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Annatolia or Crewl? (possible spoilers)


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I wish I'd realized that it's possible to get by without killing either of them (those traps in the passage under Bargha aren't really that bad). I just wound up thinking that Annatolia was a bit more dishonorable... and I wish I'd thought to kill her without saying it to her face. It was really "fun" trying to run out of Spire without killing anyone...

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If so, it's a strange bug. Normal behavior would make the town hostile if you attack Annatolia, and indeed this was originally what happened. The conversation option just ended the conversation and didn't make anyone hostile.


Apparently the results of comments on the beta made attacking Annatolia only make Annatolia hostile. It's too deliberate to be a mistake. It's just weird.


—Alorael, who supposes the people of Spire are loyal enough to protect their queen when she calls for help but not so loyal that they defend her when a band of roving adventurers whips out their implements of savagery and get to work.

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I was just running some tests in Fort Draco about the behavior of towns regarding your murdering tendencies. You can kill any character in solitude without any of the town getting angry at you. This includes storekeepers, guards, inn patrons, the captain of the guard, etc. Killing in plain view will only anger those who see you; ie, you can clear an entire street of the pesky town guard, go inside the barracks and have a friendly conversation with the captain. This leads me to believe that Annatolia was given no special programming regarding surprise attacks, and just follows the normal rules for murdered citizens. If this is indeed a bug, it would be very simple to fix in the next update.


Update: more on standard behavior regarding attacking citizens. I also tested Tower Colony and Fort Monastery, killing such distinguished gentlemen as X and Kellner. The exact behavior for people going hostile is as follows:

1) anyone you specifically attack will go hostile

2) anyone who sees another character go hostile will also go hostile

This second part is very narrowly defined. If you swing a sword or fire an arrow inside a guard's sight range, the guard won't go hostile if he can't see the guy you attacked. As an added bonus, if the guy you attacked comes after you, the guards still friendly to you will do combat with them. I got some very entertaining guard-on-guard battles going with this in mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally written by *i:
There is no need to kill either Annatolia or Crewl. Of course, killing her and not everything going hostile is a bug and probably should not be exploited.
Nah - I reckon that no one in the town really liked her, she was a nasty dictator type.

In fact they should probably congratulate you and lower their prices in reward wink
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Bashing walls is unnecessary. Walking around west of Bargha where Crewl tells you to look is. There's no great secret to finding the agent. Just poke around.


—Alorael, who hopes you aren't poking around in the houses in the no-man's land between Spire and Bargha. This house is definitely about as northwest as you can get in the Abyss.

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Yes, the passage should open if you follow the gravel path from where you get that message to the north.


This is odd. Has the game displayed any error messages recently?


If not (or even if so), do you mind opening up your Scripts folder and posting the entire contents of the files z12abyssdlg.txt and z22barghadlg.txt so that we can see if they've somehow become corrupted?

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Wow. Um, I hope you had fun playing through 70% of the game in the dark?


I can understand why those passages wouldn't work in the unregistered version, though. The script for both of those secret passages checks to see if there's a wall where the passage is, and removes the wall if it's there. If you're playing in blackness, the terrain types for walls are switched with different ones, so the script doesn't find the terrain type it expects, and therefore assumes the passage has already been opened.

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Now that your great trial is over, Sirhc, I want a verdict. Would it have been more or less painful to go through the scripts to check for problems like the one Thuryl found?


—Alorael, who cannot imagine the suffering involved in playing through A4 in the dark. This is a task surpassing Hapless and his opposite (Avatar?), who were merely plagued with unfortunate traits.

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It really isn't too bad once you learn about how explored terrain displays. The major problems came with the emerald chestguard, which I actually couldn't navigate to, and the same with the oozing blade. For the most part, I didn't find the darkness much of a problem. I don't really know what would be involved in changing the scripts, so I can't really say.

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