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Everything posted by Lazarus.

  1. Dintiradan's idea sounds very interesting as something that could be used in BOA. Its a shame that it couldn't be used for joined NPCs.
  2. Well the infinite arrow is cool, you can find it in junk shops occasionally. An infinite arrow and Archer's Bow are both very light, so it leaves your archer with plenty of weight to carry armor and other stuff. Magic arrows are a bit expensive at first, but by the middle of the game you'll reach the gold limit and have plenty to blow on magic items. But for the most powerful bow you'll need the Fury Crossbow (its an artifact, so you know its gonna be a pain to get it.) Still, even with the fury crossbow and magic bolts I found archery to be too weak. I like using poisons on both melee and archer characters. Very few monsters are resistant to it, and killer poisons pack quite a punch. I almost cried when I realized there would be no poisons in Avernum
  3. Does cr_summon_class also effect the level of Simulacrum needed to effect a creature? I've had creatures with summon class of -1 that are effected by simulacrum, which can be annoying.
  4. I don't think you have to use clear or import, but if you don't then things you defined in previous terrains will blend with your current one. Its definitely best to use them to avoid problems.
  5. "begindefineterrain 477s;" Didn't like the 's'.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Enraged Slith: choice = run_dialog(1); if ((choice == 1) { if(get_stat() >= x) message_dialog("I touched the applesauce.",""); else { message_dialog("mango","woogity woogy."); kill_char(bob,2,0); } } You need brackets after the if(choice == 1). Edit: Note to self, don't use tab when posting.
  7. Is there any way to use this call outside of a special encounter rectangle? Specifically I was trying to call it from a specobj script (to kick off a cutscene.) If I absolutely have to I can resort to a rectangle, but it would look better. This seems to be a very picky call, I tried to use it from an Init_state and it didn't like that either (This one I know you can't work around). Putting on the finishing touches.......
  8. They drink Invulnerability potions when combat first begins, wait until it wears off, then you can kill them.
  9. Kel was on the right track, using the call force_start_day() causes it to return zero for the day of the year. If you want to use this call then you must use what_day_of_scenario() to find out the day. And, oddly enough, a quick test shows that day 1 does return 0. I put in a call if(day_of_scenario() == 2), and it only works on day 3.
  10. beginscenarioscript; variables; short rep; body; beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE; init_special_abil(1, "Reputation", 10); change_custom_abil_uses(0,1,1); change_custom_abil_uses(1,1,1); change_custom_abil_uses(2,1,1); change_custom_abil_uses(3,1,1); break; .... beginstate 10; rep = get_flag(x,y); //This would be the flag you are using to keep track// change_custom_abil_uses(who_used_custom_abil,1,1); print_big_str("Your Reputation is", rep, "dude"); break; That should work.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Lancer: get_custom_abil_uses(who_used_custom_abil(), 1); change_custom_abil_uses(who_used_custom_abil(),1,-1); The first line is unnecessary and should be removed, the second line should look like this, change_custom_abil_uses(who_used_custom_abil(),1,1); Otherwise once a character uses the ability once he won't be able to use it again. And as TM said, just use print_big_str to print the flag you are using.
  12. It would only be message alerts in the text areas. Unless you make a special ability that, when used, gives you a dialog box telling your reputation (As Kelandon suggested I think.) I suppose you could get snazzy and have different NPC's tell you what your status is in different areas. (Ex. Ask a servant of the household what your servants think of you. Ask a merchant how your fame has been spreading etc.)
  13. Edit: test shows that this wasn't right... Back to the drawing board. Edit: Like Garrison said, you need to put parentheses around it before you divide. Also, whenever an integer goes over 32766 it becomes negative, and counts down all the way to 65532. So the clock will only last for about 4 hours that way.
  14. I would suggest turning it off, then at the start of each day giving an alert like this, "It is dawn of day x of month y." in the text area. This would get you closer to what you're looking for.
  15. I want beams to turn off in a cutscene. I used set_terrain() to simply turn off their power sources, but this didn't work. I assume that BOA checks to see if the beams should be on at the start of each turn, so it doesn't realize that they should be off until after the cutscene ends. Is there any way to either make a turn pass during a cutscene, or somehow take the beams off space by space? The only thing I can think of is to end the cutscene, wait a turn until the beams switch off, then restart the cutscene. I'm not sure if that would look more sloppy than just leaving the beams on. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  16. Quote: Is there anything that is worth exploring in Blackcrag Fortress after delivering the messages between Anixminder and Empress Prazac? Well no, its all empty space. Unless you conisder it worthwile to be able to leave through Blackcrag's northern gate and watching the game glitch out when it tries to place you. The only real reason to go there is that its there, and it is supposed to be off limits.
  17. The button in the editor for "Clear All Items" doesn't work. Instead, a dialog box comes up asking if you'd like to clear all special encounters, but it doesn't even do that. This is in both the BOA editor and BOA 3-D Editor for Windows.
  18. Well actually you can, but it involves using the start-end combat trick to jump across the specials that block you.
  19. This is inspired by the talk of skipping over specials. So I'll point out the obvious bug, that the blocked spaces don't work properly. Jeff said in an article that placing blocked spots in the editor will stop monsters from being placed on those spots, and keep the party from crossing them using the start - end combat tactic. All they do is stop NPC's from walking on them, blocked spots can still be easily crossed. However, if you use the call change_blocked(), it works as he described. This is pretty annoying since my scenario includes a place where you must complete some conditions before leaving an unwalled town. So lots of places need to be blocked. I'll have to use TM's rectangle calls from MA I suppse, but it means I can't have a state called when the party tries to exit and the requirements aren't met.
  20. If you are about to finish the alien beasts and still want to complete the event that occurs on day 160 (which shall remain unnamed) you could always just use the editor to fast forward to day 160. Its significantly less annoying than sitting around resting, and is what I did. (I knew about the event from E3, and had finished Avernum 3 far before it had a chance to occur on its own.)
  21. You can make a passable scenario just following the basics in the cookbook (which does a very good job explaining basic calls, use it.) If you have something more complex in mind I would say to wait until you've done a basic scenario. I had tried this approach several months ago, and after making a truly awful, almost unplayable scenario, I pretty much gave up on ever understanding scripting. I came back recently and it all made sense, and am pretty pleased with how things are going. Just the experience gained from a basic scenario is invaluable, even if the result is a steaming pile of crap.
  22. How disappointing, although I was pretty much expecting that after I read over the appendixes several times with no results. Thanks.
  23. Boy this forum sure is lonely. I'll get the party started with yet another question about calls that probably don't exist. I'm making an item shop that has one random item each day. Is there a call to remove items from a shop, so that items that aren't baught dont build up?
  24. A. EDIT: Nevermind I remembered that it is in Avernum. Although I'm pretty sure in Exile getting the blade involved less jumping through hoops. B. You pretty much ruined it for Carl, the idea was to hint not just say it outright. If thats what he wanted we could have done it a while ago.
  25. The alien blade is easy if you know where to find it. I don't recall anything about timing, but as Alorael said it is expensive. (I don't remember any hints about it, but I assume there must be some and I'll have to trust Alorael. All other high-power weapons have hints after all.)
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