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Everything posted by *i

  1. I suppose we could wait until pretty late tonight or tomorrow morning EDT, but I figure it is best to get things moving along.
  2. Since something came up and I want to keep the game moving, I will move back the time an hour or so for processing any actions that can kill people. Just to rephrase, normally there is a one day waiting period for people dying. It will now be more like 23 hours.
  3. Yes, once per day a random person will receive a random item. Also, if Oliver is alive, one item will be added to his shop.
  4. Game begins now! Remember, the enemies rule with attacks is still in effect. Please consult the rules for how this works.
  5. Thank you everyone for agreeing to play and watch. Here are the ground rules. Only the moderator (me) and people who are playing the game and are alive may post here. Anything else will be instantly deleted. The current living players are: Ackrovan Andraste Ash Lael Bain-Ihrno Bloodmoon Creator Dikiyoba Doom Warrior Excalibur Marlenny Nioca PGLB RCCCL Sarachim Sporefrog Xelgion Some ground rules: 1) If you are playing PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES. They have been updated since the last game. 2) Private communication is allowed. 3) Submit your actions to me by way of PM in the thread I started with you. If I cannot figure out what you want to do, I'll simply ignore it, so try to be clear. 4) Actions will be processed in the order they were received when I get around to them. Read the rules for how often you can submit and any other exceptions. 5) Please posts all rules questions in your PM with me or in the rules topics. 6) If you are not playing or dead, please do not influence the game. You may look, but not touch. Otherwise, the game begins: Thursday, April 9 at 9 PM EDT No action submissions will be accepted before that. A few people tried to submit some things, and those posts will be ignored. In other words, submit again after the game starts. I'm doing this not to be a jerk, but to make sure everyone gets a fair chance at getting their post in. I'm sorry if you are busy at the start time, but it is impossible choose a start time that works for everyone. Also, if you have not done so already, reply to my PM topic with you as soon as you can. If you do not within 24 hours of me sending it to you, you may be replaced. Just a reminder, no actions that kill anyone will be processed until: Friday, April 10 at 9 PM EDT Also, the game will end at the latest on: Thursday, April 16 at 9 PM EDT
  6. If we do not have enough players return, I will then do open registration in the General forum. Why don't you wait until after tomorrow?
  7. Yes, same role set. Roles will be given out randomly.
  8. It is with great regret that this round will need to be cancelled. I have solid evidence that people have received information that they should not have. I'm not going to go into specifics, but I do know people have benefitted (and suffered) through no fault of their own. I have discussed the particulars with several senior members of the community, some involved with the game and others not. I would ask your patience as more facts come to light. Therefore, it is only after great consideration of the situation's gravity that I cancel this current round. I deeply apologize for this and would like to start over. I will be restarting round 3, same rules for the most part and same roles. Anyone in this current game will get first priority in playing. If you want to be involved, let me know within one day by replying REGISTER {NAME} in this thread. After one day, I will open it up to general registration. I thank you all for your patience and understanding. Once again, I apologize for having to take this step.
  9. Another body has been found, it is none other than... DRAKEFYRE
  10. Several hours have passed, and much to the surprise of all the locals, no one else has turned up dead yet. The people wonder how long this uneasy truce will last...
  11. To clarify, by item I mean not artifact.
  12. Just to make things interesting, every day, one living person will receive a random item.
  13. Another body was found. This time in a giant trash heap. Her skull was cracked open by a blunt object. She was... DIKIYOBA Everyone begins to feel sick and tremble in fear. Is a serial killer on the loose?
  14. Another body! This one was headless in the middle of putting on some gear. He was... CREATOR Another killing! When will it end?
  15. A horribly beaten body was just uncovered. It was... SARACHIM Who would do such a horrible thing! Looks like the killing has begun.
  16. Point of clarification, regular members have a limit of PMs of 200, moderators and admins have a much higher limit.
  17. I am able to get to the screen where I can send him one. Try clicking on his name and selecting "Send a PM". Let me know what happens.
  18. Note that polls only get revealed to Machrone and not to everyone. He may choose to share the results with anyone he wants to, however. At this point, there really is little point to doing a poll. No one is dead yet so everyone will know what the results are a priori. The only exception is the faction poll, because people could have joined either the Anama or Gladwell on the first day.
  19. What I meant by "him" was "me", bwahahaha! But seriously, I did mean RCCCL for agreeing to cover for someone in a game that has already started. Yes, if everyone would be so kind as to send any contacts they gave to Locmaar to RCCCL, that would be awesome. Thank you everyone!
  20. Locmaar had to drop out. He has been replaced by RCCCL. Let's all think him for helping make this game a success!
  21. Good to actually see some banter this game. I do indeed know all the role identities. You may ask, but only specific roles under specific conditions will get an answer. Just want to remind people about items and artifacts. Many of them do not count as an action and therefore you can do something else and not have to wait 24 hours. In general, the ones that do not count are the ones that are not offensively directed at another player. The rules tell whether or not your item counts as an action or does not. Remember, at this point no one will die until tomorrow EDT. Also, I'm going to remind everyone again about the enemy rule. It is rarely a good idea to target someone unless you are pretty sure they are. Well, hope everyone is in contact with lots of other people and devising all sorts of fun schemes. When you are ready to do an action, just send me a PM. Good luck everyone!
  22. All right, everyone has checked in and should be ready to go. Note that Nalyd had to drop out and has been replaced by Ackrovan. Thank you to all players. Hope everyone enjoys the game. The one big reminder I have is remember the rule change on how battles work. Everyone should have a list of roles that are your "known enemies". Note that you may have more enemies than shown in your list due to random secret victory conditions (Gladwell and DLs), but they still count as your enemies. If you attack an enemy, you get the first strike. If you attack someone who is not your enemy, your target gets the first strike. In the latter case, you are more likely to die. This is to take away the incentive for random killing, which was too prevalent in previous games. Otherwise, read the rules thread and the roles thread for this game before you play. They have the final say on what your skills, victory conditions, etc. are at the beginning of the game. Of course, things may change during the course of the game, and these will be noted by me. Also, remember no actions capable of killing may be processed during the first 24 hours. It is no fun if someone dies before they even get to play. So I hope everyone has a good time playing! Game begins NOW!
  23. Thank you everyone for agreeing to play and watch. Here are the ground rules. Only the moderator (me) and people who are playing the game and are alive may post here. Anything else will be instantly deleted. The current living players are: Ackrovan Andraste Bain-Ihrno Bloodmoon Creator Dikiyoba Doom Warrior Drakefyre Excalibur Nikki PGLB RCCCL Sarachim Sporefrog Tyranicus Xelgion Some ground rules: 1) If you are playing PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES. They have been updated since the last game. 2) Private communication is allowed. 3) Submit your actions to me by way of PM in the thread I started with you. If I cannot figure out what you want to do, I'll simply ignore it, so try to be clear. 4) Actions will be processed in the order they were received when I get around to them. Read the rules for how often you can submit and any other exceptions. 5) Please posts all rules questions in your PM with me or in the rules topics. 6) If you are not playing or dead, please do not influence the game. You may look, but not touch. Otherwise, the game begins: Sunday, April 5 at 12 AM EDT No action submissions will be accepted before that. A few people tried to submit some things, and those posts will be ignored. In other words, submit again after the game starts. I'm doing this not to be a jerk, but to make sure everyone gets a fair chance at getting their post in. I'm sorry if you are busy at the start time, but it is impossible choose a start time that works for everyone. Also, if you have not done so already, reply to my PM topic with you as soon as you can. If you do not within 24 hours of me sending it to you, you may be replaced. Just a reminder, no actions that kill anyone will be processed until: Monday, April 6 at 12 AM EDT Also, the game will end at the latest on: Sunday, April 12 at 12 AM EDT
  24. Yeah, the whole forum issues really threw this game off. I am hoping they can get up to being stable for more than a few days at a time now.
  25. Thank you all for the helpful suggestions and the encouragement. I have a draft version of the new rules and roles. Let me know if you have any other suggestions or things I may have overlooked. I will post the registration thread soon.
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