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Ghaldring's busy? i have to return later?[G5]

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You need to sneak into his chamber through the power conduit room, just north of where he is. If you have creations, you may wish to absorb them. Hide at the very edges of the room (near where the outlaying Crystals are) to minimize damage. Regeneration is god for this. Leave immediately after you are told that the power is going down. Be ready for a fight when you reenter his chamber.


The Last Archon

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You can sneak in through the labs instead of the power room, but you have to be sneakier and you need either a whole lot of living tools or very high Mechanics. The bright side is that you can also steal some very nice canisters, although if you plan on joining Ghaldring you are just getting them early with an added living tool cost.


—Alorael, who didn't even realize there was another way in on his first G5 playthrough. He thought the route was suspiciously difficult...

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I just snuck through the labs to get to Ghaldring recently and I don't remember any locked doors that you are required to go through. I think all the locked doors are for reward rooms.


It is definitely tricky to slip past that pair of researchers, though, and that was just Dikiyoba's character alone. Dikiyoba is glad that Dikiyoba's PC had a high enough leadership to avoid Ghaldring's final test, because trying to get a pack of creations through the lab as well would have been very painful.

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