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Averum demo

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You can't go south past Mertis or west past... somewhere. Cotra, perhaps? At any rate, the demo is limited in size, not time.


—Alorael, who isn't sure what the official fraction of the game in the demo is. 25% by area, maybe? Less in quests and important things to do.

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Originally Posted By: Choke -4
You can't go south past Mertis or west past... somewhere. Cotra, perhaps? At any rate, the demo is limited in size, not time.

—Alorael, who isn't sure what the official fraction of the game in the demo is. 25% by area, maybe? Less in quests and important things to do.
That sounds about right. The A1 demo is basically limited to the northeast portion of the game. And you can explore only the eastern half of the Eastern Gallery.
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The world in Avernum 2 is mostly the same as in Avernum 1, though altered by circumstances brought about by the storyline of Avernum 1. Gameplay is very similar, but now you get to play a Nephil or a Slith if you wish. Story is pretty good, possibly better than A1 (but I haven't really played A1 much, so you shouldn't trust me on that one), but it's somewhat more linear at first. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by skill and class. Oh, also Avernum 2 keeps track of your quests for you.


Avernum 3 gameplay is mostly the same as Avernum 2. There may be a few different spells. It's the same world, technically, but you're in a totally different area, namely the surface continent of Valorim. You can, however, visit the Tower of Magi. Story is also good.


I suggest waiting for a response from someone who actually finished them all, though. I intend to finish them someday, but I simply haven't found the time yet. Perhaps because I spend too much time here. whistle


Oh, by the way, you're forgetting that there is an N in Avernum.

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But for your question, the skills, combat, and engine remain largely the same. Damage gets a small overhaul in A3, but it's nothing too major.


—Alorael, who recommends getting all three demos and taking a look. You get a reasonable sense of what they're like from that.

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Avernum 3 added caches that can be opened with nature lore skill.


Spells change slightly from game to game, but the major change came between Avernum 3 and 4 where higher levels of each spell went from having different effects to just increased damage and duration.

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