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Posts posted by Balladeer

  1. Originally Posted By: Paroxysm
    Jewels, is there any way you could trim it down to a more manageable number? This is an excellent opportunity for spring cleaning. wink

    No way, if anything I'll be expanding in the wake of being forced to do something with it. I haven't updated my home page in way too long. Unless I completely scrap the way I have the website set up and condense it like Kelandon's Archive, but I like how every scenario has it's own page... that's over 300 of them right there. Besides, trimming would require more work. All I have to do is get the pages run through a batch replace thingie and it'll be practically the same, only with a cooler name.

    I checked on the graphics database, too. It's 2.50 more per month to use their mysql. If I were catering to a larger group of people I probably wouldn't hesitate, but with the few BoE designers we have left I think browsing will have to do.

    And Huzzah!! The deed is done!


    is now the official url for TrueSite for Blades. Now... just to update that front page. *digs out dreamweaver*


    Stupid 'convenient' automatic website making program...
  2. I have... *counts* 491 pages that need to be updated. So, yeah, shortcuts wanted.


    I'm on Windows XP and looked at the sed port linked to but got a 403 error.


    Found a different download for a GNUwin but the program won't run for me. It opens up that black dos box then closes it down again... *le sigh*

  3. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan

    Still, if you need someone who knows how to use wget, let me know. People, PLEASE don't kill yourselves by manually downloading every file on a GeoCities site, unless you happen to be the owner. There are automated ways of doing this sort of thing.

    Even the owners don't want to kill themselves manually downloading every file but I think I have FTP access if I can just get the program running again. I'm more interested in an automatic link changer for my pages. There's gotta be something fancy for edits like that.
  4. /action Runs off to look at her *comprehensive list* for more sites.


    Olly's Exile Pages.




    Zeviz's A2 Guide


    A Simple BoE Page - by Skyle


    The Abyss by E-Master


    Frahhams Grove


    HYZ's BoE Page


    The Lyceum Not the forums - Al's web pages


    Paul's BoE Page


    The Realm of Bain-Ihrno


    Rosycat's BoE Pages


    Secret Ninja Lair


    Smuggler's Alliance


    Solberg's Tower which is history we may or may not want to keep.


    TrueSite for Blades and PixPro which I will be taking care of so no worries.


    Lazarus' BoA Pages


    Zeviz's Nethergate Guide


    Zeviz's Geneforge Character Editor


    The Crystal Mine



    Caligula's BoE Page


    The Asylum - by Jonah Zahndi


    The Blazing Blade



    Phew... That's a lot. I only listed sites that started with www.geocities.com so if anyone has a geocities with a different domain name I didn't pick it out.


    @ Aran: Mortrax's Lair is on tripod.com. Are they an offshoot of geocities? And this is the only site I have for Khoth. Does he have another?


  5. I wasn't planning on expanding much beyond what I have except for maybe turning PixPro into a searchable database and adding BoA graphics. They have MySQL and I already have my graphics in a MySQL database. I'm only at 3 gigs right now. I don't think I'll have a problem with being throttled for using too much. In fact I'm probably the kind of customer they love to have. I also like the idea of having it with a company other than Dreamhost just to keep the information spread around.


    And to stay on topic.


    The view off their balcony.


    Nuuan'u Pali State Park.


    A Plumeria tree with a close up of the flowers.


    And a Quipo tree in the Foster Botanical Gardens.

  6. Karen said that there were volunteers at the beach with caution tape around the turtles to make sure that no one touched them. I'm not sure about the one in the water but she said she didn't touch one when I asked her.


    Since I'm gonna have to change my webaddress anyway, what's the best hosting place I can find at around $6 a month?


    This looks good on the outside. In fact, it looks udderly fantastic. Yea, or neigh?

  7. Thank my sister and her trip to Hawaii. She has made me envious, too. wink


    Might as well add some more.




    Important Announcement


    After careful consideration, Yahoo! has decided to close GeoCities later this year.


    You can continue enjoying your GeoCities service until then, and when we close, we'll make it easy for you to transition to Yahoo! Web Hosting. You don't need to change a thing right now — we just wanted you to let you know about the closure as soon as possible. We'll share more details this summer. For now, please visit the help center for more information.




    Oh, this is going to be a nightmare...




    Some sea turtles.


    And Rainbow Falls.

  8. Yeah, it was my intent to use this for nature photos.


    Also, please please please please please let's not hear any more of this "Global warming/climate change isn't real 'cause it snowed here today" stuff.


    I only use these buzzwords to make fun of the buzzwords. Last year it was already said that 'Global warming' didn't really mean the whole globe was getting warmer. I expect the climate to change with or without greenhouse gasses which are probably speeding up the process. But change is inevitable, we might be able to slow change but we'll still need to adapt eventually.

  9. Oh, wait. Nope, I don't. Cuz guess what... IT'S STILL SNOWING!


    Like, for real, mother nature has a cold cold heart and it ain't never gonna warm up.


    In other news, one of my photo posts was eaten by the UBB so I will attempt to reconstruct it here.


    Greetings from Chicago! If I had a working camera you'd be getting pictures of skyscrapers. As it is you'll just have to make do with palm trees in Hawaii.


    Caribbean Royal Palm.


    The branch of a Talipot Palm.


    Again, I admire my sister's way of getting a good perspective shot.

  10. Originally Posted By: Miramor
    A better one (Undoomvahgaz Armor) Used to be available, but only by email request and its creator disappeared.

    Did he really disappear? If he's not answering e-mails anymore I can upload my copy. (Actually I think I already have it uploaded just not linked.)
  11. Originally Posted By: Ephesos
    Originally Posted By: Thralni
    ...if I were you, I'd rely more on the author's site than Tyran's.

    Fixed for truth.

    Seconded. I try to keep up with the updates but obviously miss some. Which is why I have a link to author sites just below my own downloads.
  12. To be fair, as the creator of Redwall, I only used that extra town on the scroll room because I didn't plan well. I, personally, find it a clunky solution and wouldn't make a town like that on purpose again if it could be avoided. Planning is the key to making sure you have enough nodes.


    If a quick fix is what you need, it'll work, but it's not ideal.

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