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Posts posted by Balladeer

  1. Not to say that he can't or wouldn't. I was trying to whine at Nikki for eliciting Tyran and not me. Since Exile is closer related to BoExile then BoAvernum I was sad Nikki went automatically to Tyran in light of what our sites's main focuses are. I mean, I know why Nikki went to Tyran. He's much more likable and a hottie to boot. wink I'm just pouting that Nikki's pointing it out again.

  2. In KF (my scenario) the party is supposed to start with no magic and get just a tiny bit (heal and bless) for help in the scenario but I've run into a snag. It's easy enough to take away spells from a pre-made party but is there any way to give back the first 30? In both the Affect PC: Give Spell and Dialogue: Spell Store the spells start at Poison/Cure All Poison skipping everything before. Am I missing something or am I gonna have to work it out differently?

  3. So, now that password checking has been removed from the editor, the question that comes to mind is: When is it Ok to edit a scenario and when should one be left alone?


    I don't want to step on anyones toes or stray from what they were trying to make. There are two scenarios that I have always wanted 'fixed'. Kistar's Quest and, um, forget the name but one of Frahhamn's scenarios. Their stories intrigued me despite all the bugs and I think they are worth being told without the bugs.

  4. They have been downloaded. I haven't looked through them yet. Some old stuff is already up like Alec's edited versions and some terrain...


    ...and you spelled the wrong word wrong. wink


    Edit: Looks like I have the original terrains up but not the second set. Alec did the attack poses for the second set and not the first but apart from making these zips a permanent download at my site, I don't think I'll put anything except the second terrain up. Unless someone feels like making attack poses for the original monsters but they're basically the same except for the black outline.

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