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Posts posted by Balladeer

  1. You kinda just answered your own question there...


    Personally, I would want passwords removed so I could go in and fix buggy scenarios that I liked. Kistar's Quest for example. I liked it but the bugs kept others away.


    If I remember right, though... somebody already figured out how to remove passwords on MAC. I thought it was with the wtfedit. Someone refresh my memory please. Who helped me fix Parallel Dimensia and how did they do it?

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Jumpin' Salmon:
    Sayeth the Shadowvale archives:
    You don't have permission to access /In the Shadow of Dragons Win.zip on this server.
    You don't have permission to access /Tales From the Tabard Inn Win.zip on this server.
    Great. Now what am I gonna do during rollover?
    Originally written by Jewels:

    Scenarios are also available at TrueSite!!!!!!*
    Come on... How many times do I have to say it? I mean, I know Tyranicus is soooo much cooler then me, and his website is waaay better, but do you have to rub it in? *pouts* wink

    * Exclamation points added for emphasis.
  3. The default password is 0, or at least the value of a not having a password. But of course everyone knows that.


    I had hoped to add the password for Redwall but in the midst of remembering what it was, I remembered I took it off... oh, well.

  4. It's already been done, sort of. Assault on Valorim: Part One recreated the entire continent of Valorim and most of it's towns. It was MASSIVE, it was also a MASSIVELY horrible scenario. One outdoor square to search with nothing to find can ruin a scenario. It had many.


    If someone made an editor that took off passwords we could use that. And the editor would be much better received and utilized then any new E3 recreation. I can pretty much guarantee.

  5. *bump*


    The editor has been uploaded to my website on the downloads page .


    I actually found two but I've only used the one. wtfed.exe is what you want. I got it with an entire BLSCNED folder and all it's contents so I'm not sure if there's any altered supporting files that are supposed to be with it. Let me know if it doesn't work for you, I can forward the whole thing.

  6. Hey, Lazarus, sorry I haven't been keeping an eye on these topics. I have a windows editor that kinda has password checking removed. You can enter past the password screen without putting in a password and 'view' the scenario but it won't save an edited version. Is this good enough for what you need, or no?

  7. Joel Whaley sent me a submission. A great group of modernly armed men. Heads up for the designers.




    Edit: And OBoE has been added to the links list.


    While digging for links I found one but I forget what it was for and I don't feel like digging again. Can someone tell me what spllbook.exs is and who by so I can label it appropriately, please?


    Don't be afraid to let me know if I don't have a link up. It helps greatly if I don't have to find it myself, and it's very appreciated.

  8. Is there a different fall colored tree? It just seems odd that all the turning trees are exactly alike when in nature you have red, orange, yellow, brown, light-green, and dark green all co-existing. Yellow and green do most deffinately go together in a fall setting.



  9. What about just an automatic terrain creation? Where you can tell it you want so many outdoor sections, and so many towns, and so many cave dungeons. Then once the terrain is built by the computer, the author builds their story around it.


    It could include people and monsters but the author has the responsibility to work them into the story or adjust the design. Kinda like how civilazation builds a world that you now have to populate.


    A pre-scenario building tool.

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