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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: The Ratt I think they said it was nitrogen burning, but I don't remember. I'm pretty sure that nitrogen is very, very inert and won't burn. Maybe it was potassium?
  2. Dantius

    Jeff's New Game

    Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Snip. So basically like a G1 esque, where in addition to the "faction" there are also other groups to choose from, like Trajkov and Gottesch?
  3. I demand an explanation why Octarine is not a choice. It is the coolest color!
  4. Originally Posted By: Triumph Ooh...now I'm curious: please summarize SoT's "simple point" in a small number of words! Fine. What about: "It's impossible to be exactly perfect." What do I win?
  5. Originally Posted By: Golgoth Wait can't we edit the source code The only source code Jeff has released is that of Blades of Exile, which is downloadable through his website.
  6. Originally Posted By: I need no introduction Originally Posted By: Other Riddle: What is the meaning of life? $@ riddle: what is my answer? 42 with the shift key pressed.
  7. http://stuff.ermarian.net/alexdrawings You're welcome. The spam one was my background for a while, I just needed to locate it in my Downloads folder.
  8. T-minus an hour and a half. I'll try to get my backstory done on the train, and get it to you before the campaign starts.
  9. Originally Posted By: ♥ The best part was when Dantius rolled to snore louder. No, I remain thoroughly convinced that my two consecutive criticals on minor cantrips and then on a useless sense magic, both of which were totally superfluous, was the best part of that session.
  10. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Not even a GIFTS could find that monstrosity cute. Then why did you just palette-shift it and use it as your avatar?
  11. Originally Posted By: Triumph Major coolness. I hope people in the Mote parties get an actual chance to learn these, or similar spells, and use them. :-) Originally Posted By: Sarachim Well, Vitze's only two levels away from Flight, if she boosts Transmutation both times. EDIT: Of course, she'd also have to find Iliandib, or someone else who knows the spell. Originally Posted By: Excalibur *approves, but is considering the marginal costs of getting 10 points in conjuration* Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Well, presumably there will be lots of sessions so that characters can level up enough to cast epic spells without falling behind on other important skills. Dikiyoba. I'm sorry, what's that you were saying? Too far away from the requisite skill level to cast Eph's uber-spells of doom? Originally Posted By: Kurex Magic (Evocation): 8 I hope you're prepared for fiery lines of doom within three sessions.
  12. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Candide is great. Truly a hilarious piece of work. Oh, just shut up and let's get around to eating that Jesuit.
  13. Dantius


    Error 10: Insufficient Eyebeast references to buy merchandise.
  14. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Hey, be careful what you wish for. Slarty 1 Dintiradan 0
  15. Go for something involving e, if possible. Or something in base-42. I'm sure you'll think of something. EDIT: A fibbonacci number is fine, too.
  16. Originally Posted By: Lilith Remember, Nichol got the way he is because he has been on the front lines and he knows what it's like. He may not be the bravest person in the world, and he certainly didn't want to die, but when it comes down to it he'll risk his life for Avernum if that's what he's ordered to do. Click to reveal.. That's what he DOES! He sacrifices his life to save those near the Great Portal when the incident happens.
  17. Originally Posted By: Ephesos (no quote, in a rush) *GASP!*
  18. Originally Posted By: A Figment Of Your Imagination To clarify, when I see a mage in Avernum that has the same graphics as a shaper, minus the symbol, I still think "Shaper" in my head. Same goes for shared graphics with items and terrain. It just makes the world a little less unique. There are certain locations in A6 where you can see the Shaper symbol on stuff. It's disconcerting.
  19. Was the all caps necessary? It hurts my eyes.
  20. My answer of gefeltefish should have clearly gotten me a slot as a tester!
  21. Dantius Windows Vista emperordantius@gmail.com Gefiltefish, clearly.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Hmmm, what would a keygen translate to for this metaphor? HGH?
  23. For an early birthday gift from a friend, I received a boxed set of Carl Sagan's Cosmos series. As I began watching it, it really brought me back. This was what got me interested in science and technology in the first place, and even today, I still find it incredibly fascinating (and worth the watch, if you have 14 hours to spare) Anyways, my personal reminiscing aside, I was wondering if any of you had any particular memories of events or people that influenced you that you would like to share with random people on the Internet.
  24. Really? I thought it was Fort Monastery that was unaccessible.
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