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Everything posted by Ohsky

  1. I did noticed that. But the cheap solution works well enough.
  2. Battle rage at level 3 casts Haste + bless. If you have any char with level 1 priest spells you have that haste guaranteed in everyone in your party.
  3. In Avernum 2 i haven´t yet seen undeads with 8 attacks, though Minor demons has 5-6. Undeads didn´t gave me that many problems, i remember ghouls having 3 attacks... many normal creatures had the same number. Maybe it´s that Avernum 1 is worse even than 2, don´t know. It´s dual wielding on Avernum 2 possible?.
  4. The first Avernum game i played was A EFTP, and was great. Now im with Avernum 2 and it´s hilarious how imbalanced and broken some things are in that game. For example, the summon problem. As there are no limits, you, and your enemies can summon 10839894 pets wich could make an entire room or area to be filled in a real battle that is... but when you face another mages that can summon demons, wich they can summon as well another pets with "call aid", it´s just ridiculous, and sometimes, impossible to win. Enemy mages can dispatch your heroes quite easily also, with their multiple target spells, instead of area of effect spells, the normal thing in EFTP. I found by far much more difficult Avernum 2 than EFTP, though it´s playable and fun to play despite it´s flaws. You got to be very careful where you wander in Avernum 2 to get exp without it being too difficult to level up. I suppose in the old Avernum 1 was similar. Glad Jeff decide to remake the series, he will win reputation with it.
  5. Trance music from the Netherlands usually. But i like many other artists not related with that genre.
  6. Try the Gothic series, I specially liked Gothic 3 and it´s expansion.
  7. The banking crisis has awaken many about how the world works. This sided with the internet helping spread some valuable information about it. But that enters on the terrain of conspiracies, so i leave it at that.
  8. What is changing more the minds of the society is the banking crisis right now. Technology at it´s side is dwarfed with so much tech supression and vested interests. Boring documentaries about the posibilities of quantum physics means nothing compared with the wipe out of the middle-class in some countries like mine.
  9. Yeees all cultures are technological, i develop myself spiritual technology everyday, mental tools to avoid being stupid to myself, not joking. But the problem is transhumanism, for me, the problem i show concern of. If you care about being left behind by the rest of the community don´t lose the wagon. In the end, It´s only a train ride.
  10. You have done that already a couple of times as if this were something on a personal level when it isn´t. it´s just talking about some points of view. I don´t try to convince anyone of anything, just that subject came out in the discussion. "question everything", "search the truth for yourself", "question authority-es", etc
  11. More vague is your assertion here. Point out the problem, to the person, and the question you want to be answered, all of that with mathematical precision. If you are "lucky", you will get what you wanted, but don´t expect much that as most FACTS can´t be given through word of a forum. You got to get out and search for them personally. Seeing them with your own eyes, later having to deal with the FACT others won´t believe those FACTS you had seen yourself as FACTS. It´s complicated. I hope you get more or less what i mean. No offense. In my case, in the case of conspiracies, im not goin to give any explanation, it´s a terrain i suggest everyone interested do his own research their own ways. You just can´t BACK up some VERY complex things that go around in this world in a simple thread like this one, not on 100 of them. And, besides, why i will care about backing up conspiracies in a forum?, to be mocked and ridiculed?, people are quick to be overtly sensitive to such topics that question their worldview and belief systems openly. Experience is a degree, you see a pattern, i see anothers.
  12. yeah, the only common connection to that
  13. That´s what you think. I researched enough to reach such conclusion. What i can only say is for others to do their own research if they want. I mean, no need to trust me, go find the truth yourself.
  14. It is good that there is certain movements that don´t advocate for transhumanism, the extreme. I advocate for common sense. I could live personally a very spiritual life, but i enjoy some technology like computer and the internet once in a while. What i complain about is that The powers that be, want to dehumanize people into cibernetic retards. Bluntly put. And, you like it or not, tptb got all the influence through their massive resources to reach vulnerable people and indoctrinate them to agree on such obscure future.
  15. A technology-based culture will regard it´s most important changes are technology based, but there are other cultures that don´t need technology in such degree and that sole idea is a hard to swallow one. For me the mistake of western civilizations is to think technology and science are the only measure of success for all humankind. No wonder why, a soul-less world based on cold technology achievement and mathematical predicitions has no sense at all and has nothing to do with life to start with. There is technology supression already, that could have helped changed the world into a seemingly paradise, but vested interests rule our planet. Nevertheless, technology Is just an interpretation of progress that got wide consensus based on forced indoctrination over centuries of no other alternatives. You get your children born and the government forces you to indoctrinate them onto schools, and later, if you want, in Universities. You are persistently told that the light at the end of the tunnel is there. The all bias of life. And no, this doesn´t advocate for going backwards and being physically primitive. What the western world is, is spiritually primitive. And what the western societies search through transhumanistic tendencies is salvation through technology, the beacon of light in a universe of darkness. But such is the beacon of light for those who don´t want to be one with that universe. Such idea of salvation is continually bombarded to us throughout all the media, movies, and more.
  16. Im not assesing you are anything, i was sharing a perspective that just came out of the discussion.
  17. Reading, talking, exchanging points of view, and discussing them is another pleasure. That´s why i speak here. Is another experience, though, who did say that reading and talking is a waste of time?. Not me, not Mckenna either. Don´t take suggestions too literally to the extreme as if they were moral imperatives. No, they aren´t. Besides, this thread was about philosophy, i don´t get why science gets in the way and it´s compared to it. They are two different things. Science is good for some things, philosophy for some others.... i don´t like the turn it took, like some ...science vs philosophy. It was relativism vs objetivism when trying to establish what is truth or not. Science is based on this: "give us one free miracle, and we will try to explain the rest from that miracle onwards" : i.e. the free miracle being the Big Bang. So you compare a thing that is based on thoughts, non empirical, with another based on empirical facts. Easy to see wich will lose... as there are much more pro-science than philosophers in general population. Going for the real experience instead of especulating about what has been already discovered is to try to discover something going into the unknown. You will discover yourself first, the most important thing of them all, in the process, wich will remake or destroy your whole idea of what you think you are, again and again. We take some risks when we take past thinkers as something serious to consider just because they were famous or recognized. The entire system of recognition is, indeed, flawed. Because we are inherently fallible. So many flaws had been passing from generation to generation. It´s just "think a little out of the culture box" behaviour. Culture comes to you in your daily life as it is: full of good and bad legacies.
  18. No, i don´t mean goin primitive, it´s just living life, having experiences, etc. Don´t look at that much further. For instance, if you read a book about adventures, you aren´t having them, you are imagining them. So, try having "them" or whatever is near that, in real life. It´s just that simple. That was Mckenna´s suggestion. If i said that there is a possibility we are here to learn to die, that means natural selection for me means very little already, as it´s of much more importance to animals, or to those who care about it more than me. We humans can use very different paradigms to base and direct our lives. They can be very different from each other, very alien, indeed.
  19. "Culture is not your friend" in the sense that it´s always a closed source of information based on previous human experiences. What Mckenna says is that you should go for the real experience, instead of speculating about what others have done in the past. "Go and live for yourself!, go and checkit out yourself, go and climb the mountain yourself, go and taste some dishes yourself, etc". You will find culture is your friend when it is convenient to you for it to keep existing because it provides you with what you need. For me, western and many other civilizations and cultures are a crime towards life itself. Not just the best option, or the smartest for me. Ethics-morality is a general word used to represent what you think is best for you and those around you. Though there could be as many ethical approaches as people. And they could be conflicting or even completely opposite to each other. Beyond ethics, morality, spirituality, and philosophy, there is the direction of life. And it is one that it´s openly denied by most of mankind. Why?, because it´s dreadful: death. Are we here to learn to die in every sense imaginable?, i think yes.
  20. None is absolutely right and justified in their actions so all you can do is BET for something, to take risks, and if you are in the end mistaken, learn from it. You are "free" to choose as long as you are unconscious of the conditions that makes you take your decision, freedom is about ignorance. The more ignorant you are the freer. Ethics is the bet on co-creating something, something beyond your lonely ego, beyond the overrated sociopathical individuality so common to be seen on the internet. Spirituality as i have explained it earlier has little to do with mainstream religions, at all. It´s just a way of understanding the truth of your circumstances, your limitations as in a human body. As Terence Mckenna said: "Culture is not your friend, it´s for other people´s conveniences, for the convenience of institutions, power schemes, control, tax collection schemes, religions, companies, etc." That if you really want to go beyond the limits of actual culture on your own just to experience things unrestrained by your own knowledge of it.
  21. We are human beings, that means each one of us perceive things from their own perspective and that´s all the relative thing that there seems to be: we are looking at the same thing from a different point of view. The truth of what are we looking at can´t be reached adequately because we are designed to be limited on how much we can perceive. We aren´t made to handle infinity, our human body isn´t made to do that. Only our small parcel of reality in wich we are used to live and understand somehow. Though we can´t assess truth, we can try to reach it, never reaching it absolutely, but getting nearer and nearer. So nobody could consider itself it´s owner. It´s a natural barrier, an intelligent design far high and above than our own human intelligences. It´s like a mathematical asymptote. It derives in a process of purification that it´s quickly dismissed by official institutions as spirituality. Spirituality thus could be understood as the acceptance of the humble circumstances we are the protagonists of: life as a human. It´s not that you have to be humble without reason, life will humble yourself on due time.
  22. Ohsky


    that´s called "mosto" in spain. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Must
  23. Ohsky


    My favourite beer is Guiness. Sure you all know that mixing things doesn´t go well to the stomach. So it´s recomended to stick to one thing or two. Explosive coctails aren´t recomended either.
  24. Ohsky


    And which one is your favourite liquor, mine JB.
  25. you start out as a noob wich can´t do anything, yet, you are asked to do things by people wich have 2345 hp and can win the game alone themselves. I still remember that greta killing kyshaaks in the first screen on g4, map, part of the game, yet, you are relevant to change the outcome of the war. "i can´t do this, you should, minion". You dont ever get, above 1000 hp, if rarely on G5.´If you go tank. You are the disposable diaper, the tool.Then, before the game ends, you can kill all of them if you wish. you get the sensation everyone is much below as useless as you even start the game. but that´s not a problem, this a rant, this is something pointless.
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