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How do i script?[G5]

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How do i script the game? I see the scripts file, but all i can see is programming for the npcs, mines, doors, etc.


What script file do i edit in order to give myself a bazillion of every stat? ^^


EDIT: well, i'm pretty sure i found the problem, it's an administrator restriction on my computer. So, the problems gonna be over soon ^^ Thanks for all your help.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
sdfs don't work that way. They change flags to give dialog options and a few other things.

You need to change attributes by adding lines to a script for a zone.

When you mean for a zone, does that mean I only receive the special stats in a certain zone?

And how do i edit scripts anyway?
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Umm..maybe an administrator would like to know i found this in the "minetrig" script while looking for the "Give_reward" function..





.....When the PC gets close to it,

// it will activate all fo those mines....


Lol it activates all fo the mines?


Edit: nm, nearly all the script files have typos.

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Originally Posted By: Gondor2222
When you mean for a zone, does that mean I only receive the special stats in a certain zone?

No. You need a script to give you the attribute increases, though, and the easy scripts to alter are the ones that apply to a zone. There's a separate file for each zone, usually with the zone name or an abbreviation thereof after a z# prefix.

—Alorael, who otherwise doesn't have much help to add. Others are better scripters than he.
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begindefineability 30; // fire rain, is a spell, high damage

import = 9;

ab_name = "Purifying Rain";

ab_abil_type = 4;


ab_missile_type_fired = 133;


ab_graphic_type = -1;


ab_stat_ability_linked_to = 49;

ab_stat_for_ability_bonus = 9;


ab_effect_type = 0;

ab_damage_type = 2;

ab_effect_base = 20;

ab_effect_per_level = 10;

ab_status_effect = -1;


ab_missile_short_range = 1;

ab_ability_sound = 178;

ab_energy_cost = 200;

ab_essence_cost = 20;


That's the script for the purifying rain. I tried changing the ab_effect_base from 20 to 1000, so i could do 1000 damage to every enemy in range, but then it wouldn't let me save the file, because it says



"cannot create the file C:\Program Files\Spiderweb Software\Geneforge 5\Geneforge 5 Files\Scripts\gf5objsmisc.txt file.

Make sure that the path and file name are correct."


What's more, the message comes up BEFORE the box that asks me what i want to save it as!


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