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Everything posted by Lazarus.

  1. Yes, Ernest's teleporter does work, you took the words right out of my mouth. Its only necessary to run the errand once, but if you want more gold you can do it as many times as you want.
  2. If you have anything particular in mind, Drakefyre has a list of item numbers on his site. As he seems too modest to plug it himself, I'll do it for him.
  3. A1, A2, A3, and BOA are all full screen on my Windows. As long as you allow the game to change your resolution.
  4. You'll know its eagle rock cuz there is a sign, and a special encounter. If you desire a THIRD mithril broadsword (they are very sexy and i seem to find them hard to resist) you can use the lumps from Sulfras, but you will sacrifice the Beastslayer Blade.
  5. This post is all the more idiotic for the fact that in order to register, you must submit ur own registration number. The chance that someone else on this board has the same code, and is going to give u the corresponding code is pretty slim. Anyways asking for codes on a shareware board is an offense often punished by tarring and feathering.
  6. Daniel speaks the truth, just leave town and use the editor to give dispel barrier. Then tell urself that u beat the quest(it works out to the same thing), and come back after the giants are dead to kill vothkaro for spiting you!!!!!
  7. I'm not sure if this helps, but if you help the lady to the south of the tower find her herbs, Erica lets you pass a few of the gates.
  8. No if you've got all the stuff mentioned here, your done with the boat. The waterfalls just serve to provide a border for the underworld (it would look kinda crappy if the river just ran right off the map). The orb can't be used in the underworld in e3, or anywhere else Jeff doesn't want you flying (strangely it CAN be used in caves in earlier games.)
  9. Alorael is hinting that you should sneak in through the barrier tunnel, once you break the barriers and an army of troglos is released. A better way is just to go back to the troglo castle (through the front gate.) It is open once you have ended the plague, you'll be free to kill the King, and loot the place.
  10. Even when you become a member of the Anama, all they do is nod in greeting. Evidently Anama members are just jerks (or they are just to busy to talk to the adventurers who saved their good for nothing island.) Edit: didn't see second page, and didn't know conversation had moved on. Oh, and Bolt of fire is valuable in my book, at least it makes your spell list look complete (its level three after all)
  11. Yeah, strong skill potions are the best of all. But I think the only place I've ever found one is for beating the slimes. Weak potions can be found in junk shops, if you're lucky. Also there are medium skill potions, but I've only seen those in junk shops as well. Basically they all are very good, and rare.
  12. You could either use the editor to give yourself a new orb of thralni, or you could return party to start.
  13. Do I heare Poe? The Cask of Amontillado? I thought the same thing when I saw it.
  14. I have a quick question that just came to me when I read this post. I know in A3 the Avernites have the Orb, but how did they get it? The group you played in A1 that found it had it when they escaped to the surface right? NPC's in A3 talk all the time about how they never heard from the group again, so shouldn't the orb have been lost again. (I never played A2, maybe something obvious happened there that I just never heard)
  15. Yeah I saw Alint, and the sight was down (I think I found the link at your site actually). Did you say it was only for Mac, because in that case it doesn't help me much. Anyway I just figured that if you spent hours writing code, and then have to look over it line by line for a mistype, you would eventually write something to do it for you. Its his job after all. I don't really know what im talking about.
  16. Can someone give me a link to where i can download a program to proofread script? I'm assuming it exists because Jeff must have one, and I think I've seen a post referring to one. I've poked around in some links, but only found sample scripts. Any suggestions on the best one (for windows) and how to use it would be appreciated.
  17. In my town dialog, the character's names won't show up. Instead it just says "townsman" or "official". Also if this could be at all related, any nodes using codes, like giving rewards or opening shops, doesn't work right. I even started a new town and used the dialog straight from a town in VODT, and the dialog worked, but no names. Suggestions???
  18. Wow, I don't know why it didnt occur to me that if a town script needed them the outdoor did as well. Works now. I just don't know why it didn't give me error messages since they were missing. Thanks.
  19. beginoutdoorscript; body; beginstate 10; message_dialog("Why won't this work.",""); break; I won't boor you with the actual dialog, but this is how its set up.
  20. For some reason my scenario won't run my outdoor encounters. If I trigger the state, the dialog thats supposed to show up doesn't show. I know its trying to call these states, and their in the right spot, because if i delete them from the outdoor script it shows an error message that i'm calling a non-existant state. They are very simple states, just a message, am I going insane?
  21. I personally use two fighters, a thief fighter, and a mage/priest combined in one. Mage is only useful in battle for hasting, and it seems like a waste of a warrior to make an entire character devoted to magery. I'll also use a divinely touched singleton from time to time.
  22. What command do you write to make a shop window appear in dialog? Also, where do you write the script to stock the shop, the town script, or scenario script?
  23. Actually your answers were very useful, i got it figured out now I think. I'll probably be back askin another stupid question soon, but thanks.
  24. Can someone help me with a simple question. How do you write dialog with more than one question in a node? I can make a conversation work as long as it doesn't branch off. someone tell me how please.
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