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Everything posted by Harehunter

  1. Harehunter pulls out his bow and quivers as he nestles the fiddle in his arm. "Hey, Rev, do you know the Orange Blossom Special?"
  2. Thanks, Excalibur, for the prompt in the sequence. and thanks to Actaeon for some plot ideas.
  3. With the advance of Captain Charles and Excalibur, Harehunter realizes that his attempt at negotiation has come unraveled at the seems. He reaches back for his bow and ... (Segue the Pun Thread http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/16048-best-puns-and-jokes/page__st__315#entry249999) Screaming in frustration, Harehunter beats a hasty retreat back onto the bus, only to find himself already sitting there listening raptly to yet another of The Revs display of the minstrels art. Nonplussed, he takes a negative view of this situation. However, as there is nowhere else to sit, he takes a seat beside himself. "I wonder if that blasted blue spot had something to do with this."
  4. Harehunter went out bow-hunting one day. He came upon a covey of foul. He knew they were foul because he recognized them as harpys Velociraptors. But when he pulled out his bow, it didn't look the same as usual, Then he reached back for an arrow, and found a violin looking thing in his hand. "All right, who is the wiseguy who's been fiddling with my bow?"
  5. I think the blue spot was BMA's contribution. As for your reference on Maxwell's Demon, Stasheff is also my base reference. I still have a complete set of all his books. No, my bad, it was Mmxpert who put that blasted blue dot in.
  6. I'm still wondering about that blue spot. It seems that Randomizer has stepped out for a bit, Student(s) of Trinity is busy making a mole hill out of a mountain, which leaves Schrodinger's Cat, and as is typical, that darn cat ain't talking. I was speculating that we time traveled, either backward or forward. Apparently, Dikiyoba has found that we've traveled back in time. Sylae is doing a berry good job in the food department, and maybe the Reverend can figure out the sound barrier. Just the ramblings of an old rabbit.
  7. Randomizer is still digging through the rubble trying to find his book on Maxwell's Demon. Harehunter starts to go over to help him, when suddenly there is a major uproar coming through the trees. As Dikiyoba comes into view, carrying what appears to be some sort of dinosaur, Harehunter hears Dikiyoba's screams. A couple of half moments later, a pair of six packs of velociraptors that are giving chase come into view. Being more foolish than wise, Harehunter steps into the gap that separates the predators from the predator with a pet. With a loud squeel of brakes being applied, the velociraptors come to a halt. The lead Velociraptor points over to Dikiyoba, who is still holding the dinosaur, and screams something in Velociraptorese. Having had some exposure to ancient languages, Harehunter is able to glean the gist of what the Velociraptrix is saying. (Yes, the gender did change. It is hard to tell just by looking at them, but once she started to speak, it became very clear that the Velociraptrix is the matriarch of one of the six packs. Apparently, her clutch sister is in charge of the other six pack.) "DIkiyoba, I think she is demanding that you return your pet to its parents. If I say so myself, I believe that they do have half a case. "
  8. Harehunter approaches Randomizer, who is still digging in the rubble for his book on thermodynamics. "Hey, Random, since that spot was blue, does that mean we got transported forward or backward in time? If I recall correctly, blue means forward and red means backwards. Or is that the other way around in reverse?" Out of one corner of one eye, Harehunter catches the hint of a glimpse of a feline form lurking in the woods. "Awww, now that's all we need. Who let Schoedinger's cat out of the bag?" Then a large shadow covered the party. As Harehunter looked up, he saw a large dirigible, with the name "Heisenberg" emblazoned on the side. "That is so wrong on so many counts."
  9. Welcome floruc. As SoT points out, there is quite a community here who are willing and able to assist you in any way, at least as far as the games are concerned. There is also a great deal of interaction here in General. As I was welcomed here, I was politely advised to check my insanity at the door. Sanity is over-rated.
  10. Harehunter takes note of Mmxerts distraction, and sees the blue dot as well. The last time he remembers seeing such an object, he was in a deep discussion with Randomizer on the topic of themodynamics. Could this be Maxwell's Demon manifesting itself? "Randomizer. Do you see what Mmexpert is seeing? What could be the meaning of this? Are we about to experience some strange effect of space-time shifting?"
  11. Lilith, just for you I have eaten an orange today. In fact, it was a Mandarin orange. That might have serious consequences.
  12. Now all we need is a Fiddler on the Roof.
  13. (OOC: @ Dikiyoba: My apologies.) Upon hearing the Rev's request for requests, the nearsighted rabbit chimes in. "I'm feeling a bit like a Purple Haze has come over me."
  14. Finding the bus door slammed shut, Harehunter rams his new antlers into it, and using them like a can opener, cuts a hole into the door big enough to climb through. Hearing Dikiyoba's call for boarders, Harehunter climbs aboard the bus. As he hops toward the back of the bus, Actaeon glares another glare at him. "I have posted more than ten times here, and I have yet to pun once." Dikiyoba looks toward Harehunter, and crouches as if to strike. "No, I did not say 'pounce', I said 'pun once'." Dikiyoba settles back into seat, an expression of disappointment on face.
  15. And this is more along the lines of what I meant. Thank you for clarifying that for me.
  16. Harehunter to BMA: "Gesundheit".
  17. Popular election is the foundation of a democracy, whatever form it takes. Whether it be a constitutional monarchy or a federation republic of a union of states. I would not propose doing away with elections. I would just like to see the candidates vetted more carefully as to their qualifications for the job. I find it disturbing that the people to whom the electorate turn to for factual information are interjecting themselves into the process with unabashedly biased editorialization. When they speak falsehoods under cover of stating their opinion, many people accept it as fact. For example, the topic of the petitions for secession. It is blatantly stated that the issue is all about race. This could not be further from the truth, but since some guy on the MSNBC "NEWS" network program HardBall stated it, this blatant lie will be accepted as truth. The fact of the matter is that is has everything to do with policy, and absolutely nothing to do with race. But this of course will not reach the ears or eyes of those people who trust MSNBC as their NEWS source.
  18. Point well taken, Sylae. It would be nice though if the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, whose duty it is to defend the Constitution, actually understood what that document means.
  19. Are you suggesting that candidates for the Presidency would actually have to be qualified for the job? And be able to stand up to the scrutiny of a security clearance? And to understand how businesses actually work, especially those that are sole-proprietorship? What a concept!
  20. Distracted by the idea of food, Harehunter's train of thought is suddenly (and noisily) derailed. He hungrily hops over to the shopping list. "A head of lettuce, and two dozen carrots, please."
  21. http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/16048-best-puns-and-jokes/page__st__105#entry224537
  22. As Harehunter worked his penance of the plates, he fell into a light trance and began to dream. He dreamed that he was standing in the center of a large arena, filled with the din of 50 thousand roaring spectators. The grass upon which he stood was lined like an iron grid, with each bar exactly 15 feet from the others. Beside him stood 10 other jackalopes, each wearing the same livery as he, emblazoned the image of a mighty Taurus. Opposing him was another squad of men wearing the livery of a Lone Star. They all turned to salute the Emperor who watched from his place of honor. "Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant." And then the melee began. For four periods of a quarter of an hour they did battle the Cowboys of Dallas, but in the end Texans of Houston arose from the field victorious. As he stood with his team and received the accolades of the Emperor, the vision faded, and once again he was faced with the stack of plates. It was finally done, He had moved the plates according to the rules. "Now that my penance is done, I must think of a powerful pun." The gazer gazed at him; Actaeon glared at him; an electric stillness filled the room and ... (to be continued).
  23. As the Harehunter worked the stack of plates, he heard in the background The Reverend playing "Voodoo Child", but it sounded different than the version he knew. The image of a Dallas boy, wearing a cowboy hat with a fuzzy tail on it crossed his vision. On the guitar he played were the letters "SRV". He was starting to feel a bit temperamental, when another wave of nausea overtook him. He turned to see his reflection in the Looking Glass beside him, and was shocked by what he saw. Lepus Temperamentalis http://www.sudftw.com/jackcon.htm Must have been that music The Rev was playing.
  24. A wave of nausea overpowers the rabbit in black (who is wearing a white rabbit suit). "What has been this line of drivel that I have spoken? I was just playing with my words as usual, but nothing punny came out." Actaeon gives another glowering glare at the rabbit. "I warned you about punning, and you have done well (so far). But your attempts to play with your words in the rhyming manner is not just bad, it is actually verse. Knock it off or else." The penitent rabbit approached the Reverend, who was still sipping his coffee. "Pater me ignoscat prae ego peccerem." "I was trying to have fun without any pun and all that came out was a rhyming run. It was meant to enjoy, but not to annoy, I may as well play with a Tower of Hanoi." To the side of the room there appeared three vertical rods. On one of the rods was a stack of wooden plates of decreasing size from the bottom to the top. The Reverend pointed at the stack of plates. "Your penance is to move all the plates from the rod on the left to the rod on the right. You may move only one plate at a time, and you may never place a larger plate upon a smaller one. Come back to me when it is done." Ruefully the rascally rabbit eyed the stack. "There are a dozen of these plates. This will take some time." Then he quietly bent to his task.
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