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Everything posted by mikeprichard

  1. Hopefully he'll put the correct information back in for all scarabs with v1.0.1, as he's already said he's correcting all tooltips.
  2. Thanks for the clarification - I also realized after I posted that it might in fact be 1.5 turns/skill level, not 1.5 turns/character level, which as you say is still very strong, but not nearly as insane as it's implemented currently. With these changes, my 1.0.1 playthrough would've probably seen me as a Tinkermage, Khalida, and Nathalie - Khalida hits COTF, I hit Charge Weapons, Nathalie does what Nathalie does, and enemies have a very bad day. Thanks again to Jeff for dropping by the forums and considering the feedback, and for a solid ending to the Avadon trilogy!
  3. If I'm reading this correctly, that still seems pretty OP. As with version 1.0, given the long duration of the skill (at character level 1 you'd get an average of 6 turns of the skill, while at level 30 you'd get 48 turns - even more than my Silena has now from my above example), you could just activate Charge Weapons before a battle, then have every attack do double damage after entering the next battle - including on the first turn. Or am I missing something? Either way, thanks for taking the time to consider feedback!
  4. On this topic, my Silena at Level 29 has modified attributes of Strength 11, Dexterity 44, Intelligence 12, and Endurance 12 - i.e. I raised almost exclusively Dexterity and almost never Intelligence at every level up - and her Charge Weapons skill (at max skill level 4) still lasts for 31 turns.
  5. You'll have a chance to get it when you complete Khalida's side quest.
  6. Kelandon - remember that you can simulate the in-game trainer character by pulling up Shift+D and typing "retrain." I've used that cheat myself for testing purposes, and it has exactly the same effects (and the same "attribute cycling" bug that's been reported earlier and described in detail by Slarty) as using the trainer character.
  7. Personally, my problem with Shamans is their fragility - they're the only class that doesn't have a "damage resistance" skill set in their Efficiency tier. By end game, this makes them extremely fragile across the board (including to both physical and magic/elemental attacks) compared to every other class. I think your suggestion to tweak Nature Mastery to include damage protection would be welcome. As far as their weak damage output, I haven't used Shamans much at all (mostly because of the above issue), so maybe others can add to that.
  8. Jeff - right, my bad; I meant Steel Discipline and not Lightning Discipline. I did kind of like exploiting this bug, but thanks for your feedback and the fix! So while we've got your attention, on an unrelated note (but still on the topic of game mechanics feedback) - did you have a particular reason for removing the to-hit chance percentage feedback from the in-game "text box"? Removing this info from in-game data frankly seems like a step backwards.
  9. Yeah, I assume it was +5 in the beta, but he found it overpowered and nerfed it for the release version. Thanks again for putting together the useful info, as usual.
  10. I promise I'm almost done, but the Shaman's Staff grants +3 to Aura of the Grove, not +5 as currently shown in the list. Thanks!
  11. I'll include this here from another topic, as it's relevant to incorrect tooltip information: I've confirmed that the Shadowwalker's Lightning Discipline skill (if at level 7 or higher) gives a chance at Battle Frenzy upon receiving any type of damage (including magic, elemental, and ranged physical), not just "melee" damage as the tooltip incorrectly states.
  12. OK, that makes more sense now. I might have to put Khalida and Silena in the party together again just to see how crazy the damage can get at high levels when Silena's buffed both with frenzy from Khalida and her own charged weapon attack. I imagine it's pretty cheesy.
  13. Sure, your intent is clear from the OP. I don't think Blademasters are necessarily objectively "stronger" than Shadowwalkers, if that's what you're implying, but as far as the facts in the OP are concerned, I'm on board.
  14. True, but my backstabbin' duo has served me just fine without the need for bringing a Blademaster along with her weaker resists - Blademasters never really appealed to me anyway. But to each their own.
  15. Confirmed: Botan just got struck by magical damage from a Shock Turret in the northeast area of Beraza Woods, and received the Battle Frenzy status as a result. So it's either a bug, or a typo in the Steel Discipline tooltip, which as of game version 1.0 indicates Battle Frenzy only triggers on "melee" damage. My testing indicates it actually triggers upon receiving any damage. (There are many other issues with incorrect information in the tooltips, as noted in another topic, so I'm thinking it's just a typo - but if it is, maxed Steel Discipline as intended is even more OP than I initially thought.)
  16. I agree with the OP analysis, but don't forget the power of the Shadowwalker's maxed Steel Discipline, which after skill level 7, gives 8%/skill level chance to enter Battle Frenzy when "struck in melee". I've confirmed that the frenzy actually triggers when struck by ranged physical attacks as well, and I'm pretty sure (though I could be wrong on this one point) I've seen it trigger often even from magic/elemental/curse cone/AOE attacks. I've been running a party of me (Shadowwalker), Botan (Shadowwalker), and Nathalie (Sorcerer) with the "Efficiency" skill rows maxed for all three, and have been destroying almost everything on Normal up until the Temple of Velusa so far. Granted, I am playing on Normal, but the OP-ness of the Shadowwalker's access to two attacks/actions per round via Battle Frenzy (which is active practically every round for at least one of my shadowwalkers using my builds) can't be discounted. That said, I haven't used Silena much, but the fact that maxed Charge Weapons skill along with maxed Dexterity makes Tinkermages potentially even more OP seems pretty clear. And yes, Shamans... interesting, but more of a "challenge" class.
  17. I completely agree - insufficient/incorrect info on game mechanics has always been my big pet peeve with Spidweb games, and I'd say it's a fairly major issue (especially for new players), so hopefully a thorough review of all the stat/ability tooltips will be made before version 1.0.1.
  18. Aaand one more missing from the list - the Silken Shroud.
  19. This isn't accurate. As just one confirmed example, if you equip an Amethyst Scarab (Group Heal ability) on a Shadowwalker, the scarab's ability scales with Strength, not Dexterity.
  20. That probably explains it - I'd gone along with the shade's arguments throughout the earlier lessons, and it was pleased with my answers by the final scene, so if I remember correctly, that must be why I avoided a fight at the end. Guess that makes the boots an optional drop. Also, saw one more thing missing from the list - the Sentient Eyestalk charm.
  21. I hope Jeff's removal of the to-hit chance values from in-game feedback is just a quirk of Avadon 3, and not his future titles as well - or maybe it's a ploy to get people to shell out cash for the Hint Book?
  22. Good to know - thanks for the info. It's a relatively minor bug, but hopefully Jeff will fix it eventually.
  23. If you retrain/respec a character's skill points (either through the trainer in Goldcrag or the Shift+D "retrain" cheat), the character's base attributes are automatically altered compared to their base pre-respec values: Intelligence is decreased by one point, and Endurance is increased by one point. (Bug confirmed in Windows version.)
  24. Is there an alternative way to finish the "final lesson" scene in Monitor Base C that involves fighting? I didn't fight anyone/anything in that final scene, so nobody there dropped anything, but I didn't keep a save beforehand to test other dialogue options that might have started a battle. Thanks!
  25. Randomizer - thanks for adding the Chirurgeon's Tunic to the list. The Stabby Sash stats are still incorrect, and I still can't find the Stompin' Boots where they're supposed to appear in game, but otherwise, aside from some minor formatting errors in the list with the armor value/weight/strength requirement column alignments and with the separators/headers for the different equipment categories, it all looks pretty good. And yeah, I also assumed the Scorched Greaves augmenting a Sorcerer skill but not being equippable by Sorcerers was a bug... Jeff be trollin'. With every game, he gets a little more unpredictable - sorta like Redbeard.
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