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Death Knight

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Everything posted by Death Knight

  1. You know whats hilarious about all this. I read the listing of characters in this game and was surprised to see that guardian is listed as "harder" to play as other than agents and shapers. Now everyone here says its easier to be guardian. Kind of funny really, but i guess i picked an easy class. The agent's probably still the hardest one to play, like in the 1st game.
  2. On a side note out of curiosity, has there been anyone that have successfully soloed avadon with any one class? A bow-wielding blademaster would be a tale to tell, but then a javelin wielding shaman would too.
  3. You see thats where the problem is though. Isnt defeating zephyrine and redbeard a major part and quest for the game? I remember i stopped playing that game as the battles took way too long. If i played with a lone shadow walker, id have all of the guys on me, beating on me, at most i'd attack or act twice, I cant run away. That's probably my biggest dread in both avernum and avadon-getting away from melee. You cant get out of position to remount an attack like in geneforge. At least in avernum 5, there's higher terrain. In avadon, you can only move 1 space to back out. The original avernum series had it down with counterattacks to leave. I still shouldnt hate on any of this as it makes no sense. Hopefully jeff will make another series that echoes geneforge.
  4. Yeah Geneforge 2 is on my list. I played avernum 1 quite a bit. The only problem was that it was a bit too retro for me and i hated how you move. I tried avernum 4 and 5 as the graphics were better but they are swarm-based. I dont know, Im more of a mano y mano type of fight where two powerful fighters/mages fight it out to the death. Ya know i'd play avadon if you could solo it with a shadowwalker. I just dont feel like trying as i had problems with the game as a party (sorc, Shadow, and Blademaster).
  5. Im a little lost. I played geneforge 1 as an agent and it was great. Now i cant seem to find another game that fits the "solo" aspect of it. I played avadon 1 and hated it, because you cant solo it without extreme powergaming. Avernum fits under the same category, except for the original 3, (i only played 1). It really kind of sucks that i played geneforge first as though i liked it, i wanted Avernum and avadon to be just like it. Oh well. Has anyone else found anything close to these observations?
  6. So there have been people that have beaten the whole a4 with just melee and priest spells? Thats insane. Im probably better off just playing a5, bows are probably better there cause of battle disciplines.
  7. i gotta say, i dont know how you guys solo these games on torment. I can barely get past anything on easy!! Is there anything im doing wrong. I am playing avernum 4 and it is just brutal. I am a bow/priest character. i read a faq about someone who used a priest/ranged attack user and i cant seem to get it to work. There are no bows to be found that are good. The slimes are impossible. I should probably just give up on soloing any of these games. They are way too hard. I tried each of the second trilogies 4 and 5 (except 6) and i cant seem to last at all. such a downer.
  8. Is luck in geneforge 2 the same as in geneforge 1? Im trying to get a definte list to its properties per point.
  9. Oh, i know. Im just trying to be optimistic as i find jeff makes rpgs that i can appreciate.
  10. Faq Question-Will there ever be an all new-avernum game with this new engine? Jeff-"We have not ruled it out, but it won't happen any time soon." Well after reading that, I cant help but get exited. If jeff does make an avernum 7 game with the new engine, I'd wager he knows owes some of us geneforge fans geneforge 6
  11. This is a hidden stats question: Are there any hidden exploitable stats that you dont normally know about for ranged weapons in A4. I know that blademaster gives a parry bonus, which is really helpful. Does sharpshooter or bows/throwing get any hidden bonuses. Melee already gets quick action, quick strike, blademaster. I know i shouldnt keep bugging you guys with questions so I am sorry.
  12. Im not sure if this was stated, but do natural mage and pure spirit traits increase your magic level skill when you progress. I read that natural warrior, dead eye and divine do so, but im not sure if the others do.
  13. Hmm.. I just got something with fatigue removal. Does anyone know how that works? It says plus a number. How did jeff work fatigue removal out in avernum 5? Does it go away until you go over the amount that it adds. So if it says +10, would the fatigue go away until you use something more than 10+ in that combat scenario.
  14. Originally Posted By: *i Death Knight, you know that you can retrain your characters (without using cheat codes) in Avadon? I know you can. I just usually like to get it right the first time. My concern was just the complicated sense of avadons skill system. The attributes were done like avernum which was good. The skill system could have been better though in my opinion. Me actually having to purchase previous skills so i can purchase new skills is not fun and make the game confusing and extremely aggravating. On top of that, there is almost no choice with where to place your specialization points because the middle wins hands down all the time. Theres no reason to choose the others as was said to me by others. Those 2 things really turned me away and i am just hoping that jeff doesnt follow that for avernum's remakes. Thats all.
  15. Originally Posted By: Randomizer From what Jeff has said, you need a minimum of 1 level in all the prerequiste skills to unlock the higher skills above. Unlike Avadon you don't need all the prerequiste skills to be the same level as the higher skill that you want, but only one of those skills. So only one of the ones below in a column needs to be maximized as you go to the top to maximize it. That is exactly what i needed to hear. I found that avadon's making you have all levels the same, was a big pain and it caused me to screw up my characters in avadon and eventually i quit the game. Im glad that avernum has it more d2 style. I wasnt worried that this was with skills, I am more concerned with battle disciplines. Which is what i am guessing you are talking about.
  16. Can someone explain this a bit to me. Will the skill trees be like avernum 5 and 6 where you unlock the disciplines by getting your melee or ranged skill up- Or will it be like Avadon where i have to unlock things to get to other things and all that garbage? Im hoping that it wont, cause the skill tree in avadon was one of the major reasons i couldnt stand. Im hoping jeff stays as close to a5 and a6 as he can.
  17. Has anyone been able to get a number or percentage on how much war blessing increases damage for A4? I know it is 25% in a5, but im not sure if it is that in a4 or if it is just 4 number sets.
  18. I was checking the pictures out at work. Cool!! I am somewhat worried though that Avernum might make the battle disciplines like a point system that avadon had. Ive only played a4 and a5, but i hope that the battle disciplines arent like avadon's abilities.
  19. Does anyone know the actual amount of levels (of damage) you get from the bless spell. I want to know this so i can maximize damage. After dividing the max by the min, 1-4 and 1-5 are the ones i need. Whereas 1-3 is manageable, 1-2 gives almost nothing.
  20. Ive decided that since bows just dont do enough damage to be considered enough, i think im going to try something i havent really seen too much of. A Melee/Ranged Throwing weapons hybrid. While Bows have some power, throwing weapons power is almost too good. I will have minor priest spells up to the point where i can summon a shade or two. Other than that, all will be spent on throwing, with melee not too far behind. I will pick deadeye for a trait and this time, forget about the defensive traits and pick nimble fingers, something that can save me a lot of points in tool use. I think i might try this solo on a4 as avernum 4 might be easier for ranged. Does anyone know of any ranged weapons that replenish quantity or something along those lines? Hopefully they never totall run out of javelins otherwise im screwed.
  21. Well thats that then. After not being able to fight against the basic gang numbers, I have concluded that soloing the game with ranged combat in a5 is impossible. I will try my luck with a4, maybe it might be easier.
  22. Just finished fighting the first group of thug assassins. Had to retry a few times, but it wasnt too hard. They all didnt do much damage to me, but it was still 3 melee and 1 ranged vs. 1 ranged. What i pick for battle disciplines really determines if i survive. A5 is definitely more melee and mage friendly. As you can now attack for 1 ap, melee can get much closer to archers and swarm them. In a4, the nephils would own me (with a party), half the time. I dont know which i like better.
  23. Starting to wonder if hardiness is not so bad. It essentially gives more resistance than luck at a lower cost. Though luck helps with dodging. Im going to need some sort of protection from elements with these crazy mages. The only problem so far is magic and the lack of good bows.
  24. I am a human with tough hide trait and deadeye. While normally tough hide wouldnt be that great, however, since im the only character i need to be able to take as many hits as possible. Deadeye is good to get some extra firepower. Fast on feet is almost useless for this character, which i why i wouldnt take it. An extra 1 or 2 ap occasionally isnt much help when you will be getting swarmed. I use bows as my weapon with priest spells, healing and buffing to keep me alive. The only real problem i have so far is mages. They are seriously some of the biggest bastards the game has to offer. I just beat hrickis with a few tries. However, when i went again to his apprentice, he destroyed me and i cannot beat him. That makes almost no sense but at this point im used to it.
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