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A6 - Does anyone else really not like the teleporting system?


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It doesn't make sense that you have to wait several seconds to load the portal area, then walk over to the portal, then wait again to load the new area. I get that it's the way Jeff wanted it, to tie in with the story, but it's a bit inconvenient. It'd be a lot simpler if you could just click on a pylon and go straight to another one (with the intervening steps just being assumed).

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Originally Posted By: Rone
It'd be a lot simpler if you could just click on a pylon and go straight to another one (with the intervening steps just being assumed).

Yes. Especially since the blasted departure/arrival animations take so long and can't be turned off. That wastes almost as much time as needing to load up the new zone.

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Are there any other places to sell the flawless crystals? I got a few rewards, but have been hoarding the rest of my crystals.


The waiting for the teleportion never has really bothered me very much, except when I have just used the portal/pylon and I have to wait for a little while before I can move.

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Originally Posted By: lordofdc
Well....I don't think that your character would be able to teleport from pylon to pylon. The pylons are just a return switch. You need a portal to actually teleport somewhere

Yes, but touching a pylon could teleport you to the outbound portal area (Fort Avernum, Portal Fortress, or whatever) the first time, so you get the idea, and then just open the destination menu and give you dialogue about going there and entering the portal during the loading screen in order to waste less time.

—Alorael, who likes the pylons more than walking but less than a less frustrating hypothetical pylon system.
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Originally Posted By: echoes
I don't mind the routing, especially since the portal master buys surplus goods. But the lag between a completed teleport and being able to move on the new map drives me crazy, and on my computer it's worse in A6 than 4 or 5.

Same with the lag after using a battle discipline or a skill. It really detracts from the flow of the game. This are really trivial things to be complaining about, of course.

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Thought about the same thing for the delay between you arrive to the pylon and you can actually move. But remember that what's happening is that you are being re-formed, particle by particle, to the new pylon, and you have to give it time to fully form yourself. You don't want to take an step while your arm hasn't completelly formed shocked




(which remembers me of A3 strange cult that had a memorial, and one said "To Sara, who accidentally teleported on solid rock")

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Locking up commands that don't even involve the characters moving or acting, such as checking status, seems like unnecessary interface screw. Playing it the first few times for effect, when the experience is still new to the characters, makes rational sense. But doing it every time just adds gameplay drag, and turns a commonly repeated and required action into an annoyance.

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