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Just Another Muffin Junky

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Everything posted by Just Another Muffin Junky

  1. I haven't played G3 in a while but I totally agree with Waylander on this one (if memory serves). Drakons can't kill anything, are ridiculously expensive, and are very late game creations. They melee okay, but it isn't worth the cost when you could simply buy the better rotgroth. Rotgroths are tough and hit pretty high damage and (I think) are the earliest tier 4 creation you can get your grubby hands on. Gazers used to be the best in G2, and are once again good in G4, but they are still quite powerful with a powerful ranged attack, However, they hit for very little in close combat. The awnser? get rotgroths and gazers. Rotgroths as expensive and powerful meatshields (as well as a way to get rid of those pesky magic resistant creations) and gazers as the artillery. Didn't need me to figure that out.
  2. In general: More stealth, tactics, and uncertainty! (you can probably just skip the rest now) I think that there should be lots of areas that you have to sneak around more and run for your life! Because, lets face it, running for your life is more interesting than point-click-kill. Also, no more stupid QUARANTINE ZONES!!! AHHHHGGGGG!!! It was so annoying that you couldn't move on, NO MATTER WHAT which made it impossible for you to go have a ball fighting monsters three times your level. Besides, that should be enough of a hint that this area is too tough for you, you don't need a big magical barrier to tell you that! And wheres the fun in not being able to go ahead and do quests later that are much harder but give you more xp.
  3. Just puttin it out there, he really reminds me of Barzahl, shaper training, glowing skin, totally nuts, and he DID have a kingdom with the barzites... Although, the evidence for being your PC from geneforge seems quite solid.
  4. It would be dissappointing if she was. In the previous Geneforge games, the council seemed like some sort of mythological superpower that no human eyes can see unless you beat the game. Now we find out one of 'ems just some washed up agent who needs the help of a rebel to go fight roamers and vlish.
  5. I think what you need to do is get the quest first from general crowley in the shaper camp. If you don't know where that is, talk the the guy out in front of southforge and do his quests until you find it (trust me, you will). That or if you had high enough leadership you coulda questioned miranda about it. After that you convince her to walk to the forsaken docks, and go out the east entrance to escort her there.
  6. Awww... the site didn't really seem to optomistic about it... Quote: 2006 might have looked like a bleak year for Mac gaming... Come on! A4 may not be the best spiderweb game, but it isn't bleak, it's slow! Oh well, besides the filthy critics, I thought the game was pretty good. Congrats on makin' the MACworld hall of fame Spiderweb!
  7. I definitely agree that this is the best game by spiderweb yet! I was a bit ticked about the new idea of chapters at first, but it turns out they make the plot flow much nicer and generally make quests a bit less confusing. Great job!
  8. I think making light change how far you can see (and thus, how far you can shoot stuff) would totally make close combat stink! If you think about it, you would have to have enough action points to find them, THEN still have enough to run up to them and wack 'em. Plus, he could run back a couple squares out of your sight and you would have to find him AGAIN! ('specially nasty if your fightin a terror vlish, where you can't see where the missle came from). And I don't even wanna think what would happen with multiple enemies... Whereas with long range, you find 'em,fry 'em. lather, rinse, and repeat. Could be fun, though.
  9. Gah!!!!! I was just digging around in the Titan's Hall and now I'm stuck!! As a servile, I went in head first into the energy field guarding it, my buffs protecting me, and I was badly hurt, but still alive. Now I'm STUCK INSIDE!! 'cause when i go out, the field frys me to a crisp before I can buff myself up to defend against it! What's worse is I saved after killing the titan, and the autosave is of me going out of the hall! What do I do? Is this game scrapped?
  10. Where ARE the challgenge areas? I've been searching forever... is the breeding pits one? If it is, its not a very good one. I've heard talk of the Titans Hall, which seems like an ending area... where is that?
  11. I really haven't given much thought to what characters look like... I was quite suprised however when I saw what Spiderweb portrays drakons as in the starting screen. I always thought they looked like giant dogs with scales on 2 legs.
  12. hmmm.... i think matala is definitely the hardest... he/she/it keeps flingin tough stuff at you. and he/she/it isn't a pushover either... However, for creepiest enemy, the rotgroth doesn't even come close to that unbound in the breeding pits. It's the same sorta dark enviroment, cept its a bid more deadly than a rotgroth... and running doesnt work too well, its got tons of action points, and you've got pylons on one side, and more enemies on the other... nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, heheheh. And the blood stains and dead bodies aren't too encouraging.
  13. hold on... isn't magda training to be a HEALER? Can't she magically make her twisted ankle better, like with a minor heal or something? Ah well, another contradiction.
  14. alright, thanks... I'll be safe and go with three or four, and if i get a "You used canisters" ending, I'll report on it. And by the way, Nioca, are you sure there isn't a "You used canisters and are even MORE of a monster ending?" It seems like it would make sense, because then there would be an insentive to not use canisters, rather than just gobble up every one you find. Besides, of course, dialogue options... Like other games, a more moral ending.
  15. I have a question that has really been bugging me, and I really don't have the patience to go through multiple runs to find the awnser . Being a loyalist shaper, I really don't want to use canisters, but I need canisters to get the level 3 creations (as in, ur-drakon) but I don't want to go berserk and use all the canisters I find, just the ones that give me the boost, while still staying "sane." So, how many canisters does it take to get the "You used canisters, and are a monster" ending?"
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