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BJ Back From the Beyond

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Everything posted by BJ Back From the Beyond

  1. My university has somewhere around 12 'general education requirements' that have to be met to graduate. These include things like math, science, English, history, art, philosophy, and a bunch of other useless stuff the administrators think we need. Math 360: Differential Equations Physics 301: Modern Physics Physics 313: Intermediate Laboratory Accounting 201: Fundamentals of Accounting I'm going to be doing soooooo much math this semester...
  2. That's not the diary. There is an item in that room called "Diary" that you have to pick up and use. It's pretty simple after that.
  3. You did find the diary in the Crystal Caves right? If so, you did remember to read it, right?
  4. Yeah, set_sdf is the call you want. set_flag does the same thing. Which you use is just a matter of taste. Also, you can use the call inc_flag(x,y,z) to change the value, but this time you will be adding to the value the flag has already. x and y are the coordinates of the flag, and z is the amount you want to change the value by, which can also be negative. Note however that SDFs cannot have a negative value.
  5. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Next question... how to remove dread curse? alter_stat doesn't seem to work, possibly because dread curse reduces all stats by 1 including itself. I can detect it with get_stat_levels_bought (which is actually kind of strange, but whatever), but I can't seem to remove it. Again, it's not strictly needed for my scenario, but for completeness... If you don't give the party Dread Curse to the party in your scenario, then you don't need to worry about it. Dread Curse is removed once the party leaves the scenario where the curse was acquired.
  6. The only states required for outdoor scripts are INIT_STATE and START_STATE. Towns need both plus the EXIT_STATE.
  7. There's one at Drakefyre's Demesne. http://www.sitemouse.com/users/drakefyre/walk.html#augment
  8. My first released scenario for Blades of Avernum is now available at The Blades Forge. http://blades.ermarian.net Thanks to everyone who helped out.
  9. First of all, is the first party character returning to the space where the cut scene is activated? If so, you need to include the call block_entry somewhere in the code for your relocations to stick. I believe that applies to march_party as well. As for the text bubbles, empty strings do work to clear them. Make absolutely sure that you include the call force_instant_terrain_redraw() every time you want a change to be displayed to the player, and then include a pause, even between changes in text bubbles.
  10. Now that the deadline for the contest has passed, I have no qualms with doing this. Benjamin Earles Windows Vista earlbenj(at)cableone(dot)net
  11. The small waterfall graphic would look cool, especially if it included some rocks that the water flowed around. Alas, I'm not that great with graphics either, so I can't help.
  12. I'll need to send it to you by email. I don't seem to have your address and I can't find it anywhere.
  13. So, I'm about ready to release Strange Gildra. I've got an account up in The Blades Forge, but I need to make a new copy of the Mac version. Any industrious soul feel like giving me a hand?
  14. Finished!! *does a happy dance* I'm not all that thrilled with the result, but hay it's a result right? I'll beta test it after I (finally) release my first scenario. Then maybe I can go back to the one I was making before the contest started.
  15. Moving the deadline would be great. I just have testing and a little polish work to do, but no time to beta.
  16. Maybe demons is getting set back to zero when the state ends? If so, you might want to use an SDF and inc_flag instead.
  17. Originally Posted By: The Mystic I don't even try to remember them all. There's just so many of them, for one thing; and I always keep some editor documentation handy at all times. I have a few of them memorized, things like dialog box calls and character location calls, but I do tend to have the appendix open at all times. Originally Posted By: The Mystic I find that you truly haven't learned anything in Avernumscript unless you've gotten errors in BoA, or in my case, caused BoA to crash. Been there, done that, over and over and over and over...
  18. Two half finished towns left. Must keep going. Don't need sleep. Almost there... *collapses from exhaustion*
  19. When I was a kid, by brother had a copy of Blades of Exile on his computer. He would let me play it. I loved that game. When I heard that Blades of Avernum was coming out, I about jump out of my seat with excitement. I guess part of why I like playing BoA is for the nostalgia. I can play any game as long as the gameplay and story are interesting enough. Who needs graphics?
  20. Originally Posted By: Heindrich1988 I've seen on this forum somebody talking about how u need pole and melee weapon skills to benefit from blademaster... was this for the later Avernum games? You're probably thinking about Blades of Avernum, where you can only train in blademaster if you have a certain amount of melee and pole weapon skill. I don't think that applies to A3. Certainly not if you're buying the skill.
  21. I hope to be ready to beta in a few days, but I'm probably being optimistic about that.
  22. If you play Blades of Avernum hang around the board for a little bit. We're having a contest, and, if all goes well, we will be needing beta testers for the contest scenarios. You don't need to be a designer to beta test. Just be willing to share your opinions.
  23. I believe Tuldrac means all the way to the right (unless his map is a mirror image of mine). Anyway, the cave you're looking for is east(?) of Medeb, past a swamp full of unstable roamers. Just inside the cave is a spawner that makes said roamers. Also, the atmosphere of the cave will deal damage to you over time. The drayk you're looking for is a little over half way through the mine. Don't go to much farther as the ghosts get much more powerful and the damage you take with time increases.
  24. This may be a bit late, but... Strength and heavier armors help to protect you from being stunned. It looks like you have plenty of strength for your level, so take a look at your armor. Heavy armors have a decent stun resistance, but they can also give you a penalty to your to hit chance. IIRC, chain mail reduces your hit chance by 15%, breastplate by 20% (not sure about that one), and so on. If you need to hit more often, you might want to go with lighter body armor. Also, if you're playing a guardian, you should shape some creations to distract extra enemies while you take them out one by one. If you're playing an agent, invest in mental magic and try to get the strong daze spell as soon as possible.
  25. I've nearly finished my first town. Unfortunately, it's the simplest one of the five. Something I'm having difficulty coping with is the small outdoors. I'm a fan of being able to explore interesting outdoors.
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