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Macworld Reviews GF5[G5]

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I think the review is likely to get the attention of the right demographic. Mediocre score aside, the reviewer points out a deep and complex storyline. Actually he makes it sound deeper and complex than it really is, I think, while missing the multiple paths and multiple endings, but okay. The right people reading that review are likely to at least try out the demo, and that's all Jeff needs.


—Alorael, who doesn't think that excuses the reviewer being a cad, buffoon, and pantywaist. Also possibly sub-literate. Insulting someone who isn't present is fun and rewarding!

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Originally Posted By: Also Sprach Alorael

Alorael, who doesn't think that excuses the reviewer being a cad, buffoon, and pantywaist. Also possibly sub-literate. Insulting someone who isn't present is fun and rewarding!

It isn't right to make fun of someone behind their back. However, because of the literacy question, I think it'll work. If the person can't understand what is being said about them, then it was never really said, right? (what?)
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The reviewer can always come over here to see what we think of him and his review. Considering the number of mistakes in the review, Alorael is justified. Besides the reviewer can always walk over to Alorael and discuss it. smile


The reviewer seems to have just played the demo which restricts the information that he had. It explains the worm comment since they are in 5 of the 9 demo zones. If you don't know what to do in the game, Jeff's helpful hints in the instructions don't always help that much.

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The reviewer seems to have just played the demo which restricts the information that he had. It explains the worm comment since they are in 5 of the 9 demo zones. If you don't know what to do in the game, Jeff's helpful hints in the instructions don't always help that much.

I agree with what you said...but...there are 10 demo zones, not 9.
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Sneak? Never occurred to me. Do you pass the the golem guard in battle mode? I guess if you weakened the patchworks with that device in the SE, it might be even more doable. The only scary part might be the potential lightning attack of the shock patchworks. I always try to get them first, but ... best laid plans, and all that...

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Originally Posted By: Blurb
Sneak? Never occurred to me. Do you pass the the golem guard in battle mode?

Yes. It won't follow. In fact, nothing will seek you out until you kill a control patchwork.
The only scary part might be the potential lightning attack of the shock patchworks.

Standing behind the door and sending Corrupted Thahds could work; anything else will see you and all your creations dead within two rounds. Lightning is _death_ before resistance spores and Banish Affliction.
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Yes, and there is a good sword there, and if you can kill the patchworks, great experience. So I count it as a zone.



The game will take you many hours to play, and that’s only with one character. With six classes, differing sects that open up different maps, and dozens of endings, the complete experience requires an investment not in hours, but days.


Does he expect to spend nearly $30 on a game and finish the entire thing with all the endings in only a few hours?

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There is a trend toward shorter RPGs and it's become fairly popular. I guess the time investment might be something people want to know. There is value in both. Just a question of needs, I guess. This was a neutral, factual remark in the review, to me.


I did see a game review forum that only posted the last paragraph of the Holt review, which is basically flattering to Jeff and recommends the game. I'm not sure the review will make all that much difference in the long run to folks who would be interested in buying the game.


The review is really not all bad when you look at it as a whole. It's lame, but the game isn't panned either.

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Hate the reviewer, not the review.


—Alorael, who has already said that the review says the right things to the right people. It's a usable too for deciding whether or not to give the demo a whirl. It just happens to do it as poorly as possible while still technically functioning as a semi-accurate review.

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