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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Tick, tick, tick - Jeff is probably sleeping and unlike the larger companies means some time later today and not starting at midnight.
  2. Spiderweb doesn't sell or give out information about you to others so giving your address will not result in spam or solicitations. Also if for some reason you later need to get your registration key again it will be easier.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Cirion Actaeon: Certainly, but individuals who adopt such practices are not looking for realism, but simply want to fool the game. Perhaps, if you wanted to prevent that, you could create a point at which people start asking questions. "You know, Bob, it seems like every time that man comes into my shop, my safe goes missing." "That's odd, the same thing happens to me..." Similar to being seen, but not so severe. Since your actions are spread around faster than gossip it would be possible for all the merchants to start charging you more for items and pay less to buy them to cover theft. It would rapidly make stealing only useful for items needed to be equipped or used in combat.
  4. I saw a similar bug in Blades of Exile for money only when I exceeded the money cap I went negative. Sometimes when you go over the limit for a value since the number is stored in binary format, you get the a truncated version of the number where the first binary digit is missing and the remaining digits form a different value. Jeff has problems since in order to save memory he limits the value to a certain range and the program can only read the part that fits that number of bits assigned to the value.
  5. I don't know how friendly a cryoa would be because everytime he breathed he'd give you a cold shoulder. At least a fyora would give you a warm welcome.
  6. Jeff revised the encumberance system as he announced so all items in the backpack and quick item slots don't count for weight. There still aren't enough slots in the pack so you have to decide between carrying what you think you will need and making lots of trips to bring back loot (as I''m making my third trip back for more). He also increased the number of items you want to keep with you so get selective.
  7. 1) Which is your favorite Avernum game? Avernum 2 2) What is your favorite melee weapon class? sword 3) What is your favorite missile weapon class? bow 4) What is your favorite spell in Avernum? varies with the situation 5) What spell did you like in an earlier Avernum game, but was removed in a later sequel? 6) What is your favorite dagger/sword? Oozing blade 7) What is your favorite spear/pike/halberd? Smite 8) What is your favorite bow/crossbow? Bow of Decay 9) What is your favorite thrown missile? fine razordisks 10) Which enemy type do you hate the most? Mung Demon for the dumbfounding and loss of spell points 11) If you could stand-in for any character in the game aside from the party, which character would you choose? X 12) If you could stop or change one event in Avernum, what would it be? Hawthorne's assasination before getting Garzhad 13) Who is your favorite character, aside from the party? X 14) Which Black Shade did you like the most? (A4) Ice 15) If you could destroy one being in Avernum, who/what would it be? Chevyn 16) Who is your favorite dragon? Khoth 17) What type of armor do you prefer? (Leather, chain mail, etc.) Robe of the Archmagi or quicksilver chainmail 18) Aside from adventuring, which profession would you take in Avernum? Merchant 19) Do you prefer to fight enemies, or would you rather flee? Always fight 20) What reasons do you have for becoming adventurers? Shoved into the Pit 21) Who is your favorite mage/priest outside of your party? X 22) Who is your favorite villain? Garzhad 23) If you had the chance to have a cameo of yourself inserted in any of the Avernum series, would you take it? no 24) Who was the most annoying non-party character in the Avernum series? Chevyn 25) What is your favorite city in Avernum or the Empire? Dharmon 26) If you had just one character in your party, what skills would he/she be trained in? almost all of them but mostly the spellcasting ones 27) What's your favorite Xian Item? Book 28) If you could travel to any of the continents on the surface, which one would you choose? Valorium 29) Which skill do you think is the MOST valuable in the entire Avernum series? Magery 30) Which skill do you think is the LEAST valuable in the entire Avernum series? First Aid 31) What is your favorite Avernum cuisine? cake 32) If there was one thing you could add to the Avernum series, what would it be? bag of holding 33) What's your favorite special item? Orb of Thrani 34) Do you have your characters wear pants? yes 35) If Avernum had lost the Avernum/Empire War, what do you think would've happened? Everyone dead that they could find.
  8. The costs vary a lot as you do quests for spell sellers and depending upon your current reputation with each faction, Shapers charge more if you are heavily biased towards the rebel cause when you want to buy something. I've seen prices drop from exorbitant to pretty average and back up as I did quests for each side. Also some people won't sell to you at any price until you do enough for their side.
  9. Yeah, but when he drops you as he carries you to storage then you shatter into hundreds of pieces.
  10. Ah, the UBB is causing duplicate posts again. I have thought about trying the battle shaping set except that I ran the new tier 5 one in the expert area against the boss monster and was unimpressed with the damage versus essence cost. It cost as much as a magic creation and wasn't any more effective. The only savings is in skill point cost to get the battle shaping. I think Jeff went overboard on making fire shaping the easiest way to go. My fire shaper type finished with 24 intelligence and 15 fire shaping when he wanted to create something. With that army all he had to do was buff and heal.
  11. Jeff started replacing graphics about 2/3 of the way through beta testing. The fyora is one of the few graphics that was changed so all earlier testing games using it are no longer playable with the new graphic. I don't know what types of error may occur if you rewrite the scripts to replace it with an old one. The new one has more of a resemblance to the raptors in Jurassic Park.
  12. Forgot to talk to the cats there. I was getting tired by the time I finally got the Orb. Something for next time along with the Easter Egg area.
  13. What's fun are all the things that don't turn up during normal play. Reading scripts can give you all sorts of useful ideas on how to subvert the game.
  14. Never tried the upgrade for the gazer although even one gazer is fun (look he's smiling). I got by just fine with the normal group although I did try some cryodrayks. Pity that the upgrade for drakon comes when there is almost nothing to use it on in the game.
  15. I never got that much in one spot to see the item limit. You will find that money disappears quite quickly in Chapter 3 when you get access to better spells, shaping creations, and training.
  16. This is a partial list of creations that the player could create. It depends upon getting the appropriate level of shaping skill, learning one ot more levels of the right creation skill, and having enough free essence left for the mininum amount. Jeff has two versions, the normal and one at 3 levels of creation skill, Some of the 3 creation level versions are charged versions of the original instead of ur- versions that were in previous game. For example the charged ornk now does more damage if attacked in the fields and can suddenly die and explode while eating. This board might crash if I tried to include even a partial list of all the new creations and their variants that Jeff made for GF4.
  17. Let's just say except for the names of the 3 new creations, that Jeff didn't spend a lot of time thinking. Most of it went into the basic plot and maps. The combat system didn't get change until part way through the beta testing.
  18. About half of the creations can't be listed until the game comes out so this is a list of those that are from the earlier games and have been revealed: Fire shaping: Fyora, Cryoa Roamer, Pyroroamer Drayk, Cyrodrayk unavailable Drakon Battle shaping: Thahd Clawbug Battle Alpha, Battle Beta Rotgroth unavailable Magic shaping: Artila Vlish Glaahk unavailable Gazer Jeff has mentioned that some of the higher creation versions are charged which means more essence cost, more strength, shorter lifetimes, and not to be used near open flames.
  19. Geneforge 1 and 2 had the additional problem of a limited economy so shopkeepers ran out of money. I had a big pile in GF1 of unsold items that I had no use for in the end. Avernum 1 to 3 had too many items that I never sold because of the money cap, They just piled up waiting until I could find something to buy in the endgame.
  20. I piled up all these items in GF4 thinking they might be needed later on in the game (you can see part of one pile in the screenshot - your own army). The next time through I was rich since I knew what I could sell so I could buy all the training I could ever want. I still have piles of items I'll never get around to using or making into other items. It did help when I needed that obscure quest item near the end of the game. In A4 I was always short on money until the Giant Lands. That's probably one of the reasons I always converted pylons into crystal cash.
  21. I think I got to be a beta tester since I fit an otherwise neglected platfrom or operating system. Either that or I'm the token old player demographic that Jeff needs because the kids don't have any money. DV mentioned running 5 different creations at once.
  22. Fyoras are mostly just cheap and easy to create. If they last long enough then they grow on you sort of like scaly fungus.
  23. Depends how you define behind. Most people interpret it as on the other side of the major impassable mountain range to the north, If you go west then you are technically correct. Wandering through Blackcrag after you meet the people in the eastern part of the Fortress is a drag. The guards keep pushing you around. It's almost like the real world.
  24. I don't think I could get through Avernum 4 hoarding that much. Even as a singleton I spent almost everything I could find that I didn't need for potion ingredients or to use in combat. I did keep some items so I could swap armors.
  25. Taking a hint from others (especially Dikiyoba) I found that placing the items in small piles allows you to quickly see what is in that pile if they aren't too close. So all the wands are together in a corner, etc. It takes a few minutes to see everything, but having like items together speeds up finding just one or two things.
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