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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Randomizer:
    Delicious Vlish favored backing up and luring your enemies to their destruction. Even with using the Geneforge in GF1 if you let your enemies swarm you, then you can get slaughtered. There is nothing wrong with a tactical retreat.

    As Worf in Star Trek: The Next Generation quoted that famous human saying, "He who fights and runs away, lives to run away another day."
    It has always served me well.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Slarty:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    By popular request, I have put Khyryk into the game.

    Also, items in your pack no longer contribute to weight. Items you wear do.
    I just saw this thread, and I am once again excited about G4. Hallelujah for good design decisions!

    This game is going to be great, and I look forward to having many inane, nitpicky conversations about character builds on this board.
    Oh please come back!
  3. There are ways to make it harder and more interesting.


    Like, playing a Missile Guardian or a rebel shaper that never absorbs any creation he creates. This means no temp creations, and if you make a fyora, it stays with you through the whole game.


    Actually, scratch that, playing a Missile Guardian makes the Guardian class breeze through Torment.

  4. Bare handed attacks suck. I tried.


    Monks do so much damage it isn't funny. I mean, many painful slaps upside your head.


    I even resorted to saving Monks in my soul crystal to get my mad kung fu fix.




    The Monastary of Madness was the best damn thing to ever happen in a Spiderweb game. Period. No ands, ifs, or buts. When I played Exile III and walked in to that place for the first time, and got my self slapped silly, I was almost in tears from laughing so hard. In A3, it was even worse... Those guys will slap the bejeezus out of you.


    I wish Jeff would make a Kung Fu RPG. I would be all over that like white on rice.

  5. I would like to be able to create a monk. Like the Mad Monks in A3. To have an unarmed combat skill that would actually allow your punches do something, and gloves that would add to punching damage.


    No really, I am cheesed off I can not execute a fiesty slap of pain or do mad kung fu. It all started back in Exile III actually... I so wanted to make a monk.


    Bitterly disapointed am I.

  6. Tried the game on Torment yet? If not, do that first and then get back to me. It should be rather self explaining why a Shaper should chose to have blistering offensive abilities.


    Every shot counts. Having a shaper that can lead his troops in to battle and blow things to cinders is an asset.


    It is a lot faster, foes fall quicker, and it is not so boring as it could be just standing around doing nothing. It is like a whole new game and breathes some life and excitement in to the shaper class.

  7. I predict a battle with the Shaper Council themselves. As a quest. Maybe one of the end game quests. Hunt them down and slay each one of them, one Shaper, one Guardian, and one Agent. (The Agent of course will not use the patented Delicious Vlish Agent AI™ and will be a total pushover)

  8. I always go in there with my Agents... I need that iron sword. Early game in Torment, when I am low on energy and not much on power and a slight breeze could take half my hit points, I need that iron sword. When I daze everything, I can melee safely. Unless of course, I damage it, but fail to kill it. Next round, it might just kill me.


    With the iron sword and a bit of war blessing, I can follow the Agent's Mantra. One shot, one kill. I have a fair bit of confidence that when I daze something, and go in for the kill with that iron sword, I will finish it off, completing yet another Agent Mantra. If I stab it, one of us will die. If not mine enemy, then I.

  9. I said all that long ago.


    To be perfectly frank, if it had been 100 years, the bones and the robes would be gone. He is still fairly intact. It might not be recent, but it is not all that long ago.


    And for some reason my memory is telling me that there are a few more bodies like that on the island. Somewhat recent corpses of shapers.

  10. There were TWO on the island. You find the body of the second in one of the very first areas. You identify him as a shaper because of his robes, and he didn't die all to long ago. In the area where you meet the Fyoras for the first time. He's hidden, and you have to go looking for him in an out of the way place, a dead end.


    In all honesty, I think Agents know all to well the inner workings of Agents. At least, past the initiate level and in to the apprentice level. And they would know that canister usage would lead to them having an accident somewhere some time.

  11. Ideally, Alwan shouldn't have much offense.


    Alwan should be a Guardian and gain defensive abilities. I mean, the missile attacks are nice and all, but he should be gaining defensive abilities at some point.


    Edit. It would be perfect if Alwan could gain extra action points in the game somehow. 10 ap, like a plated bug. With a baton, he could shoot twice and rival Gretas offense.


    Been thinking about this quite a bit.

  12. Alwan might still not be as powerful as Greta, but at least he can be as useful as Greta. This is important. Having a means to keep him alive by keeping him out of toe to toe combat is a good thing. Having him alive makes him dependable and keeps him useful. I can live with this. As it was, Alwan was unbearable.


    Alwan's overall suckiness was the lasting fly in my ointment concerning G3. I don't really view this as a cheat but more of a balance fix. One that should have been made before the game's release. It wasn't exactly game breaking, but it was extremely one sided how useful Greta was compared to Alwan. Loyalists couldn't keep Greta... She took off right as she was becoming quite powerful.

  13. Isn't that a bit to powerful to start with though? Seriously... Even on torment to justify this sort of thing, an acid baton would make seriously short work of the starting areas.


    There needs to be a way to upgrade somehow to preserve balance.


    The regular baton is nice because it honestly does not feel like cheating.


    Greta gets an upgrade to an acid attack later and then a multi target attack... Alwan, as far as balance goes, should also get an acid attack other than his sword, but his baton, and then some other attack later, but not reapers. I mean, don't get me wrong, reapers would be all kinds of awesome, but unlimited reaper shots would just be obnoxious. So a submission baton or something would be a bit more balanced. Then again, submission is worse than outright damage and can be abused.

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