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blades of geneforge[G5]

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
Blades of Avernum nearly sent Spiderweb Software out of business, so probably not. Jeff has said it's too much work for too little gain.

That's a shame -- I did not know this (I typically only follow the forums soon after release, and then disappear when I get busy again -- which will be soon as semester is starting again). Fortunately, both Blades (Exile/Avernum) forced Jeff to standardize his data formats in a way that has made modding relatively easy. So it has provided value-add beyond those two games.

The commercial value of user-generated content is hotly debated right now. In most cases, it just provides extra longevity to the game for a small subset of the play base; most of the player base purchases the title for the creator-generated content. The two Neverwinter Nights are perfect examples of this. Those platforms which focus entirely on user-generated content often have a hard time making money (Second Life is surviving, but it is not a runaway success, and people are still trying to find its niche).
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Originally Posted By: Regenerativity
Actually, the BoA data format seems to be almost the same as the one used in the entire Geneforge series, which predates BoA by a few years. So, there goes that value-add.

It is the same as the Blades of Exile format, which is the first time he separated the data into files outside of the resource fork (at least in Macs). Hence my reference to both games.
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  • 2 weeks later...

What's needed in user-developed content is an App Store or iTunes Store implementation for easy distribution, including commercial distribution, of the results.


I don't know if anyone is familiar with the open source Battle of Wesnoth, but they've got a sizable community contributed user-developed content. I'm sure part of that is thanks to an integrated system for browsing and distributing the content.


I know I would gladly pay $5 for user-developed adventures in Geneforge. Each purchase could be divided so that $1 goes to Spiderweb, $1 covers transaction-level costs and $3 goes back to the third-party developer.


It's just a matter of thinking outside the box...

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Originally Posted By: Justin Dagna
I know I would gladly pay $5 for user-developed adventures in Geneforge. Each purchase could be divided so that $1 goes to Spiderweb, $1 covers transaction-level costs and $3 goes back to the third-party developer.

Jeff deliberately chose not to commercialize scenario distribution (and as far as I know prohibited designers from selling Blades scenarios) to avoid liability. Spiderweb Software does not have the infrastructure to vet every single scenario for playability and quality, and rather than suffer dissatisfied customers they made scenarios entirely free.

Now that there is such a large collection of works, Jeff could distribute a "BoA Gold Edition" with hand-picked scenarios. Maybe BoA bombed because it just didn't offer enough value at the time?
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From what I've seen Jeff say, people tend to exaggerate the "bombiness" of BoA. BoA bombed in the sense that it sold worse than A3, but took much longer to develop. I don't think the issue is that *nobody* bought it.


That said, repackaging BoA (at the same price) with hand-picked scenarios and calling it BoA Gold sounds like a great way to advertise it and get some more revenue out of it. That almost sounds worth emailing Jeff about.

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Originally Posted By: Heaven Forfend
From what I've seen Jeff say, people tend to exaggerate the "bombiness" of BoA. BoA bombed in the sense that it sold worse than A3, but took much longer to develop. I don't think the issue is that *nobody* bought it.

It's hard to do much worse than "almost sent him out of business", though, whatever the reasons.
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