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Infiltrator Set[G5]

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That charm is a pain, guarded by those mines behind their triggers. I recently went through them again, and eventually succeeded in disarming them both. But I still don't quite know how.


1) Definitely combat mode.

2) Dash directly to the mines, by clicking on one, and then be ready to click on the other immediately.


After this it really gets unclear.

3) I think that maybe if you don't have the mechanics needed to disarm, then you will get blown up before reaching them every time, instead of getting the usual failure message. So if this is true, and you're never making it to the mines, try raising mech. But I'm not quite sure this is true. After raising mech, suddenly I could consistently disarm one mine on every try; but thinking back, it's just possible that my problem had been neglecting point 2 above, because I did spend a lot of time trying to duck just inside the door in order to set of the mines and escape in time.


4) I also added the Shadow Boots before finding I could make it to one mine. So maybe stealth helps?


5) On Torment, even one mine was still blowing me away every time. Pumping quick action may give you a better chance of getting the second mine before it goes off, because I only finally succeeded after doing this ... and one more thing.


6) Tiring of all the explosions, I finally dropped the difficulty from Torment to Casual, expecting to be able to survive one mine that way. And on my first try I successfully disarmed both. So does difficulty level also affect mine triggering speed, or was it a coincidence that I finally got lucky after dropping the difficulty?



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