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Their side. smile


The Sholai want trade so they will take any side that gives them peace and a stable trading partner. This is why you see one in GF5 trapped in Harai-Kel. She made a wrong turn in Eastern Terrestia.


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However they are still looking in GF3 for what happened to their missing expedition that got trapped on Sucia Island in GF1. The Shapers in Donal Keep said that they never heard of them reaching Shaping Lands. The coverup continues.

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Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
Remember the shapers made peace with her and the other sholai that weren't loyal to tracov

That ending is not canon. All the Sholai who landed on Sucia Island were apparently killed by the Shapers sent to the island after the PC escaped and warned the council.

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If they were spared, than the Shapers and the Sholai would be trading with each other. In G3, we are told that the Sholai have never visited Shaper lands save the emmesiery that was in Dhonal's Keep. Really, she was just named Masha just to mirror G1. To be clever.


The Last Archon

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Of course they have plans to trade. The whole point of the emissary is to set up trade! But the Sholai are pragmatists and Masha is willing to be candid about the fact that they will happily trade with whoever comes out on top.


Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
Remember it has only been 15 years since sucia.

Really? I got the sense that it has been substantially longer. This thread puts it in the 50-80 year range.


—Alorael, who would conclude that anyone who could remember G1 is therefore either very old or quite dead.

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Well, I'll be darned. I was relying on what the Sholai in G3 said (basically, that he was told that the other Sholai expedition had never reached Shaper lands, a lie that would be very hard to maintain if some of the Sholai from the first expedition were still alive). But G2 says "Some people were taken off [sucia Island]." and "A small number of [sholai] have come to meet the Shaper Council." So it is possible some of the non-canister using Sholai survived. There's no real indication of what happened to them, though.


All Dikiyoba can say is that whatever happened to them, it must have been infuriatingly vague. And probably involved the second continent somehow. tongue

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Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
who thinks that the drakons will actually trade with the sholai if they win the war...not me
The drakons only appear very hostile because they hate the Shapers and the Shapers control everything, thus they appear hostile towards everything. If there were another faction involved that didn't believe all drakons should be wiped off the face of the world, they would probably be much more open to relations. Like in Geneforge 2, when they traded openly with Barzahl and the Awakened before the Vale became too small for four very ideologically different factions.
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Shapers don't control everything. The Drakons are only openly hostile towards the various factions and splinter factions that believe that they themselves need to be wiped out, and the others believeing all creations must be destroyed. They're just acting in self preservation, which is why they allied with the various rebellous humans and creations. They would be more than happy to trade with the Sholai if they won the war, as the Sholai show no intentions of striking at them, and just wish to profit off a war.

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I thought I remembered that and was about to ask. Thanks for digging that up, Diki.


The 7 years number is made up. G3 definitely doesn't say that.


Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
If there were another faction involved that didn't believe all drakons should be wiped off the face of the world, they would probably be much more open to relations.

Except that there have been other factions that believe that. They didn't trade openly with Barzahl or the Awakened during G2, only prior to it. During G2, they want you to destroy Barzahl and the Awakened. The drakons kill Trakovites on sight in G4, even though they don't want to wipe any drakons off the face of the world. Similarly, though they obviously prefer her to Alwan and Taygen, the drakons are happy to destroy Astoria and her faction in G5.

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i checked and i waz wrong.... i guess that number just materailized in my head. but i dont think that it has been more than 20 years from g1 to g3 though. I say this because G1 to G2 was 7 years (i know this for sure..zachary says this.) And litalia destroyed mebab and the other servile cities according to her. I dont thin that litalia is that old so maybe litalia atacked the school 10-15 years after she had ran away from the shapers to work with ghaldrin. so by G5 it would have been close to 30 years since sucia...but of course i could be wrong (again).

[drops head and walks away]

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He does say about how long ago he and Barzhal (sp) were sent to Sucia. However, if you look in the most wonderful timeline that Alorael posted a link to, you can see that some time passed between Geneforge 1 and the cleanup by Zachary and Barzhal.


Personally, I like the theory of: Jeff can't always keep things straight. It's a game, not a historical reference.

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