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Everything posted by *i

  1. Go fight in the arena. I believe you need to win two rounds.
  2. Quote: But Jeff has shown himself again and again to be not just a great programmer, but also an articulate and clever writer. I played some of the Blades of Exile games created by others, and most were horribly written crap. You obviously haven't played many Blades of Exile scenarios, have you? I agree, most are not that great, but there are plenty of great ones out there.
  3. As far as scripting, you could use a revive_party() call and check that each char_ok() in the scenario START_STATE. If not, then use the revive_party().
  4. Just because you can't imagine it doesn't mean it wouldn't work. I've seen some pretty fast little lizards in the American Southwest.
  5. Sounds like a possible bug, perhaps it should be added to the list.
  6. More is not always better. In this case, I'm willing to bet it would be worse.
  7. Even if he survives, he dies from the poison from the small wound he received. So no.
  8. Well, your creations gain levels with you so absorbing them and recreating them would probably make something worse overall. It could be interesting and useful from a playing perspective, although it does make little actual sense.
  9. This is covered on the above referenced page: Quote: "Unable to open sound channels" Error If you get the error "Unable to open sound channels" when you launch the game, carry out these steps to fix the problem: i. Open the Applications folder. ii. Open the Utilities folder. iii. In this folder, run "Audio MIDI Setup" iv. Under Audio Output, change the Format to 44100.0 Hz. This should correct the problem. If this does not work, let us know.
  10. 1) You buy the game; go to www.spiderwebsoftware.com 2) This forum is decently popular. 3) You are no longer a member here. Goodbye and don't come back.
  11. Well, dexterity is always useful if you don't want your mages to be completely inept in melee. Defense and hardiness are somewhat useful. The others are Potion Making, Mage Lore, Nature Lore, and Luck. Of the special skills Magery is always good.
  12. I wouldn't invest more than what you need in mage/priest spells. Intelligence is probably more useful as you get more spell points.
  13. Since that time they evolved into a writing eye cloud and then a blob of eyes. I personally like the newest incarnation.
  14. You're obviously a fighter in pole weapons. What you have looks pretty good. Gynmasitics is particularly useful I seem to recall. As far as hardiness, it's 1 point of damage per level. So if you have 11 hardiness, upon every hit you will take 1-11 less damage in addition to your other armor. It's probably not extremely useful so long as you can heal your party fast enough.
  15. Quote: Oh yeah.. I hope in G4 that you can really meet the SC not just in ending but maybe in the midgame or something.. I can neither confirm nor deny this. Although I can say it would be quite interesting to meet South Carolina.
  16. Don't worry about it. We'll sort these things out as the deadline approaches. You will get in no matter what.
  17. You're incoherent and I can't understand you much. Please write in complete sentences. If you want us to help you, you need to respect us enough by writing an intelligible post. This means proper capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Also, please give us the exact text of the error otherwise it's very hard to diagnose as well. Thanks.
  18. It's a courtesy to them more than anything else. I'll e-mail Jeff to see if he can be so kind to make sure the tables are updated for the purposes of the contest.
  19. Don't forget to download the user scenarios...you are hardly doing the "last mission" in Blades of Avernum, there is no such thing.
  20. It pays to draw some distinction. The initial rounds will not be discussed on any official basis. The votes are submitted much like the CSR, but in private until all votes are in. For the final round, I see two phases, one of discussion, another of voting and vote reallocation. I'm not sure yet what to do about discussion after voting begins, my inclination is to put an end to it and let the voting proceed in secret.
  21. The judges have a chance to debate the others to influence the decisions of others and convince them of favorites and other issues surrounding the scenarios. Judging comments will be made public to judges at that point and they can be challenged/discussed by other judges. The reason for a secret final ballot is to minimize strategizing and being influenced by actual votes. People may vote for things in an attempt to mess with the system. If the ballots are kept secret, none of the other judges know how the others are acting. Just to add, I agree with Drakey here.
  22. I don't feel we should force judges to make a first and second choice if they are equal. I don't see any real problems with the three votes other than we could cap it at two for one scenario. It would have the same effect essentially, but a judge is free to pick three choices. Personally, I don't see too much of a problem either way. My purpose is to give the judges a reasonable amount of latitude. Quote: Third, I don't fully understand the judging for best scenario. First you say discussion and ranking. Then you say by voting. What's there to not understand, people discuss/debate, and then they cast a private ballot?
  23. You took the sentence out of context. This is after all other metrics have failed. This means that the number of vote points is tied, both cumulative scores of the initial brackets have tied, and all other scores given by the judges are tied. This is a highly unlikely chain of events and will probably never happen. This is what is meant by an "actual tie". Also, it only effects things on the "bottom" where things are to be eliminated. If the top and second place scenarios are tied and there are nine scenarios, only the bottom four are affected. This is where, in this case, there is difficulty in determining who is in fifth or sixth. Finally, the tie breaking is only applicable in the last scenario round. In the inititial rounds, we can have all scenarios advance if necessary so this issue does not come up as there are no eliminations. In the event of a tie in the initial rounds for the top spot, we'll use the highest score criteria and on down. If all match, it is a true tie. Otherwise, it's irrelevant. Again, the tie breaking rules are there to account for unlikely, but potentially annoying situations that could hypothetically come up. I tried to cover every possible case, so they can be convoluted.
  24. Sorry again for the double post, but this is a new issue altogether: With the change in rules, it makes it a requirement for those in the final round to have access to both BoA and BoE. I foresee this creating problems. A possible solution is to break the contest into two, one for just BoE and another for BoA. Just out of curiosity, how many people out there have access to both?
  25. You may, should you strongly favor one over all the others. If this is too abusive, we could max it at two per scenario.
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