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Everything posted by *i

  1. I think this is too complex for us to deal with. I'd suggest e-mailing Jeff. He might have encountered something like this before and may have a solution for you.
  2. Also, I hope you plan on putting this script up at the Codex at the Lyceum. It's good to have a library of advanced scripts.
  3. I agree, GF4 will be a more complicated game to give an FAQ to because of the many different paths involved. Of course, all of these questions will be answered in time.
  4. Not unless Jeff programmed it that way. I suspect he did in a lot of the early encounters. I think the Myrmadon test would be a little more interesting to try as they have a high variability.
  5. Quote: All men are all created equal. However, serviles were literally created inferior. There are many who would debate that the concept of equality, superiority, and inferiority applied to humans is artificial and has no objective standpoint. If all men are equal why is it that some are better musicians than others? I think the point is that not all humans are equal in an absolute sense, but deserve to be treated with fundamentally equal amounts of dignity. As for serviles, relative to what measure of inferiority? Care to quantify this inequality so we can actually measure it? The problem is this is virtually impossible because there are so many abstract variables that are inherently impossible to quantify. So we come back to the philosophical question applied to humans. Do all humans deserve to be treated with a basic amount of dignity? Serviles exhibit a lot of human characteristics in their personality. On average some may be "dumber" than the average human. Nonetheless, how can one truly say they are inferior without using a highly restricted definition of personally quality?
  6. Quote: What if there was such a thing as artificial intelligence? Would you give computers rights as well? Yes, if sufficiently sentient and self-aware. In other words, if it can decide on its own it wants these basic human equivalent rights, then it should have them. Of course, we've debated this before and I don't think we need to go further into it.
  7. Care to be a little more specific about what you put where? For instance, could you at least tell us what platform you are on?
  8. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: I am interested to know why you all think serviles should be treated as equals. Because they are sentient, able to grasp abstract ideals like freedom and liberty, and have feelings/emotions like any other human. Do you feel the Drakons are justified in treating the Drayks as inferior?
  9. Trajkov actually was a lot kinder to the Serviles and creations as I recall. Power without wisdom generally leads to destruction. The Geneforge is not inherently bad, although it does have bad side effects. As long as the power is used reasonably that's fine. However, it's very difficult to ensure this.
  10. Early on I would say the Awakened, they appear to be the most reasonable, although Trajkov did make some good points (he was almost un-Taker like to be a full Taker I feel). Later on, I would say the Shapers...the Awakened were too weak as time went on, the Barzites were crazy, and the Takers insane. Once things turned into Rebels versus Shapers, I'd stick with the Shapers. Even if they are cruel, they are not indiscriminately spreading dangerous creatures all over the place.
  11. Go Here and here also If you still have questions, let us know.
  12. I'd recommend not copied Alorael's sigs, it makes him cranky.
  13. Shamblers were the ones with the Rotgroth graphic. In Exile, Luck did increase your drop rate. I believe it does in Geneforge too. In A4, it's inconclusive. However, it could apply to things like jewelry and whatnot.
  14. Oh fine, have it your way...
  15. I suppose I can make it a realistic time for the temporally impared... Originally I was gonna do 8:00 pm + 2:00*i am GMT in the year 2i*pi^6 CE
  16. All right, well, it's impossible to please everyone but Saturday appears to be the most popular. I moved it two hours later than the previous one, hope this works out. 9:00 pm GMT on Saturday, September 30, 2006. AIM chatroom: blades
  17. It's hard to interpret the results with some ideas of the percentages involved. I did notice the number of necklaces (not neckless, which is just sort of gross ) did go up which are ammenities. Of course, more trials would be needed over a larger area to really get the effect.
  18. Quote: Anyway, the creatures around Monastery drop the exact same thing every single time, with our without luck. Read the following: Quote: Each creature has a list of things it can drop (though many have an empty list or just one item). For each item on the list, there is a default percentage chance the creature will drop that item when it dies. There is a seperate roll made for each item, so one enemy could always (in theory) drop everything. This would imply the creatures around Fort Monastery have a 100% drop chance on all of their items. This does not mean there are creatures further out that have different percentages. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are.
  19. It helps out in combat giving you increased resistances to everything, gives you higher chances of monsters dropping better items, and a few other random things here and there. So it's pretty good.
  20. Don't go back to Lankan unless you want to help the Rebels. If you want to help the Shapers (or just leave), kill the rogues instead. I don't think you can destroy it after taking it. Icy Roamers appear randomly in three of the more desolate outdoorsy areas. You will get a messsage of a chill in the air when you enter the zone. It's totally random, so just leave and exit different ones. As for Spharon, it's behind him in his living/lab areas. Search one of the pots on the ground and smash the gems.
  21. Personally I found the shrine to be pretty worthless by that point. Maybe it was just the way I played, by then I was more than capable of sustaining myself. As for other special hidden rooms...you know, now that I come to think of it, I don't remember any. I suppose if someone wanted to, they could go through the game with high luck and see if any others pop up. Btw, do people know of any other luck related special encounters in A4?
  22. Reaction seems a little tepid, would a weekday during the evening (in the US) work better? I know this sort of sucks for people on the other side of the globe, but we can never please everyone.
  23. Thanks for your cooperation. Personally, I like the Exile slimes better, but that's probably nostalgia. Granted, there's not a whole lot you can do with a slime, it's sort of a big blob of matter. Come to think of it, the slimes in Exile were a bit more, they actually had some identity to them...well, as much as a slime can have I suppose.
  24. No vulgarity on these boards please. If you continue to evade the automatic censors, you will be censored permanently.
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