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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. I think I'll whip up another one as well.
  2. Originally Posted By: Randomizer If Jeff added another difficulty level called Impossible that was guaranteed to kill your party, you would still have players trying it to prove Jeff wrong and those that would complain that it is impossible and should be made easier. That would be an interesting April Fools joke. Offer a new version of Avadon with an "Impossible" difficulty setting. Then, the instant the player enters Avadon to meet with Miranda, they're hit with an unavoidable instakill node and die. That way, a game with an "Impossible" setting will actually literally be impossible for once.
  3. I've already bought all Jeff's non-Exile games. Should I feel sad that I lost out on the sales and spent more money, or smug that I had all the games before they were available on the cheap for the masses?
  4. Casual, unless I've replayed it enough to be familiar with the mechanics to play Torment. Usually that means that the only games I can play torment are the Geneforges and BoA.
  5. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit I take a offense at xkcd being labelled a "stupid source". ...you're offended by the fact that I don't like xkcd? Seriously? Quote: Anyone with a sense of humor would appreciate Goldenking's obvious joke. ...and so you responded by everyone who disagrees with you? Seriously? Dikiyoba. I think you're missing the point. Goldenking is poking fun at people on the Internet who use trivial or unreliable sources to back up their claims by citing a comic strip, which is clearly neither serious nor credible. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking xkcd, and it even jabs at xkcd fans who take the comic as divine revelation (yes, these people do exist), so it's certainly not a pro-xkcd joke. I mean, I certainly got it. I think you took Goldenking's post at face value, which is always a risk when one is trying to be sarcastic or satirical on the Internet.
  6. EDIT: Let's not offend half of Jeff's customer base, okay. -*i
  7. Originally Posted By: DarkXen Hello, I've been playing Geneforge 5 for awhile now and I was wondering what the max stat limit is for the characters. It would be helpful if someone will let me know. Thank you. If you're referring to the maximum possible value a stat can have, I believe it's 30. However, there is a "soft cap" at 10 where you start to get diminishing returns on your investment, and another at 20. If you're referring to level, the hardcoded limit is 61, but you'll probably only reach 50-55 by the endgame, depending on the class you play.
  8. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Originally Posted By: praenomagnosia —Alorael, who maintains his previous stance. It's a Venn diagram, except the circles would entirely overlap if one weren't insisting on distinct society. Running around the circle faster than anyone else is how you Venn the race. I've tried that before, but I just can't get up enough venntripetal acceleration.
  9. Originally Posted By: praenomagnosia Maybe Jeff should add an impossible difficulty setting, in which fights are monstrously unfair from the get-go, and become literally impossible about midway through the game. Everything is immune to damage and can one hit kill you. Then everyone can either stop whining or complain even more! —Alorael, who actually thinks there's something left in arcade-style incremental increases in difficulty until impossibility is reached. This game was already made, it's called Ninja Gaiden II.
  10. Originally Posted By: Micawber I still don't understand how firefox went from version 4 to version 7 in such a short time. It's like they're trying to catch up numerically with IE or something. Well, obviously the higher the version number, the better the software. So Internet Explorer 1.0 might have been a terrible program, but Internet Explorer TREE[3] is clearly the greatest computer program ever written.
  11. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Only Alorael could respond to conjugation by duly noting it. He must be a big fan of conjugational love, then.
  12. Originally Posted By: Trenton the dragon lord I asked this in a different thread, only for internet explorer. How do I copy a picture and use it as an avatar? First, you download Google Chrome. Then, you do everything W told you to do above, but way faster and with a cleaner UI and a leaner program.
  13. Originally Posted By: Flame Blade Is every good story based off the Hero's Journey? No, in fact most aren't, though it does have the distinction of being the base of a lot of bad ones. Sara Mayhew does a better job than I explaining how the Hero's Journey stems from anti-Enlightenment reactionary thought, and is really a poor way to tell a story nowadays- indeed, it's only survived up until this point because of tradition.
  14. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Most of Card's writings are not explicitly anti-gay. However, if you read the many statements he has made concerning homosexuality, and then read his books, it's hard not to see the connection. If he just didn't like it, that would be one thing, but he seems pretty intent on connecting it to pedophilia in a way that seems less akin to casual discrimination and more akin to social darwinism and auto-da-fés. It's not really even that, so much as it is that when you read his "arguments" against homosexuality, they're so laughably bad, and he spends so much time going on and on about them in his books, that it just utterly ruins any sort of positive view you have of his intelligence or competence (or writing skills). For instance, in the second article, he argues that the decriminalization of homosexuality is a legitimate reason for violent rebellion against the US government because it's tantamount to an assault on civilization itself, and in the third one he starts off by railing about how "diversity" is a stupid concept that makes no sense- and then goes on to argue in the next paragraph that same-sex marriage is bad because it loses the "diversity" inherent in heterosexual marriages, whatever that's supposed to mean.
  15. Dantius

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S [snip] Meh, Ian McKellen's Richard III monologue was better than that.
  16. Originally Posted By: gangster w/umbrella: Fo' Drizzle What's wrong with Card? I've never had a problem with his writing...The same with Brian Herbert's Dunes (although I've heard quite a bit of flak about them on the internet...) Personally, I'd have thought that your objection would be more along the lines that Herbert Sr. and Card are both huge fans of using caricatures of homosexuals as mustache-twirling villains who are evil because they are gay and gay because they are evil. Card is well-known to be a fundamentalist Mormon activist who pretty much hates everything not explicitly endorsed by Joseph Smith and Herbert Sr. has taken a lot of flack for his characterization of Baron Harkonenn. Of course, this is different from Heinlein's libertarian insanity because Heinlein was a brilliant writer and extraordinary storyteller and could get away with interweaving political theory in his book without beating you with it, whereas Herbert really only produced one flawed masterpiece (which is still one more than Junior did), and Card is just way too busy pushing his message on his readers to bother actually writing a interesting story.
  17. Originally Posted By: gangster w/umbrella: Fo' Drizzle Part of my library Orson Scott Card? Dune books written by someone other than Frank Herbert? Eragon? I thought you had taste!
  18. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Now imagining an episode of Hoarders dealing with Harbinger's Collectors collection. Thanks a lot. This hurts you.
  19. Originally Posted By: Stugri-La Originally Posted By: Dintiradan (Well, not strictly true, but I'm not going the neckbeard route.) Hehe, a friend has rocked a neckbeard for practically as long as I can remember. I think it highly unflattering, but it's become his trademark. I can only think of one man of some fame who proudly sported a neckbeard: Henry David Thoreau.
  20. I'm not a collector, though I am partial to assuming direct control of one from time to time.
  21. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Tangential question: does anyone here use a straight razor? I've never been totally happy with disposable razors, and I picked up a relatively cheap DOVO stainless steel razor recently. It's been pretty mediocre, and not as sharp as I was expecting (though I don't know precisely what to expect). I ordered it to be "professionally honed", though. Just don't know if the issue is me being overly cautious with it, or having a poor technique, or it not being honed enough, or me stropping incorrectly, or what. I did for a little bit in back in my 20's, but it was just a real pain (in more then one way) to do so as I always wound up mutilating my neck, so I eventually gave it up after a year or so. I just use a electric razor now, it's way easier and faster, even if the shave isn't as ridiculously close as you get with a straight razor. Also, what's up with the facial hair everyone has? I've never saw the appeal of scraggly half-beards, but they seem to be growing in popularity
  22. Dantius

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Excalibur That goes to show how addictive nicotine is. A lot of people can't simply quit cold turkey. Yeah, pretty much the only socially acceptable physiological addiction here is caffeine, which I happen to be addicted to. It's so prevalent most people don't even realize it's a drug- but it's the most popular one in the world.
  23. Dantius

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust Not only that, but you lose all that tax revenue. The solution of course is just to can old people and feed them to the homeless. Of course, you could always just process them into cigarettes. ... Marlboro Gold is people!
  24. Originally Posted By: Stugri-La [snip] You, sir, have the moustache of a Gilded-Age president.
  25. Okay, I'm not actually a mod, but I'm sure I've voicing a popular sentiment when I say that instead of ping-ponging pack and forth in a thread, you two should probably take it to a PM. Please?
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