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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. It sort of pains me to say this, but I applied the code to Alwan to see if it would correct his shortcomings. He can use both his sword and his thorns... He seems to only shoot plain thorns, and does a fair bit of damage. I don't know how long plain thorns will be useful, but all of a sudden Alwan is a well rounded character suitable for Torment level combat. On the wounded alpha guarding the school exit, Alwan's opening shot did 24 damage, unblessed, unbuffed, all on his own. That's a fair bit of hurt starting out. Blessed, his damage increased considerably. Tremendously. He is now a strong contributor to battles and if you keep him tucked behind some of your creations, he becomes quite the sniper. He still can't one shot kill a fyora, but he is most useful. I can not help but feel that this is how he should have been all along. Batons should be skilled in both melee and missile weapons, and the lack of a ranged attack always made Alwan seem, I dunno, unfinished somehow. Now he actually feels like a real guardian fighting beside you.


    Would be nice to somehow upgrade his baton once or twice later. Not like to reapers or anything... But say, to a venom baton and then to, hrm, a submission baton. Submission baton would suit his personality.




    I dare say that a thorn shooting Alwan would even be a suitable companion for an Agent. The ability to keep range and distance away from the enemy is vital for particular playstyles... I never thought I'd say this.


    Second edit.


    Just wondering, when you upgrade Alwan's attacks, I wonder if the acid drip from his sword would apply to the thorn shots? And the damage boost? Anybody know, or am I going to have to test this out the hard way?

  2. Alwan should have had a baton, which could be upgraded as time goes on. He could get "missile training" from an instructor. As stupid as that sounds. I mean, it's not that hard to pick up a baton and use it, but there is a bit of a problem of getting the upgrade and making it somehow realistic in game.

  3. About clawbugs and roamers. If you sneak past them and go back later to kill them, you will only get like 1xp. But, if you kill them when you are really underleveled, like, say, level 4 or 5, you can get a whole lot of experience for them... LOTS of experience. That place is an experience bonanza because the mlvl is so much higher than clvl. Having a Cryoa or two allows you to deal with the roamers, clawbugs, and thorn guns.

  4. Not quite the most optimised build there, but over all a very good agent, well rounded, all bases covered, very little weakness, and not a total glass cannon. Out of a scale of ten, I'd rank that as an 7 for offense and a 10 for survivability.


    Really a very good no compromises sort of build. There are ways to get either Battle Magic or Mental Magic up to high teens or twenties and then rely on skill boosting items to pick up the slack on other magic skills like blessing magic, which really doesn't need to be trained in at all. You can buy two levels, and then items will take it up as high as it needs to be. Of course, making a glass cannon has its downsides.


    An Agent like the one above has the potential to wade in to melee and crush skulls should the need arise, and using the right buffs, make her self darn near physically immune. Well, everything immune.


    Very nice work.

  5. Agents with out canisters require skill, tactics, and thought to play. Not for everybody, but it is not hard. Not really.


    No canister Shapers are easy as pie. You will want some Cryoas, a pair of battle creations, Thahd Shades or Alphas or what have you, and some Vlish. From that point on, tactics rule the day. You can deliver quite a beat down with some very simple creations. The higher level creations really are not needed, except by those that lack wit and creativity. You don't need a Gazer to be the game. Vlish are far more powerful.

  6. Some time soon I am going to fine tune my Hunter Guardian... No points in endurance, minimal strength, pretty much everything in to missile weapons and dex. Creations will be made through use of items to boost skill level, and magic skill training will be paid for. Luck will also be pumped up quite a bit. Even quick action and parry will be left at base, bought with training, and boosted with items.


    No skill points wasted.

  7. How about this... you go through all the trouble of raising a fyora to say, level 25 or 30, and he goes through a metamorphasis like a catapillar and becomes a charged fyora. All the more reason to keep old creations around. Make it level dependant, not some silly mini game of Dr Mario trying to get the right genes lined up.


    Take a Beta or an Alpha to say, level 45 or so and they would become a Gamma.


    A vlish would become a submission Vlish or perhaps one of those types of Vlish that heal others, a real asset to a shaper.

  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Zeviz:
    In that case would Thahd Shade make better defender than any other battle creation? (If nobody can hit it, you don't even have to heal it.) Or does it cost so much essence to max out dexterity that you might as well make 2 Battle Betas instead?
    Depends on your character, how you play, and what you need. There are occasions where a Thahd Shade would foot the bill... Some times sheer numbers is an asset. At other times, well, you gotta wing it with what you have.
  9. You know, there could be another entirely logical reason why you don't actually see to many high level Agents.


    It is all to easy for them to dominate somebody and then have that somebody kill for them. How is that for totalitarian authority? Criminals could be dispatched by their own wives or loved ones in a "domestic dispute" and not raise a single eyebrow.

  10. Quote:
    Originally written by Bobby Pendragon:
    She probably leads a life as an exotic merchant and often gets "opportunities" to get rare items and has to leave for awhile often.
    That's funny... My exotic merchant does come home with many rare and unique items after an extended business trip.
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