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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. I'm terribly sorry I missed this. I've been so swamped by work right now it's not even funny. I can't promise I'll be able to attend with any sort of regularity for the next while, so it's probably better if I just drop out and take a leave of absence from SW for a while. Sorry to let you guys down. If anybody wants my character, he's yours.
  2. An XKCD movie would be fun. It would just be a bunch of unrelated, pretentious math-jokes strung together with all the funny ones in the first five minutes. And the other fans would be insufferable -------s.
  3. Skyrim required me to install Steam to play it. I was *this* close to returning my copy in exchange for a console version which would undoubtedly suck, because frankly a game I bought a hardcopy of, in person, with cash, has no business demanding I install an unwanted and unsecure program onto my computer in order to play it. Boo Bethesda. For shame.
  4. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires 16GB ram? for what the heck you need that much memory? fanned cases might be around same price as non-fanned cases + fans. I have 8 GB of RAM, and pretty much the only time I run out is when I'm trying to manipulate enormous lists in Mathematica that have like a hundred million entries. You don't really need that much beyond 8.
  5. Originally Posted By: Randomizer From now on We will refer to ourselves with the royal we. We dispute your assertion that you are pregnant or royalty. We shall, however, reserve judgement on the "schizophrenic" category.
  6. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Heck, there's no consensus among economists on whether FDR's policies helped or hindered the Great Depression. Modern day libertarian "economists" don't really rate being classified with people like Friedman or Hayek. I wouldn't call a few wingnuts complaining about FDR to promote their meme that government intervention is ALWAYS BAD "no consensus".
  7. Originally Posted By: Micawber Perhaps someone can explain to me what exactly distinguishes suburban from urban. Because I am having some difficulty deciding how to classify my current address. I classify a location as suburban if your place of residence has land that you own and can use as you like- like a yard. So an apartment wouldn't really count as suburban, even if it was in the "suburbs".
  8. Originally Posted By: Lilith i am boring as dirt irl and therefore live in a suburban development where i belong ^
  9. Originally Posted By: Thin Liliyoba Thief But hey, there's always an alternative. Pity there's no legitimate ones, though.
  10. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Dantius Skyrim comes out a week from today. I don't understand why anyone would be buying a new game now when they could wait a week and get 300+ hours of actually quality AAA gameplay for $50. wait, there's another 300+ hour game coming out in the same week as skyrim? Heretic.
  11. Skyrim comes out a week from today. I don't understand why anyone would be buying a new game now when they could wait a week and get 300+ hours of actually quality AAA gameplay for $50.
  12. Searching for a Beijing-Tokyo route instructs you to "Jet-Ski across the Pacific Ocean", which is my personal favorite.
  13. Yeah, but I bet your computer can do logarithms really fast, though...
  14. Originally Posted By: This * is a veiled reference. What are the classic Chinese trilogies? The three Chinese "classics" are Journey to the West (west being India in this case), Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Dream of the Red Mansion. (I know this because I'm watching the Three Kingdoms TV miniseries- all 75 hours of it (!). It's quite good, if somewhat convoluted. It's probably one of the few TV things I'd recommend)
  15. I, along with four other people in my office, was Steve Jobs. My costume was better than theirs, though- they all came up with it independently, whereas I ripped it off of people more creative and/or talented than me and took all the credit for myself. Method acting FTW.
  16. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust The most important thing about college is to have fun. If you aren't having fun you shouldn't be there. Also, what exactly does one do with a Doctorate in Computer Science? Fifty-to-one on that you didn't have to pay for your college education.
  17. Should be fine, if it's at 7:00. I might be a little late if it's at 6:00.
  18. Originally Posted By: Give me hosting or give me death u jelly? Fruit preserves would arguably have a faster download speed than your Internet connection...
  19. Originally Posted By: Metatron Well, I was bored during my lab hours so I tried to find the site. I remembered that it was projecteuler.something, but I didn't remember whether it was a .com or a .org. Not wanting to appear foolish, I didn't bother googling. I went directly to the .com, which is apparently a scam site. It's probably a website set up by Dantius to steal bank account information and passwords. Joke's on you, I'm a student. I'm POOR. If I were to do such a thing, it would be unprofitable to do such a scam on a site populated by games, who ten to be both a) young, and therefore not very wealthy, and tech/scam savvy. I'd instead try, I dunno, a golfing forum or a stockbroker forum or something where the userbase is older, richer, and less Internet-smart.
  20. Originally Posted By: Present Ongoing Breakup I'm trying to think of a workaround for the security image exploit, and I'm drawing a blank. Any brighter minds have a solution? Yes, go to your bank in person to make all transactions, pay your bills by check instead of wire/telephone transfer, and don't register for online banking. What? You didn't say it had to be practical!
  21. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Randomizer In my college dorm a guy was complaining about his Saudi Arabian roommate "accidently" drinking his 12 pack of beer (144 ounces - over 4 liters(. He had thought it was safe because the Saudi's religion forbade alcohol. so had this dude never met a Catholic who used birth control or what Wait, there are Catholics who actually pay attention to the Church's directives in the US? Since when?
  22. My bank wants me to come up with a 15 digit alphanumeric username that has no relationship with my actual name or account number and then a 20 digit alphanumeric passcode including at least one capital and a symbol. My credit union, however, has the hyper-advanced security of "entering in my credit card number and identifying which one of these four pictures I selected when I signed up". Oh, and it needs my 4-digit PIN too. So I'm kind of concerned about that.
  23. Since there seem to be plenty of math/science/CompSci people on this forum, I was wondering if anybody else here participated in Project Euler? I just started an account, and I'm already 30 problems in (goodbye weekend!), and let me tell you, the feeling of accomplishment you get for solving it is fantastic- not to mention that you get way, way better at your language of choice when doing it (I'm a Mathematica/Excel/pen and paper guy, BTW). So, am I alone in doing this? How far along is everybody else here?
  24. I might be slightly to moderately late. Sorry about the lack of warning, I just got called back to the office an hour ago.
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