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A6 - Fort Emerald

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No one ever gives you pants. You always have to go find them yourself, one at a time, usually.


I always imagine that Fort Emerald is where all the generals live. After all, the game always speaks of generals, but all you ever see are some captains and maybe a few commanders, and they really do seem to be running things wherever they're found.

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You have no access to a Northern Isles boat, which means no Khoth. No Fort Dolthar, as I guess Avernum decided the sliths could have Sss-Thss's old castle back. Seem like appeasement to me. It is strange that you can't go to Emerald. It probably wouldn't have taken too long to add that and the scree pits for quests to the game, but I guess Jeff figured what of Avernum he covered he did densely enough. Compared to Avernum 4, which I think was actually a physically bigger game, covering more land in Avernum: yes, this game seemed denser than that one and... better overall, actually.

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Originally Posted By: VCH
Why would Jeff make a major Avernum fort out of bounds in the final game? That's disappointing?

Why not? Why would you want to go in? Isn't it more likely you would have been disappointed if Jeff had included every dungeon from the old games just for closure's sake and then give you nothing to do in there?
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