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Ash Lael

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Everything posted by Ash Lael

  1. Well, the "I have not seen these alleged misdemeanors" argument seemed pretty reasonable for a few days. Then I just happened to remember that particular thread this morning. No, the issue isn't all that important or worth worrying about. But the idea of an inconsistent and unfair *i arouses my curiosity.
  2. Quote: Originally written by *i: This is neither the time nor place for such discussions. As far as universal enforcement, I hate to say this, but I am unable to read every single post on this board. I largely skim the topics for things that are blatantly offensive and out of total context. fatman -- This is your final warning. Discussions on this board are to be related to BoE, not discussions of board policy. Feel free to carry said discussions on the General board. Forgive me for continuing this here, but I didn't think it would be helpful to start a new topic in General over this. Given that the f-bomb was dropped here , and you posted later in the topic, it would be fair to assume that you read it. Why did you say nothing about that incident, and warn fatman with banning when he called Kel a half-wit?
  3. I wish it wasn't. I would really like to see some measure of fairness applied. There is no good reason for some senior members to get away with what they do without so much as a tut-tut and fatman to be threatened with banning for calling someone a half-wit. Seriously, how can any admin or mod expect a new member to follow the rules when many of the most prominent posters don't?
  4. TM won't be too happy with the result, though.
  5. English is the wrong language to attempt to be precise in.
  6. What, half-wit? That's taboo? TM regularly gets away with motherf***er. I think he's pretty much right, besides. This is a thread where people explain why they prefer BoE. OF COURSE there are plenty who don't. We all realize this. They just aren't a subject of this discussion, and I see no need to refer to them. If he was generalizing by not allowing for people like Kel, so was Brett when he wrote the topic title. Okay, fatman WAS a bit rude, but still.
  7. I guarantee you there will be hundreds of bugs, and no one will be interested in doing your work for you. Beta testers are there to give design advice and pick up obscure bugs. It's your job to take care of the many obvious ones. Pay the cash. It's very, very worth it.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: You know, it occurs to me that it may have been exactly this lack of dialog pics that made me balk at the idea of switching some of the cut scenes in Bahs into dialog boxes. A text bubble creates a similar effect to that of a dialog box with a pic, but the problem is that text bubbles are much slower. Agreed. However, there are two drawbacks to this. First, as you pointed out, cutscene text is too slow to really work for medium or long speeches of any sort. It only works well, in my view, with short, snappy lines. Not a big problem, I think. It is awkward, but I don't think I've ever seen a scenario hurt by too little text. The shorter and terser, usually the better. I would like to be able to write somewhat longer passages before running into the 'talking heads' problem, though. Secondly, and I think more importantly, a BoA NPC graphic has nowhere near the personality of a BoE Dialog graphic at this stage. If some talented artists were to change this, I may well make the switch to BoA.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Ahbleza: I don't doubt that from an Author's stand point, the technical aspect of the two systems is important. But, it seems to me that even if BoA is technically "better" than the BoE, if the 95% who actually play the games prefer the BoE, then the efforts of those Authors is being expended on each other, rather than the "consuming" public. The only reason I'm even writing here is to point out that many of the scenarios have been written by the 5% for the 5%. There are very few "major" scenarios that are playable by the 95%. This seems like an inherent "flaw" in the perspective of those who have the artistic ability to be the Authors. I realize that many of the 95% will only "pass through" and be gone, but I do believe that a good percentage who come into the Community find the games satisfying and will stay with them for a reasonably long time. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't get so deep into the woods where there are so many trees that the journey isn't enjoyable. Unless, of course, the 95% doesn't matter. Then this post was of no consequence. I don't know if it's 95% or some other figure. I don't know how many of the best scenarios are indeed inaccessible to most players (though I don't dispute that some would be). I don't know what the 95% actually want in a scenario. I don't even know what the 5% want. I don't design for this group or that group, I just make scenarios that I myself enjoy. It's my opinion that this is the only really practical option. Edit: While BoA has many more capabilities on a technical level, I think it fails at immersing the player properly, which is more important than cutscenes or 3D terrain. Thus, while I might have more freedom designing in BoA, I'd prefer to play in BoE, and so any scenarios I design in the future will most likely be in BoE.
  10. I think you can get a much stronger sense of character in BoE. Diolog pics, clearer and more distinctive NPC graphics, etc. The atmosphere is a lot better as well, I think. I don't know. There's just something about it that 'works' a lot better on a subconscious level for me.
  11. Quote: Originally written by dreamqueen: We always need more especially as boa is taking sooo long to get new scenerios onto the board (no offence Archmagi M) plus i have just finished ac3 part 1 and can't wait for part 2 Part 2 was finished quite some time ago. Spiderweb has just been incredibly slack in putting it up on their site.
  12. Or you could set your scenario to give the player X items when they start.
  13. I figure if you don't have time to play scenarios, you really don't have time to make them. A mystery could be a good scenario. Really, I've rarely seen an idea hurt a scenario (though it does happen). Bad scenarios are usually bad because of a lack of ideas of any sort, or because of lousy execution.
  14. It is my intention to never go into debt, ever. We'll see what the real world has to say about that, I guess.
  15. Cash in hand is legal, isn't it? Officially it's not a transaction - you're just helping a few people out of the goodness of your heart, and they're giving you a gift of a certain sum of money out of the goodness of their heart and to encourage you to keep on being such a good kid. Or something like that.
  16. I've hung around so long I'm not a teenager any more. At this point I would usually trot out the old 'Get BoE' line, but... there's nothing to gain.
  17. ...so? I mean, why on earth would it worry her if you're doing odd jobs and earning money, unless you're selling drugs or something.
  18. I am at a loss to comprehend how posting in a community cetered around a certain game is somehow more fun than playing the actual game. It's kinda like someone loving the Oscars but not being able to find time to watch movies. I mean, I know I'm a cool guy and fun to hang around with and all, but still. Oh well. Strokes and folks.
  19. So, if they have no better suggestions, just give blood. Or maybe a kidney.
  20. What you do: 1) Find parent. 2) Ask parent if you can donate blood. 3) When they ask why, tell them that you really need 50 bucks. 4) Parent will give you a few alternate suggestions on how to earn 50 bucks. Take them.
  21. Genre doesn't bother me half as much as quality. Action would probably be the most popular genre, though. And by action I mean a lot of stuff happening very quickly, not lots of fighting.
  22. Adventurer's Club 3. Tomorrow, Signs and Portents (Alcritas scenarios). Areni. Nebulous Times Hence. Roots. Emulations. Played all those?
  23. There are plenty of new scenarios. They just haven't been submitted to Spidweb.
  24. My answer: Don't use secret passages. I hate those things.
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