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Celtic Minstrel

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Everything posted by Celtic Minstrel

  1. Originally Posted By: Who flung poo EDIT: as soon as i hit 'post' i realized how retarded i just sounded Exactly. Anyway, I like the Avernum 1-3 engine. If he wanted to update Avernum 1 to incorporate a few of the features from later engines (I'm particularly thinking of the quest list here), that would be nice, but I don't really want to have it updated to the Avernum 6 engine, whatever that turns out to be.
  2. What's wrong with the Geneforge 1 engine? And is he really planning to upgrade Avernums 1-3 to the Avernum 6 engine? I'd rather he didn't... However, upgrading the Exile trilogy to run on the Intel Macs would be nice.
  3. Interesting scenario... plus it was an excuse to try out HLPM's level raiser.
  4. ...Wouldn't those just go in with the regular terrain/item/monster palette?
  5. And what would that be? Edit: Wait, you mean a favourites/recents palette?
  6. Hmm... it's a good idea, but what I'd really like is to get rid of those menus altogether in favour of choosing items and monsters from the terrain palette area. It would mean that you need to choose whether to show terrain, monsters, or items in that area, which means it may be complicated to implement since the BoE editor (unlike BoA) does not already have the capability to change the palette... Even with that change, a "recent" or "favourites" list may be useful...
  7. Well, maybe your browser converts the image, but some (most?) browsers don't.
  8. My point was that doing that will still save it as a PNG, even though it has the BMP extension (though it may be that Internet Explorer does have the ability to convert images – Firefox doesn't). You need to actually open it in an image program (I think Paint will work, but I'm not sure) to convert it to a different format.
  9. But if I recall, all the boats start in town anyway, which would explain why BoA cannot create a boat outdoors.
  10. I want to get them all too. My next purchase will probably be the Geneforge trilogy.
  11. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith (remember to "save as" + "bmp format.") ...Not from the browser, surely? If you just change the file extension, it doesn't actually change the file type. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith EDIT: Since when don't images work! Since the forum upgrade, apparently.
  12. Wow... that sounds incredibly useful...
  13. I don't think that's quite right. I thought that was more of a plan than an actuality... But I don't actually have Vista, so I can't be sure.
  14. Posting in threads bumps them most of the time...
  15. If I recall, in the First Expedition there were exactly two survivors. Edit: Why don't I see this topic on the list in the BoA forum? I can only access it from the main index when it contains the most recent post.
  16. Did it occur after adding or deleting a town?
  17. Is there a file in the Blades of Exile Scenario Editor folder called "bladbase.exs" (Windows) or "Blades of Exile Base" (Mac)? Edit: On second thoughts, that's probably not the problem.
  18. Originally Posted By: Kelandon I often thought of making a First Expedition scenario, too, but it seems as though it'd be pretty dark. The expedition goes wronger and wronger as time goes on. Demonslayer broken, the expedition divided and dying... bad news all around. Yeah, making a scenario for a failed expedition would be kind of... depressing?
  19. Originally Posted By: John S That's what people said about BoE. The game's tweakable re-release hasn't exactly brought up a storm. Why would BoA do better? What's this about a storm? It doesn't really matter that the release of BoE hasn't led to much yet. It's the potential, I think, that makes the difference. Or something...
  20. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha Pity Jeff is busy with Geneforge 5, BoA really needs a rewrite. It doesn't need a rewrite. A few tweaks here and there, but not a rewrite. Releasing it as open source would be ideal. Didn't he say he might do that eventually?
  21. Oh, silly me, I didn't notice the "set_state_continue(64)" line... There are a lot of silly restrictions like that in the game.
  22. Wasn't there also something about the prices for enchantments not making sense? How does the game calculate the price for an enchantment?
  23. Nice... What's state 64 in the scenario script for? As for the towns... ideally, all important plot-related stuff should be excluded from this. I'm not sure how to go about that though...
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