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How are creations ranked on tier?[G5]

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The term Tier in regards to creations is fan-invented and was never used by Jeff. Nevertheless, Fyoras, Thahds, Artilas are Tier 1 creations, Roamers, Clawbugs, and Vlish are Teir 2 creations, Drayk, Battle Alphas, Glaahks are Tier 3 creations etc.


It would make sense that an upgraded creation, like the Battle Beta, would also go up one Tier. So while a Battle Alpha might be a Tier 3 creation, a Battle Beta would be a Tier 4 creation. Same idea could be applied to Plated Bugs, Shock Tralls, Eyebeasts, Cryoas, etc.


The Great Archon

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By G5 that is not true. Vlish are good but not great; they fit their tier. So do drayks. War tralls and rotghroths/rotdhizons are real powerhouses.


—Alorael, who actually thinks the upgraded creation counting as a tier up isn't a bad approximation. Of course, that's not true at all for the temporary "upgrades" like shock tralls, pyroroamers, and their ilk.

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—Alorael, who actually thinks the upgraded creation counting as a tier up isn't a bad approximation. Of course, that's not true at all for the temporary "upgrades" like shock tralls, pyroroamers, and their ilk.

Thats a good point. Pyroroamers certainly can't take out a Roamer one-on-one. Shock Tralls certainly can take on War Tralls, however. They could probably take on several and be victorious, ideally. And, of course, what about things like Batons, Servant Minds, Serviles, etc.

Podlings are probably best fit with Tier 3 creations, I think. Magic creations certainly. Rotghroths could take them out with little trouble, for example but Battle Alpha's could have trouble. Plus they start appearing when other Tier 3 creations do.

Patchworks are a bit more difficult to place, since they don't really come up at all, save the endgames and the Repository/Shadow Road. Still, I think they'd be around tier 4. Once again, based on personal observation, tier 4 creations, one-on-one with a Patchwork, are on about the same footing. Meanwhile, War Tralls and some such chew them up. I guess they would go with Battle Creations, since they have a physical Melee attack, and are basically an overgrown Battle Alpha on four legs.

Edit: Namine: The Highest Tier, I would think, is Tier 6, since Ur-Drakons and Eyebeasts are the most powerful creations you can make.

The Great Archon
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G5 removed most of the ability to rely on a single creation well beyond where its tier is supposed to be powerful. Drayks are fine for the mid-game, and cryodrayks are fine a bit later than that, but neither one is going to serve you well by the game's end without diligent leveling. And you're still probably better off with a trall even with the higher essence cost.


—Alorael, who thinks that's a good thing. The vlish steamroller is fun, but it also makes too many creations not worth using at any time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan

what about things like Batons, Servant Minds, Serviles, etc.

The Highest Tier, I would think, is Tier 6, since Ur-Drakons and Eyebeasts are the most powerful creations you can make.

Serviles are obviously a tier 1 creation, even the most lowly shapers create their own serviles to do their bidding (if they support the Shaper ways of course), and I'd place servant minds and the living draykish boat thing in tier 4, judging purely from the fact that they're similar (building on the combat stats of servant minds), and the skill of the shapers that are allowed to make them.

Of course, if you listen to the random tidbits of information, you find that mines, batons, living tools, pylons, etc. are actually GROWN, not shaped, so they don't actually count. You can even find human non-shapers growing them in certain places.

I'd say the tiers actually go up to 7, with the Creator creatures and the Unbound being in the 7th tier, even though you cannot create them.
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Most Shapers have serviles to serve them, but do they create those serviles? I got the distinct impression that the vast majority of serviles are born naturally and that new ones are created only when a new type is necessary.


—Alorael, who does suppose that leaves the question of where the servile youths are. Of course, the same can be asked of human youths, so maybe there are creches kept away from war zones.

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Originally Posted By: The Pukka Panjandrum
Most Shapers have serviles to serve them, but do they create those serviles? I got the distinct impression that the vast majority of serviles are born naturally and that new ones are created only when a new type is necessary.

—Alorael, who does suppose that leaves the question of where the servile youths are. Of course, the same can be asked of human youths, so maybe there are creches kept away from war zones.

Well, the naturally born serviles all can have their bloodlines traced back to shaped serviles, so they are the descendants of shaped serviles, and therefore are a creation.

ANYWAY! I made a somewhat empty tier map...it only has creatable creatures, unbound, and important plot creations...Here it is..


It's a VERY large image, about 3000 by 1000 pixels, so if you have a slower computer, expect it to take a while to load.
EDIT: OOPS! I put the Creator creature into tier 6 when i'm pretty sure it belongs in tier 7..I fixed the image
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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
Serviles are almost certainly not the equivalent of tier 1 creations. It's mentioned several times in the series that the reason the Shapers prefer to breed them is that they're very difficult to shape properly.

So then maybe a tier 4 as a lower equivalent of a servant mind or one of the drayk boats things? (What are those called anyway?)
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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
Living Crafts.

I hope you don't mean to suggest that i put serviles into the same group as mines, batons, living tools, etc. Serviles are either shaped or descended from shaped serviles, whereas mines, batons, and living tools are grown and farmed, usually by non-shapers. They belong in entirely different groups.

EDIT: I was thinking this..

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
Shouldn't Gazers and War Tralls be a tier above where you've put them?

Yes, I guess they should..

Btw should golems be in tier 5 or 6?

Thanks for staying with me through all this, the original image was put together very hastily...

EDIT: So far I have this..


EDIT EDIT: darnit, when i rearranged rothgroth and rotzhidron i forgot to color them -_-
EDIT EDIT EDIT: fixed it
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Originally Posted By: Namine
Can battle betas, and ur glaahks, and cryodrayks really take on a kyshaaak? I think some upgrades shouldn't count a whole tier up, like pryoroamers.

The system isn't based on combat stats necessarily, rather, the difficulty of shaping them. the fact that you need to be skilled in creating a roamer (3 in the skill) to create a pyroroamer means pyroroamers are more complex, and thus are on a higher tier.
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Originally Posted By: Namine
Oh i see, thx. What about spawners?

Spawners, golems, and the like are trickier to place since we have no idea what level you'd need to make them were they creatable. For them I simply place them in a tier judging from how powerful their creators are across the game.

For example, all of the shapers i've seen that are known to have created golems or spawners are strong enough to create rotzhidrons and war tralls at the least, so I place golems and spawners in that same tier (tier 5). But as far as I know, Shapers that are only powerful enough to make up to tier 4ish creations never have been known to make golems or spawners, meaning the golems do not belong in the lower tiers.
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Originally Posted By: Gondor2222
Serviles are either shaped or descended from shaped serviles, whereas mines, batons, and living tools are grown and farmed, usually by non-shapers.

Serviles are usually grown (like children, not like crops), and those mines, batons, and living tools are also either shaped or descended from shaped mines/batons/tools, usually the latter. They are in fact quite similar: shapers are judicious in their use of power. If it's easier to breed than to shape, they make the first generation and let their creations procreate.

—Alorael, who suspects that these are all difficult for different reasons. Serviles are complicated critters with very large and human-like brains. Yes, even the stupid ones. Mines explode and kill you if you make them wrong (maybe like pyroroamers?). Living tools and batons have fiddly little pieces that need to be made exactly right or the creation is absolutely useless (although how a living tool's tiny tentacle appendages are harder than, say, a vascular system is unclear).
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Ok then, I moved the serviles to a separate area and included other living tools (EDIT: not as in the item living tools, but all of the tools that are shaped for use by shapers/humans/etc) in it. They count as not being in a tier because the tools don't count towards shaped battle creations. The serviles don't count because the serviles are almost never shaped anymore.


the new image:



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