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Posts posted by Balladeer

  1. I've been working on the Vista laptop so I can have actual size icons if I want. But when editing I'd rather have just one file to open as opposed to many.


    In other news, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to make the deadline... I haven't even gotten the Christmas tree up yet and the kids have been bugging me for a week.

  2. Is there a reason Jeff and many others only put ten terrain graphics on each sheet? The documentation makes it sound like you could put all of your terrain graphics on one sheet and all of the small icons on a second sheet and be done. Coming from BoE I prefer keeping as much together as possible. Is there any reason I shouldn't?

  3. I need to come in here more often.


    Firstly, get your fingers out of my scenario's innards, eh? It sucks, but it works.


    Second, I only pushed the limits that I had seen pushed before. I just copied the technique from a different scenario. Can't say which for sure, but I remember one that had books to read. Find all the books, open up a bonus Easter egg.


    In summary, I'm glad you like the trick I stole and that somebody's actually playing my scenario. Hope it was at least semi-enjoyable. Either way don't forget to rate it at the CSR.



  4. Ok, I know I've read it before but the number itself and exactly where escape me. I've spent 30 minutes trying to find it again with no luck so I'm just going to ask.


    What is the maximum character count on a message_dialogue? ("How many characters", "plus how many characters?")

  5. Is there anything you skip though? Because it told me that line 67 was over long and I counted down 67 lines and it ended on end(); I've tried skipping blank spaces or starting at body (all with word wrap off) and I've never landed on a long message.

  6. This laptop is Windows Vista. Would that make any difference?


    All right, it might help if I actually paid attention to the errors that the game gives me... *facepalm*


    Somewhere in that (bunch of states I haven't tested yet) are a couple of errors. I took them all out and it worked fine. Thanks for being a sounding board anyway.

  7. I changed the start state to this:


    beginstate START_STATE;// Starting state of the town, called every turn until you change the state.	if (get_flag(2,29) == 250)		end();	message_dialog("It's loading.","");	set_flag(2,29,250);break;


    and tried it with a brand new party. Nothing happened.


    I've triple checked my town details script spelling. It's the same as the name of the file.



    Edit 2:or does it only go to 29... *attempts again*

  8. OK, back into attempting to put things together with scripts and running into problems. Just trying to set up some stairways for mobility so I can walk around my scenario and the states aren't being called.


    I have made my town script 't2CAndreda2.txt' and placed it in the same folder as the rest of the stuff for the scenario. I have set Town Script in Town Details for town 2 to 't2CAndreda2' then I have the following code:



    // TOWN SCRIPT// 	Town 2: Castle Andreda (lvl 2)begintownscript;variables;body;beginstate INIT_STATE;	set_name(8,"Queen Rachel");	set_name(9,"Ambassador Corella");	set_name(10,"Sir Bualington");	set_name(11,"Lady Hintaly");	set_name(12, "Samantha");break;beginstate EXIT_STATE;// Always called when the town is left.break;beginstate START_STATE;// Starting state of the town, called every turn until you change the state.break;(Bunch of other states I haven't tested yet.)beginstate 29;//east stairway to lvl1	block_entry(1);	move_to_new_town(1,49,17);break;beginstate 30;//west stairway to lvl1	block_entry(1);	move_to_new_town(1,15,17);break;beginstate 31;//north stairway to lvl3	block_entry(1);	move_to_new_town(3,32,15);break;beginstate 32;//south stairway to lvl3	block_entry(1);	move_to_new_town(3,32,49);break;


    I have set nodes 29-32 on four stairway locations in the editor but in testing the party doesn't get moved to any new town when the set squares are stepped on.


    What am I missing?

  9. Wait... I'm not sure I understand... are you saying that BoA can't do everything BoE can?/sarcasm


    Originally Posted By: Jewels
    Thank you for your concern. Consider me informed. You may stop telling me now.

    Really, I got it. While your responses have been encouraging me to actually work on my scenario, the broken record thing is getting old. Let's try something new, like, "Tell me what you did today, or I will punch you."


    Today, I wrote dialogue for an hour. The beginning and the end of the story are all written. Now to just connect the dots.

  10. Yeah, I must be blind for missing it the first time I looked.


    In other news I now have a pretty, pretty bathhouse and a good feel for how (at least terrain) graphics work. Looking at the code for a different scenario helped the most. Learn by example.


    Edit: I wasn't planning on porting Redwall at all mostly because it's not really my story. That and I suck at 3D graphics and Redwall needed a lot of custom ones.

  11. Right then, I'm trying to define my first custom terrain graphic (animated statue fountain) and was thinking it'd be handy to import the waterfall since it's what I used to make it, but I'm not really seeing a number anywhere (editor, docs, appendix, cookbook) to distinguish it from the rest. Am I supposed to just count down from the top in the editor or what?


    Edit: Me found it. smile

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