain.

I'm also finding the game to be rather linear and small.

I am on the third island now, and it looks much bigger than the last two so hopefully I'll be on this island for a while.


So far, I'm really enjoying 3 and looking forward to 4 and 5.

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
I also disliked, relative to the other games (not saying it's bad, mind you) it because it has only two factions to choose from. They both seem like bad factions, and not really all that different from each other.

I think this is kind of the point, and the one thing I really like about G3. In the first 2 games, you can convince yourself you're working for the good guys (and the Awakened fill that role well), but in G3 you really see for the first time that neither the Shapers or Rebels are actually the "good guys". It's all about picking the lesser evil.
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Originally Posted By: Shadowcat
I think this is kind of the point, and the one thing I really like about G3. In the first 2 games, you can convince yourself you're working for the good guys (and the Awakened fill that role well), but in G3 you really see for the first time that neither the Shapers or Rebels are actually the "good guys". It's all about picking the lesser evil.

I can see how that might appeal. My problem is that I don't think that is realistic. Even in real life, when there is a lesser-of-two-evils kind of choice, I still have choices. I'm forced to choose A or B and then go along with every distasteful thing that my choice wants. Sure, the choices we face aren't always pleasant, don't always lead to "happy ending." BUT...One always can choose to try to do what is right, in some sense, regardless of the bad situation one faces. Even if both Shapers and Rebels are bad guys (and they are in G3), why must I go along with everything they want? After all, there WAS a faction-less path in G1 and G2. It's fine that both factions are bad; that IS realistic...but then I should be given the choice to not go along with them, or to try to change them... I guess my objection with G3 is not that both factions were bad. It would be more precise to say that my objection was that my choices of how react to these bad groups was so restricted.
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Yeah. I think the forced-choice element of it does have some appeal. The problem is that there is NEVER any nuance to it -- and G1 and G2 had more nuance. In G1 you had two sets of factions (Obeyers/Awakened/Takers and Trajkov/Goettsch/Nobody) plus you still had room to make ethical choices within those factions (e.g., Control Four, or of course, what to do with the Geneforge). G2 had one set of four factions, but also had additional ethical choices, around Zakary and around Shanti's end for example.


So in G3, the lack of factions AND the lack of extra ethical choices really did seem like a loss. This was tolerable when it was just an issue of having to pick one side or the other to DEAL with, but unlike G4, you couldn't just skate along paying lip service, and by the second island you were forced to do fairly drastic things one way or another. Even when Khyryk showed up -- a powerful NPC with a decidedly neutral viewpoint, who was extremely popular with players -- no extra options opened up.


In terms of telling an ethically interesting story, was all this effective? Perhaps. The problem is that it wasn't effective in terms of making the game fun.

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Amen to Slarty's comments.


Khyryk was was one of most frustrating parts of the game. Or rather, killing Khyryk. I messed around G3 quite a bit, and as best I can tell, if you don't fix the Creator on the third island (which automatically makes you a rebel), then the decisive act that determines whether you become Rebel or Shaper is whether or not you kill Khyryk before leave Gull Island. If you did fix the creator and your path is already set to rebel, you must still kill him to advance. If you want to be a rebel, you MUST kill him.

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Originally Posted By: Master Shaper1
What are you talking about!Geneforge 2 was a great classic and an even greater sequel to Geneforge 1.It had the same old but fun graphics and new spells and creations to make.It was the best at making the geneforge story flow after Geneforge 1 as the other games were just about fighting in the war and not much story.Geneforge 1 and 2 were very deep and REALLY the best to visualize what really happens in the geneforge world,like serviles wanting their freedom,the bad lust of power and arrogance you get after using the geneforge and many other things that were described with so great detail it made me love this game as I love it now.So I say your just a frikkin bad critic! mad

hey now no need to be nasty. hes just spreading his oppinion
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