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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Were you trying to stack it while it wasn't identified? Did you set the number of charges in the script to 1? (Yeah, BoA is kind of finicky and demands that stackable items have a charge) If that's not the case, try changing the item definition so it's an import of item 203. -It might be easier to see the problem if you posted the script for the item.
  2. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Even if it is a bug, why are you complaining about an easy fight? Because all I did was press "m-a-a" over and over again...and I was expecting to reload twenty times. -Hmm... I might as well e-mail Jeff about this.
  3. Originally Posted By: Evnissyen Oh, and to clarify yet another post that probably doesn't need clarifying: My comment on senses of humor wasn't aimed at you. I knew that.
  4. I recently started playing A3 as a singleton. After killing all the slime pools, I bless and haste myself at location (17,4) in the lower level of the slime dungeon. I rush out to location (20,7) and start hurling bolts of fire at the Alien Beast. However, the beast sits there and does nothing, no summoning slimes or anything, until it dies. Is this a bug? -I'd show a picture, but I can't find my USB drive anywhere. Edit: I'm playing on normal difficulty with the game speed set at fast. The operating system is Mac OS 9.2.2
  5. Thanks, but I won't be able to start for a few days.
  6. Originally Posted By: Nioca ...Excalibur should consider thou self seconded. That should be a third-person singular objective pronoun, not a second-person singular, informal, nominative pronoun.
  7. Originally Posted By: Pig Catapult I really don't understand why playing the previous games with the mouse is such a pain. O.o;; It's what I did. ...because I'm too lazy to reach for the mouse.
  8. I don't think you'd find enough alcohol and poison potions in the game to do that. -Does Unshackle Mind get rid of drunkenness?
  9. Originally Posted By: Iffy Besides, The Triple Valley will hopefully be ready for beta testing some time this month. Dang Iffy, that's fast.
  10. Originally Posted By: BainIhrno To judge, send in a score from 1-10, 10 being the best. Do you want us to send that to your e-mail address, or by private message? And wow, we need more judges. I see you extended the deadline for judging because of that.
  11. Originally Posted By: feo takahari A3 comes last, even though it was good, because having to rush to keep the towns from being destroyed was just too stressful. (I kept having to use the character editor to send me back to Day 1.) I've never had any problem destroying the plagues in time. Maybe you spend too much time exploring.
  12. Originally Posted By: Randomizer ...but having your name rejected as a typo can get annoying. That's why you right-click the word and tell the word processor to add it to it's dictionary.
  13. What's the point of having poison potions then? To punish some noob who doesn't bother to identify things? -
  14. I usually use potions that heal or restore spell points, and I tend to stockpile invulnerability potions until the end of the game. I use knowledge brews when I find them, but I only made them in E3. I also use Graymold Salves, especially in the A1 demon fort. I'll occasionally use a wand of slowing, or something my first character happens to have at the time (Usually because I'm bored). I sell most wands and scrolls, though.
  15. 1. Blades of Avernum - Scenario editors rule. 2. Avernum 3 - Big world, great fights, and lots of side stuff. 3. Avernum 5 - Addicting... until you get to vahnatai lands. I never played past that. 4. Avernum - The game never ran out of good fights, and the plot was pretty good as well. 5. Avernum 2 - I don't understand why everyone likes it so much. 6. Avernum 4 - I didn't even play past the first town...It was that bad.
  16. Originally Posted By: Excalibur It sounds like there's a lot of liking going on.
  17. Originally Posted By: Evnissyen Some people need a sense of humor. No, that's why we have politicians.
  18. Originally Posted By: Brock The Archmage Coin limits: Exile series:25000 Avernum 1: 9000 Avernum 2+3: 15000 Geneforge 1: ? Geneforge 2: ? all after that: ? That's the limits you can give with the editor. I remember quite clearly that the coin limit in Exile III was 30,000.
  19. Originally Posted By: feo takahari There was no mention of Spiderweb Software as the maker of the game,... There was when I looked.
  20. Originally Posted By: Vergil "Half of Seattle is a desert, not a lush place. A giant desert filled with black widows" Desert? Once you leave the urban jungle there's plenty of trees. -Quite a few people here know French, and I have a basic understanding of it.
  21. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Yeah, I've never found joining the Anama to be all that useful. The loss outweghs the gain by a considerable amount. Besides, I'd much rather join the Church of the Divine Lucre. ...but they don't teach you Divine Thud anymore.
  22. The switches are better, I think. It's a lot better than staring at the automap, looking for little protrusions from the unseen side of the wall.
  23. Originally Posted By: Matt Thorn ... So I'm thinking, whoa, I hope he got out all right and isn't, like, totally pissed off at me, but then I walk outside and it's, like, this horde is charging the fortress, and there's General Redmark with that totally '90s beard of his and all hell breaks out and then everything was, like, completely insane for, like, three months, and all the time (I swear) I'm thinking, "I gotta find out what happened to Dionicio." ... Are you, like, totally pissed? Because I would understand if you are, man, completely. I'd be pissed off, too. But, hey, you're the king of irony right? I'm sure you can appreciate the irony here, because, it's, like, totally ironic, isn't it? I mean, there you are, with some kickass spells, all ready to help and all, and I, like, go in without you. It's kinda funny, when you think about it. I think some day we'll all look back on this and laugh. ... It sounds like there's a lot of liking going on.
  24. I think there's a guide to the scenario in the Blades of Avernum manual.
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