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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. He has, but it does not change the fact that Magic Shaping in general offers more bang for the buck than any other type of shaping. Artillas with acid damage, vlish with slowing and stunning, glaahks and their stingers, a new creation, eyebeasts and gazers. Well, the last two are somewhat over rated.


    That said, battle creations are no longer quite so hobbled, and violence really DOES solve everything in a pinch. Battle creations also tend to be cheaper on essence costs, so a guardian type has lots of reasons to use them now. You can go and just beat the bejeezus out of everything and any one in sight and Vlish be damned. It will be harder, for the lack of good ancillary effects, but there is a great feeling of tactical joy in uncontrolled combat. You can overrun your foes in swarms of plated bugs that get 10 action points and with the new action point system, they are exceptionally dangerous creations now.


    Yeah, Jeff really did do a good job.

  2. Terror Vlish are overpowered in G1. They allow you to roam through any area of the game killing at will while taking no damage. Monsters run in to corners and suck their thumbs... And do not defend themselves at all.


    One Vlish all by its lonesome isn't all that impressive, but whole packs are terrible. Shuts down monster packs.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Archimandrite Micawber:
    Yes that's a point, is it still the case that vlish are over-powered in GF4? They are ridiculously effective in the trilogy.
    I am not so sure I can answer that. I know we talk about some parts of G4 here, but because of non disclosure agreements, I don't know if I can address specific things.
  4. In the previous 3 games, all of the "impossible" encounters could be blown apart by the Agent. The more difficult it was, the easier it was for the Agent to do it. Mostly because of Terror and Dominate. While a Shaper could not shape a Battle Gamma say, an Agent could sieze control of one and cause all kinds of mayhem. When a shaper was fighting higher level creations, like dryaks, but could not yet shape dryaks, the Agent could easily have her own (temporary) dryaks. In short, the nastier the monster the game threw at her, the easier it became for the Agent to progress. In G1, dominating an Augmented Sholai was unbalanced. Even more so on Torment. As you racheted up the difficulty level, the game became easier and easier because the monsters became tougher and tougher, and therefore, could cause a lot more mayhem and damage when the Agent siezed control. If you went beyond Torment somehow, the Agent would only continue to gain strength, while the other two classes, the Shaper and the Guardian, became weaker and weaker.


    One of the expressions an Agent lives by is "I am only as strong as my enemies."


    When the enemies became impossible, so did the Agent.

  5. You just need to be capable of surviving melee, which is the real trick.


    But I am most pleased that melee is a LOT better now and it is a viable option. I believe it will even be so on torment...


    Some times just sending in a squad of goons to beat the stuffing out of somebody just feels good. Sort of a "Hey Guido, hey Vinnie, go break that punk's legs" sort of moment.

  6. I've worn chainmail made from fireplace mesh.


    Chainmail over padded leather was actually good armor. Better than plate in some ways, more mobility.


    People seem to forget that there was other inventions that made plate obsolete, other than crossbows and guns.


    Reinforced maces.


    Lucern hammers.




    Footman's hammer with pick and point. The handle doubled as a crowbar, for peeling a knight out of his armor, and on top of the hammer head was a good foot long spike for stabbing after you softened him up a bit.


    Flanged maces with armor piercing flanges.


    War bars. (A crude length of iron with a knob at one end, and a crow bar hook at the other. A rather crude club, but was highly effective in the crusades.)


    All of these made plate mail worthless, or worse, a liability. A crushing blow with a heavy hammer would crimp and deform even the best made gothic plates. A man could be trained to render a knight completely helpless in a few blows. Even heavy shields did nothing to stop furious hammer blows, pavices, round shields, all would crumple and your arm would break.

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