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A4 - am i in the latest fashion...?

D Pliss

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I just wanted to know if i have the best possable items i could have on my party, i'm in the abyss and have done some stuff there.. as i last recall i have:


Aldous {my fighter}

helm of klin,demonslayer,emerald chestguard, infernal shroud,hero's necklace,mica band, thrusting gauntlets,internial shield,

girdle of might,readiant boots, airy vambraces.

extras: oozing blade,singing rapier.


Thissa {spearman}

warriors cloak,serpentskin helmet,specral gloves,

bladeshield chain,pealescent band,radiand plate,

spear of the fen,icedrake vambraces,clover boots,

girdle of endurence.


frrrrrrrr {archer}

archers cloak,helm of kar,tinkers gloves,

tinkers bauble,archers band,nullity shield,

swampwalker leather,runed vambraces,swamp boots,

girdle of nimbleness, bow of decay.

extras:blessed bow,frozen blade,shokwave bow,razordisks.


Mycroft {mage and priest}

grounded cloak,cap of thouhts,clairity talisman,

radiant gauntlets,treated carapace,magestone band,

enchanters robe,flaming sword,samaritan sandals,

swamp pants,girdle of genius.

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...spear of the fen...
You should get the Jade Halberd, one of the most powerfull weapons in the game (also one of the best)
You get it for killing the captin of a Darkside fort that is near an Avernum fort (that is south of Spire fortress). You access it through the cells.

Edit -capitalize all I's when they are like this: I, I'm, etc.
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Originally written by Small Fry:
sweet, jade halberd, didjn'g know ty!
oh and... A FREKIN STICK, demonslayer is the best weapon in game for fighters, although, it doesn't really kill demons better.
wha the heck is radiant soulblade, I use weapons with my mage too, he can use that, and where is it?????
A stick just has the highest damage multiplier, so eventually it becomes the best weapon. You just need a really powerful fighter.

The Radiant Soulblade, if I recall correctly, is obtained by beating up on Dorikas.
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With 0 added combat multipliers (melee, strength, blademaster, items that add +to levels of damage in combat):

Demonslayer deals 12-36.

A stick deals 1-4.

Demonslayer clearly wins.


With 43 added combat multipliers:

Demonslayer deals 55-165.

A stick deals 44-176.

Same average.


With 60 added combat multipliers:

Demonslayer deals 72-216.

A stick deals 61-244.

Stick FTW.


Note that with a dedicated fighter with some decent items can get to 60 damage levels without too much of a problem. Sure, in the beginning of the game you might not want anything to do with sticks, but by the endgame a fighter with a stick is a force to be reckoned with.

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oozing, i don't need another person with some poison/acid, my archer AND pole slith do acid/poison {hard to tell} why do i need more, besides, in my opinion defence and good att is better than acid and SUCKY stats, my mage has lvl 3 acid spell {rarely uses though see reason why on part with no need for more acid}, and so uses radiant shortblade.

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oozing, i don't need another person with some poison/acid, my archer AND pole slith do acid/poison {hard to tell} why do i need more, besides, in my opinion defence and good att is better than acid and SUCKY stats, my mage has lvl 3 acid spell {rarely uses though see reason why on part with no need for more acid}, and so uses radiant shortblade.




replaces mica band for blessed armor band,and radiant boots for stabillity boots.



replaces clover boots for radiant boots,

spear of the fen for jade halberd, and bladeshield chain for jade chain.



replaces swmp boots with clover boots, and swaps archers band with farsight band




replaces enchanters robe with magus vest, and swaps flaming sword with radiant shortblade.

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The strength might be affected by spellcasting power at very low levels of blessing -- I haven't tested that, and that's the way it always was in Exile. Regardless, there is definitely an easily achievable limit beyond which spellcasting power only adds to blessing duration.


...Come to think of it, I'm not 100% sure this is how blessing affects damage. I think it is, but I haven't tested and I know others (Randomizer?) have suggested it just adds a percentage factor to damage, the converse of shielding. I find this pretty unlikely, but it's possible.


Blessing does, however, affect to-hit chance just like extra levels of attack strength do.

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