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Ash Lael

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Everything posted by Ash Lael

  1. Revenge's fatigue system used a similar "special called every step" trick, so it shouldn't cause issues.
  2. In other words, you use a special item to say where you want to teleport to, take a step, and end up there? No, I don't think anyone has done that before. Sounds cool.
  3. The concept of a "reward" is a bad one in game design, I think. If your scenario is so boring that you have to give the player rewards for playing it, well, you have bigger issues than deciding what the reward should be. In short, the scenario should be its own reward. Regardless of whether the fun comes from flashy cutscenes, fun combat, a good story, a mix of them all, or something else entirely, as long as it's fun to play, you're set.
  4. I'm struggling to find anything constructive to say here.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Arancaytar: Name, link and author please? This I have to see... Demon, by Khoth. Unfortunately, the spell doesn't quite function the way I'd like, but still.
  6. There's a BoE scenario with the anvil spell implemented. Just so you know.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Skorpio: If Avernum created a precedent as an area of the Empire breaking away and becoming sovereign, why aren't there any other instances of sovereignty disputes? Now that Avernum has shown that the Empire can be beaten, there should be more groups, somewhere, demanding their own nation. It's already been done somewhat in A Small Rebellion. Mind, having done something before doesn't seem to to discourage Jeff from doing it again...
  8. Quote: Originally written by Casual Moose: Ash Lael: I can't see how it is that hard to work out what I am saying. You do have an IQ greater than that of a PE teacher's, no? I suppose it would depend on the PE teacher in question.
  9. I would argue that the definition of "Demon" is pretty much "a being of pure evil", so giving them some other motivation may not be appropriate. I would argue that for this reason, they are a really bad idea. I want Jeff to stop telling the story of Avernum and start telling the story of a few people who happen to live in Avernum.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Casual Moose: I never play a 6 CP party. Always 4 CP, or fewer (once, once, I played 5, but it's almost exactly the same as four). For 4 CPs I have ... Slith Halbard Bloke Human Two Cool Swords Dude Human (Slith) One Sword And Unencumbering But Cool Shield. Human (Slith) With Two Swords. Da daa! Quote: Originally written by Casual Moose: For 4 CPs I have ... Slith Halbard Bloke Human Two Cool Swords Dude Human (Slith) One Sword And Unencumbering But Cool Shield. Human (Slith) With Two Swords. Quote: Originally written by Casual Moose: Human (Slith) One Sword And Unencumbering But Cool Shield. Human (Slith) With Two Swords. Quote: Originally written by Casual Moose: Human (Slith) Human (Slith) ???
  11. Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: Seriously people, these are good BoA ideas. No they aren't. "Here's an enemy to beat" isn't a good premise for anything.
  12. Okay. I'll have to do it without magic or only using one hand or something...
  13. Okay. I'll have to do it without magic or only using one hand or something...
  14. Is beating the demo with a singleton worth bragging about in any way? Because I'm not likely to register. EDIT: On Torment, of course.
  15. Is beating the demo with a singleton worth bragging about in any way? Because I'm not likely to register. EDIT: On Torment, of course.
  16. Quote: Originally written by *Milu*: I will release at least two scenarios before the contest deadline. They are Blades of Exile scenarios. (Thye are very small.) That's great! I've always liked The Leaving.
  17. I realise I'm late to the party here, but I find it amusing that TM doesn't know the correct meaning of the term McGuffin .
  18. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Ash is having a senior moment. You can indeed place ashes, with the "Place sfx" node under the category of Town Mode specials. Dammit. It was the other guy who did the node work, but I thought I knew that one.
  19. I don't believe you can place fields with specials. But what you can do is make an ash item or terrain type and place that.
  20. LL: Thanks, but someone who actually knows BoE may be a preferable option. TM: Email coming your way.
  21. I'd say Johnny Favourite. Quintessence would be a lot of work, but would benefit a lot from a really good porting job. The Gem would be so fun in 3D. Anyway, I've redownloaded BoE, and am making an effort to design a scenario. But no promises. I'm looking for someone to throw ideas against - anyone up for it?
  22. Quote: Originally written by SupaNik: Quote: Originally written by Drakefyre: I promise that I will release a Blades of Exile scenario before the contest deadline. RiB??!? But it's for BoE. Which sucks. I smell a conversion... Even if I have to do it myself. ...the heck? If you're going to convert a BoE scenario, there are heaps of great options available now. You don't need to wait for Drakey to make one.
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