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The range of "Start General Timer" only allows 0 to 30,000 moves. That comes out to a bit more than 8 days.

How can I set a time period longer than that? I'd like to do something around 20 days.

The only thing I can see is to have one timer call another, call another, etc.

Also, is there a site that lists "Trips & Tricks"? If not, that might be a good add-on to the upgraded Editor that people are working on; items above and beyond 'normal' programming.




That was my first thought, but later when I went back to what I was doing, and... there it was.

I haven't had time to get prove it out yet, but I will in the next couple of days; we're due for more rain.

I'm using the "Start General Timer" to count 3700 moves for one day, then it jumps to the next Node to "Day Reached?".

Both "Jump to", or "Else" to '-1'.

As the Scenario counts out 3700 move days, it should hit the Day Reached and go into another Node telling you you didn't accomplish your feat, you die, End Scenario.

In the meantime, thanks again for the response. It's a major help just knowing there is still a Community 'out there'.




Someone who likes long scenarios? Like myself?


Then again, we all know you like to rush through long games skipping everything that isn't absolutely necessary to finish in as little time as possible, so perhaps we should take what you say on the subject with a grain of salt. tongue


On the other hand, if there's not enough content, waiting 20 days for something to happen can mean wandering around doing nothing, or holding down the R key to pass the days. This is called "boring" and was used in the aptly named scenario "Isle of Boredom" by The Creator(s).


Of course, in this case the reward for waiting is death, so the only real issue is where to set the time limit, so that the time limit creates an appropriate challenge (if that's what it's meant to do) while not being so strict that the scenario is impossible.


Twenty days is, agreeably, quite long. I guess I was just picking a number in regard to an idea I had, when I was asking the question.

I was more interested in how to select a time longer than 30,000 moves, (8+ days).

I've never completed 'E3', nor 'At the Gallows', for instance. I don't think I've ever noted the number of days a Scenario takes, but know I don't like long ones.

I did play 'AC-3' a couple of times and 'Falling Stars' about 10 times. I think those two are my all time favorites.

However, my abilities and opinions are of about the same value; mediocre.

'Nuff; I'm rambling again.

Thanks for the comments and assistance,



I found a saved copy of a post dated: 11/21/04, started by Miluk that noted the difference between indoor and outdoor moves per day.




Walking, or standing:

Indoors, 1 day = 3700 moves.

Outdoors, 1 day = 370 moves.


Horseback, 5 moves indoors = 1 move outdoors, so horseback is twice as fast outdoors.


'Have a Rest', the Event Timer doesn't register, but the Day Timer advances the number of moves the Node moves forward.

Having a rest outdoors is 500 Event Timer Moves and 1700 Day Counter moves.


'Wait 100 moves' should actually be 'wait 80 moves', because it is 80 moves for both the Event Timer and the Day Counter.


Eating occurs every 1000 moves when walking/standing still indoors and every 100 moves outdoors.


* Taken from the posting, as stated.

Originally Posted By: Ahbleza
I don't think I've ever noted the number of days a Scenario takes, but know I don't like long ones.

I don't mind long scenarios, as long as they remain interesting...the problem is, though, someone has to sit down and make 20 days worth of stuff without reaching the "get fed up and do something else" stage.

They can help with game balance, though...I mean, you can have one designed for a starting party, and play along going up in level and equipment, without having to finish the scenario, and find a good medium difficulty scenario of the same medium difficulty as your party level.


I'm sure most of you realize this, but the 'Day Reached?' is similar to an 'SDF?'.

To count more than 30,000 moves, (8+ days), I strung together four 'Set General Timer' Nodes to 27,750 moves each and then did a 'Dialog', 'Kill/Raise' and then 'End Scenario' if the 30 days were reached and you hadn't completed the mission(s).

I'll never be a Programmer, much less an Author, but I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this thing.

Thanks all for the help and responses.


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