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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by 1337 h4x0r:
    Bragging rights.
    Bragging Rights for what? Did you make it into the room? What's the point of bragging? Many of us have done it. :p

    Originally written by Arancaytar:
    What is the use of getting somewhere you were never meant to go? Of course, an explorer's spirit can get you far in real life, but did you think you could somehow slip through the cracks of Jeff's plot design and enter a part of his game he never made? :p
    Hey, it's entirely possible that there could have been something in there. Who knows how Jeff's mind works? There could be wonders beyond your wildest imagination inside the room in Dharmon that has no entrance in A1, the area behind the Vahnatai temple in A2 that also has no entrance, or in the outdoor map section just south of the Honeycomb in A1. :p
  2. Alright, this is my first venture into this board since before it came out for the Mac, so bear with me if this has been asked before.


    Does anyone know how to get past this gate:




    It's in the cavern full of lizards southeast of Formello.

  3. Huh. I could have sworn that you had said something about written content before. Oh well, I guess they are the same. Well, anyone who likes the domain shadowvale.net better than ermarian.net is welcome to contact me, and I'll set something up for you.


    Edit: They recently changed the language restrictions on sphosting, by the way. They now allow sites in anyt language. (Not that it matters to me since the only language I'm fluent in is English :p )

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Terinol:
    As I noted on the other thread the game leaks like crazy if you have two displays and makes the game run at a crawl. After turning off my second display everything ran fine. If no fix is provided there should atleast be a warning if the game detects several active displays tongue .
    Odd. I've had no problems running A4 on my desktop with 2 displays.

    Edit: This is my fabled 400th post. I would like to dedicate it to a member who was banned a mere week ago.

    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
    oh yeah the 400 post!
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Micawber:
    It's use is the same as for Sylak's talking skull in Nethergate; it keeps you company and occasionally gives you hints.
    Sylak's Talking Skull was more helpful though. I don't know if I ever needed the Xian Skull's advice, but Sylak's skull told me where to find some of the Nether Arts spells.

    Edit: It's a pity. When I saw this thread, I was half-expecting the legendary Xian Skull thread of yore to have been resurrected.
  6. I've been playing A4 on my notebook with a 1280x800 screen lately, so I turned of the resolution changes preferring a black border to distorted graphics. The problem, however, is that when I start Avernum 4, I get this message:




    If I change to 16-bit, the game starts fine, BUT if I change back to 32-bit while thegame is open it runs just fine. So, I'm curious why Avernum 4 requires 16-bit graphics.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by We are the music-makers:
    Before I forget: I've been offering to host several members who were looking for an ad-free webspace for their Spiderweb sites (only Thralni has taken me up on that so far though). If you do set up that web resource and need a host (would be a subdomain of ermarian.net), just ask. smile
    That's not quite true, Aran. I used your site for a while to host the chat database, but decided to create my own domain for several reasons, one of them being the uncensored nature of the chats. :p

    Edit: That said, if anyone would like a site that is a subdomain of shadowvale.net rather than ermarian.net (perhaps I should be advertising this on the Nethergate board), send me a PM, and I'll set it up for you. The only real advantage I can see for my host over Aran's is that my host does not have content restrictions, although that probably doesn't matter for Spiderweb-related materials. I've probably got the only site that needs a host without content restrictions, with the profanity and worse things that happen in the chats. :p
  8. When you return Caffen-Bok (the Crystal Soul you recovered from the Ziggurat, or at least should have if you're far enough into the game to be looking for third-level spells :p ) to the Crystal Shrine southwest of Oglai, Wilvron-Bok, one of the Crystal Souls already in the Shrine, will teach you Move Mountains, Level 3.


    For future reference, this is a topic for the Avernum Trilogy board, not General.

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    Originally written by Sibling Reconciliation Bereavement:
    But why isn't it on a BoE system where you can download it once you've registered?
    I'm fairly certain that it is, now. It just wasn't originally.
    It was when I bought it. As with BoE, however, you are still required to buy the CD. I'll give it a 9.8, since it's Spiderweb's best game ever. It has amazing replay value.
  10. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    Anyway, there are actually 7 crystal shards to be found in the game even though you only need 6, since Jeff apparently messed up.
    Thuryl! How dare you imply that Jeff Vogel is fallible. If he put seven shards in the game, he had a perfectly good reason for it, just like all the other things that make no sense in his games.
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