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Everything posted by *i

  1. Also, quit swearing. You have been warned twice now.
  2. Please ask politely. I take it you've spoken with Solberg and he's told you where to go. If not, head to Patrick's Tower because you can't enter it until he tells you how. If you have done Solberg's quest, head to Fort Emerald and head north into the Scree Pits. You need to have received the magic box quest from the Castle to access this area. From there, hug the northern wall and head west. The passage will open when you are near.
  3. It really depends on your play style. Mine is to tend to focus almost purely on shaping/intelligence with extra points thrown into endurance and healing/blessing magic.
  4. My guess would be that some people miss the "good ol' days" of Exile when you had 6 people in a party.
  5. Please don't double post, use the edit feature, thanks.
  6. Quote: That wasn't directed at you. And the concept of shouting doesn't apply, since they're words typed on a keyboard, not words spoken verbally. I wouldn't call it shouting; I was only trying to emphasize how much of a mistaken the individual that would misconstrue that from my stance. 1) If it wasn't directed at me, then don't put it immediately following a reply to my post or put a "too all" before that last paragraph. 2) As far as shouting, ALL CAPS, is an equivalent in computer speak, so using it is shouting as far as I'm concened which is very impolite.
  7. Quote: And if you think I'm saying this based on any religious perspective, you have NO IDEA how far off base you are. Trust me. Please don't accuse me of things I never said. Also, I would refrain from shouting at me.
  8. Quote: If you don't like me because I don't sympathize with machines and artificial life forms, I think that's a pretty pathetic reason to write somebody off. Maybe you've been brainwashed by movies like I, Robot or for some reason think humans have a right to try to outdo nature, but my point is technological advancement without regard to the consequences is dangerous. ... Maybe you missed the point of stories like Frankenstein, or The Matrix, Terminator, or Blade Runner, but the lesson is that to create out of hubris -- to believe that humans can create something greater than themselves or reshape creation to their whim -- is a dangerous and ultimately tragic line of reasoning. The movie I, Robot was a pathetic excuse to get Will Smith to smash things. I, Robot's message was just the same as Frankenstein, and the others as far as I can tell. This is unfortunate, because the book reached a different conclusion. I suggest reading it along with Asimov's other Robot works. It gives a slightly different perspective than the typical techno-horror stories that sell movie tickets. The movies a priori assume that humans should not attempt to exceed themselves rather than analyze the complex issues surrounding it. This harkens back to the tired old theme of technology = bad. The real world is never this simple. Terminator was the most egregious of these: we make AI, it decides we are inferior, and then wipes us out. This makes a good movie premise, but hardly a lesson for society. Matrix does a better job in that the machines were not inherently evil, it was humanity's abuse of them that forced their hand -- as someone pointed out this is more true with Frankenstein. If we cut through all the glitz, what it comes down to, is this: Should we create technology without analyzing the consequences? Of course not. I don't think anyone would disagree with this. Unfortunately, it is impossible to foresee all the consequences good and bad of what we do despite our best efforts. Some have advocated the so called "precautionary principle". It basically says don't do anything until you are sure the negatives are minimal. A good idea in principle, but impossible in practicality where it amounts to "don't take any risks ever despite the great benefits". Quote: The question isn't if humans could create something better than themselves; it's if it would a wise or safe choice to attempt to do so. The end result would be a creation that dwarfs the ability of its maker and would lack any real obligation to remain under their control. If the Shapers had thought about this before recklessly creating drakons, they wouldn't be facing their own impending doom. In reality, it isn't the drakons that willlead to the Shapers destruction. It's their foolishness and short-sightedness in attempting to make something better than themselves. Did you play GF2? It wasn't the Shapers as a whole that made this decision, it was Barzahl, a renegade Shaper. (As an aside, I have a hard time believing Barzahl, by himself, could have accomplished so much, but that's another isse) So I think you are wrong in making this argument as the Shapers would have never done this. Unfortunately, it is impossible to control the actions of individuals. Fortunately, how Drakons came about (see above) was a tad unrealistic. This is true for any large technology these days: genetically modified super organisms, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, etc. Developing these would require massive amounts of resources that a small group would be unable to develop. The fear is, of course, a government would actually see the need to develop these without proper controls. That is why, in the real world, diplomacy and alertness is needed.
  9. Quote: Maybe for something different in the next game you could play either a Darkside Loyalist or a loyal supporter of Avernum. That would be a very interesting game if done well. What would make it even better is if it didn't have the same linearity as Nethergate.
  10. Quote: Do Nephilim (need to) shave? If they did, then they wouldn't have any fur. Come on now, that would just be silly.
  11. I believe you are pretty much past the point where using canisters matters much anymore, just use as many as you can find from here. Besides, it makes no difference except for the ending.
  12. Quote: To all of the people who disliked A4's story, what would you have done differently? What would you have rather seen? Anything but "oh no! more monsters!". The Shades were good, I agree, but the hoards of chitraches, etc. just became more of the same. I would have personally picked something far more subtle, something where the player would not know for sure who was responsible by 1/5 of the way through the game. Rentar's exit was rather disappointing. Had she done something a little more ingenious, I'd give it a lot more credit. There's also no crime in letting Rentar rest for a game just to keep the player somewhat surprised. I agree, the matter needed to be resolved, but the way it was resolved was too utterly predictable. You can call it disdain as it mimics a lot of newbish attempts at early Blades of Exile scenarios that were never released. Personally I would have liked to see the whole Vahnatai thing played out over several games. That being said, A4 was never about story and was never meant to be. It was, as planned, pretty much a hack and slash game -- a good hack and slash, but disappointing because it took a decent world down an anticlimactic path.
  13. Quote: A4's plot makes sense. In fact, it makes too much sense. From about the first five minutes of A4, I knew what the rest of the game would look like. Kel pretty much hit this on the head and that's how A4 is different from its predecessors. A1 -- you had a completely new world to explore. A2 -- you had the barrier mystery with the introduction of the Vahnatai. A3 -- whole new world to explore, villain is somewhat mysterious and not learned until farther into the plot. A4 -- same world as A1/A2 but smaller, same villain as A3 and you pretty much knew it by the end of the demo.
  14. If the problem is recurring, I'd contact Jeff as it would be a bug.
  15. My impression is that as of using the Geneforge, you have not yet fully mastered the new powers. In the ending, your anger from being arrested unleashes their full extent.
  16. Quote: A Perfect Forest really posed no threat to Pariah, being as how he was level 39. Really? I never would have thought a level 39 character would have so little trouble.
  17. Quote: Originally written by kaa: Yeah, I too miss group haste. A lot of monsters know it, why not the good guys? Game balance. It would make the game even easier.
  18. Activity usually wanes as we get further away from a release. These boards see a boost in traffic on all forums after said event. I predict with the release of Geneforge 4, this forum will become abuzz with activity once more as new players discover the older games.
  19. I believe only characters of type "important" cannot be simulacrumed.
  20. My guess is that it's the raw spell level in terms of what you buy in the store.
  21. It's generally encouraged to just use the edit feature rather than double post. This is to prevent people from spamming too much. From now on please do that, thanks.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Phish, you're working on a scenario? Care to enlighten us as to when it might be done? That's always a dangerous thing to speculate. The more talked about scenarios are by their designers, in my experience, the less likely they are to be finished.
  23. Simple consultation of the scripts informs us that the answer is negative.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Valcrist: Fine. Alright, I'll stop. Jeez, this isn't English class you know. Still, for the sake of being a proper member I will stop. You too bigfix, whoever you are. Thank you. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
  25. Quote: Originally written by bigfix: I know but i started pressing enter one day and i never stopped. Well, if you want to keep posting here, I suggest following my "advice".
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