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A6 -Playing Singleton: Resisting Freezing by Basilisks


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Hi Folks


I am play A6 for the second time as a singleton. In a group, freezing is not a big deal for the most part. As a singleton, like stun, freezing is lethal. You lose the ability to move and just watch yourself die. Very frustrating.


My question is, is there anything that helps you resist freezing out there, like an item, that I should be on the look for. Also, any other strategies for combating basilisks would be appreciated.



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The best strategy to deal with basilisks and other things that cause you to lose AP or a turn is buff fully before the fight and summon 2 creatures to assist. If there is more than one than a control foe on the nearest one to act as a buffer. Charm several and let them fight amongst themselves while you can pick off the weaker ones.


Cold resistance items seem to help I think. There is definitely a resistance check to avoid the freeze.

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Ward of Elements helps, and summons are also handy, but if you charm some of a group of basilisks you can watch basilisks freeze basilisks. Turns out basilisks themselves have quite low resistance to being frozen.


You can imagine that it evolved as a submission cue behavior, where the alpha basilisk establishes his status without having to kill any other basilisks. Instead of lowering their gaze, closing their mouths, and tucking their tails under to acknowledge him as alpha, they freeze solid.

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Originally Posted By: VCH

I used to be damn scared of Basilisks. But the ice version kinda sucks now.

Canadians are just blasé about freezing solid. Happens all the time, and as long as you don't get that boot to the head with a frozen mukluk while you're vulnerable, you'll thaw out by spring, no prob. But for a lot of folks south of the border, it's scary.
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Myah, but frozen mukluks booting you in the head are pretty bad, too, you know. One of those hits you while you happen to be frozen solid, and it's like that scene from Terminator 2. Smash. It can take forever to get yourself back together, and the odds of getting a few toes mixed up are entirely too high.

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Basilisks don't eat adventurers. Well, not primarily, anyway. However, they are not the apex predators of their environment, and must thus defend themselves from slimes, bigger lizards, the odd dragon, and so on. Thus, a deterrent that keeps on deterring.


—Alorael, who figures it doubles as protective coloration. Nobody messes with your nest when the last twelve messers are highly visible decorative statuary.

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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
Originally Posted By: VCH

I used to be damn scared of Basilisks. But the ice version kinda sucks now.

Canadians are just blasé about freezing solid. Happens all the time, and as long as you don't get that boot to the head with a frozen mukluk while you're vulnerable, you'll thaw out by spring, no prob. But for a lot of folks south of the border, it's scary.

Actually January is crazy warm this year, everything is melting at +3C.
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